View Full Version : check in thread for monday 28th september

28-09-15, 09:13
hi all... how's everyone?

today for me is deffenetly email catch up day. i've 3 days worth of emails that really need reading and deleting (and i hate being out of date with them!). because then they just pile up and up and up.. i've had a ffew times where i've left it for so long i get like 1000 emails, and that's not going to happen today- because i'm going to go through them.

still reading my new book " the new rector". not really impressed with it so far, but as i've found before, books can get better by the middle to end- and then you're left wanting more of the story!

today it's double emmerdale!. deffenetly something to shout about, and then in the afternoon (depending on my email situation) i may watch zoo. i missed last week's so i've 2 episodes to catch up with

not sure what's for dinner yet, will find something i'm sure

have a good day x

28-09-15, 12:03
Morning, Emily. I know what you mean about not keeping up with emails. The frustrating thing is 75% of mine (or more sometimes) are junk mail.

Back to work this morning after a really nice weekend. Yesterday my beef stew was great and perfect for the chilly weather. I am not a good cook, so was excited it turned out well. I also made an apple pie, as we got fresh apples from the local orchard. I may not be a good cook, but I do love baking and am better at that. Not sure why.

I have a busy week at work this week. I am getting lots of new clients and that means lots of paperwork. Then I am going to dinner with my former supervisor.

We decorated outside for fall yesterday, that was fun! I am excited that we have a front porch to decorate.

Hope you have a great day!

29-09-15, 01:27
Why not just do a check in thread based on the day of the week and not the actual date? This way, every Monday, people could add on to the thread and possibly, even see progress as you all work toward healing. Same thing for the other days of the week...

Just have your Monday check in and your TGIF check in etc.

Just a thought...

A Positive thought :)

29-09-15, 01:44
Not a bad idea, also would keep it more organized and easier to follow up with people on an ongoing basis. What do you think, Emily?