View Full Version : How do I improve things?

Polar Bear
28-09-15, 09:47
Under stress at the moment trying to sell our house. One sale already fallen through so things are dragging on.

Suffered from anxiety for many years and really struggling at the moment. Just can't deal with things. Always have these niggling feelings of unease. I can't relax and it wears me out. The slightest thing can set me off. Just life's everyday things.

How does everyone combat these feelings? How do you relax?

I was getting better a while back but have slipped back and getting nowhere again. Can't think straight at the moment to begin to recover.

One example is the parking outside our house. We have a drive and I'm constantly worried about drivers blocking the drive so I can't get out (even if I'm not going anywhere!). Now and again it can get tricky if someone parks close but my reaction is out of all proportion to the problem! If I hear a car door go outside I'm up checking and that happens a lot. I'm worn out!!!!

Any advice / tips appreciated please.

28-09-15, 22:35

Just wanted to reply as no one has yet .

I swear by distraction and exercise to beat these feelings .

Stressful selling a house for sure for many but i have Health Anxiety and worry about nothing apart from health issues :blush:

My house could fall down and i would not worry , we all have our own type of anxiety .

Keep busy , distract and try and ignore the feelings , a walk or a bike ride etc...

What i found is you feel no better at the time but eventually your mind focuses on other thoughts so go for it :)

Polar Bear
29-09-15, 09:01
Thanks Greenman

Yes I really must practice distraction. I'm trying to get a bit more exercise and also trying to lose some weight. Been comfort eating and put on a few pounds which doesn't help as physically I don't feel great a lot of the time.

Thanks for your thoughts. Hope you're ok?