View Full Version : do i need to see a doctor again about lump

28-09-15, 12:07
Iv had a lump on my rib top of abdomen nearly three years now. Had four ultrasounds all clear so has been diagnosed as lobulated fat. I really truly want to believe the ultrasound but iv read so much about them not being very accurate and missing things im in a panic. It hasnt really grown although im sure its changed or i can feel another small lump next to it. Iv no other symptoms other than severe mid back pain hurts to breath iv been told this is muscular altho i fear its cancer spreading iv been told its not. I keep makin apts at drs then cancelling cuz no matter what they say dr says im wrong. I just want to live my life. My mum said i dont need to go bk drs cuz im fine. Any words to reassure me pls

28-09-15, 12:31
With all due respect, you've posted about this many times the last six months. I would go back and re-read your previous threads.

Positive thoughts

28-09-15, 13:19
The thing im concerned about is how acurate ultrasound is. Iv asked dr for ct scan but wont. I know it costs money on the nhs. I am so fed up being scared of a lump that iv had for ages . I know there are loads of people out there with benign lumps so y cant i accept its nothing.

01-10-15, 15:28
I know it's hard to accept but if the lumps been there that long I doubt it being anything sinister

02-10-15, 08:22
Unfortunately that can be the nature of health anxiety that we do not believe that we are ok or think that maybe they missed something. I know it is really hard but if you have had an ultrasound and it has been there for years and it has been cleared then can you start to tell yourself that? I find that if I acknowledge the thought, accept that it scares the life out of me and that I am fine and it will pass it does eventually go away. It will come back and I do the same thing..... I am by no means cured, not in a long shot but I am trying my hardest to fight these thoughts. Its exhausting :weep: