View Full Version : Goal Thread!!!!

12-02-07, 15:37
Hello all,
As many of u know i am a lot better than i was, I still have my hairy moments but the anxiety passes alot quicker nowadays!! So i help afew people on this forum.... well i like to think i do (lol).... by helping them make mini goals for themselves!!! So i thought I would put up a post for everyone to write their mini goals on.. or big goals!!! A goal can be goin to the shop or walkin 2 doors away, wot matters is u make a goal for uself it doesnt matter how big- there are no small goals when u have this illness... I think this is an important part of recovery!! Well ive yacked on enough I think.... so wot ya think guys??? Any goals??
btw... if anyone doesnt want to post their goal on forum pm me....

12-02-07, 15:40
Whats your goal Ammeg?

Mine is to drive to "THE BIG TOWN":D


12-02-07, 16:18
my goal is to go on holiday without spending my time wandering around the dparture lounge unable to breath, terrible anxietyetc...my poor family

12-02-07, 16:24
My goal is to learn not to fear the worst all the time.

12-02-07, 16:35
What a great idea Ammeg!

Mine is to look forward to things instead of dreading them[^]

Love Pinky

Yesterdays history, Tommorows a mystery, today is a gift, thats why its called the present.

Granny Primark
12-02-07, 17:12
Thanks gem for this post. Its come at just the right time for me.
Today me and my hubby have decided to get rid of the pressies we bought for our beloved grandaughter that we are not allowed to see. They were returned to us last year after a family dispute.
Seeing the cards we bought her when she was born, the silver bracelet with her name on and the rocking horse with her name on has had me in tears for most of the day. We are keeping them so in years to come shel know how much we loved her.
The rest of the stuff is going. I feel that is a massive achievement for both me and my hubby.
Perhaps once they are gone we will be able to move on.

Take care

12-02-07, 18:10
Mine is to be open and honest about my anxiety and panic attacks and to try and be patient with myself!!

Oh and to cut back abit on the old pringles!!

Piglet :D:D:D

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

12-02-07, 18:33
Hi all - didn't even know I needed goals before Shay pointed it out to me. Was just plodding along.

Got a few goals now, like taking my daughter out on Sundays again, getting off the booze and to stop thinking the worst. I think I need a few smaller ones though inbetween so I can at least tick something off as weeks go by. Will have another think tonight and see what I come up with.

Mooks - Holiday is a big one for me as well. Tell you what, I'll do your departure lounge if you do my flight :)


12-02-07, 22:55
Great post!

Try not to worry over things I can't control, not focus on my weight as much and get to physical therapy 3 times a week.


"Our thoughts are our reality"

13-02-07, 06:07
great thread gemma x

Atm mine is to restart my cbt n get some kind of life back....as my son will b leavin home very soon n living in an autistic college...will b so hard but will also give me some time to focus on me for a change..x

Take care,
Lin xxx
"Fear is dat lil darkroom, wer negatives r developed", so positive thoughts okies!!!!!

13-02-07, 11:41
Good on ya all... plenty of fab soundin goals there!!! Now ya challenge is to think how ya gonno tackle them step by step so to speak!! Coz unfortunalty we cant just click our fingers so we got to work for it!!
For example- normalwisdom..... how far away can ya drive? How r u gonno go about makin uself go all the way to town?
I think by doin things slowly u can tackle everything... step by step... dont look at the big picture coz it always looks harder when u expect too much at once, just think about wot u got to do first and try and focus on one mini goal at a time!! Easier said than done obviously!! Oh well Dont even know if I am makin sense now!! lol
Btw my goal for this yr is to get myself a part/time job!!!
Keep them goals coming people!!
Love Gemxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

13-02-07, 11:53
Good thread gems
My goal is to go see Gem, go abroad with kids and to pass my driving test.


13-02-07, 12:10

Take care,
Lin xxx
"Fear is dat lil darkroom, wer negatives r developed", so positive thoughts okies!!!!!

13-02-07, 13:24
Hey C'mon Nuts thats not fair...you won't give me your address!!!!! Anyway the "big town" in question is far far away from you...I don't even want to think about Wellie LOL.

Ammeg I am going to practice my driving around here first then JFDI (I love that saying:D) trouble is if I am expected to do it I can't I have to do it in my own time or I think too much about it!:D


13-02-07, 13:25
Great thread Gem! x

I have too many goals lol. But I suppose the most important ones are to think more positively and believe that things can get better. I also want to start college again - aiming for September this year. I want to see my friends again. I want to stop thinking the worst all the time. My ultimate goal is to get better, and then I can move on with my life and start a family.

Oh dear I think those are a bit too big lol - I keep forgetting about the small steps in between.

Lou xxx

14-02-07, 11:54
Mine is to drive on the "scary" roads - but NOT the motorway (i'm not that brave...yet!?!?)

Good luck to everyone with your goals :D


14-02-07, 14:59
I'm aiming to get through the winter of 2007/08 without Citalopram, or at least a reduced dosage, to maintain my weight (the med's have got me down to a pre 30 year old 13 stone!) and not to succumb to the wife's pe*is reduction suggestion![:I]

Happiness and light to all,

Let us pray to Him who holds Life’s issues in his hands—
Him who formed the mighty globe, with all its thousand lands;
Girding them with seas and moutains, rivers deep, and strands,
To case a look of pity upon Kathleen-Ni-Houlahan!

James Clarence Mangan 1803 - 1849

Granny Primark
14-02-07, 23:40
Thanks gem
My goal is to visit our friends in scotland.
I hope to do this in october this year.

15-02-07, 12:41
Its so fab to see you guys making goals... but i cant believe only like 16 people on this site make themselves goals!!! So come on the rest of ya share ya goals... who knows some of ya mite share the same goals and can support each other in succeedin!!! Im goal obsessed atm!! lol

15-02-07, 13:21
My driving is going well...still haven't been to the "big town" yet but will get there. I took my son out yesterday it was so nice to be able to go somewhere with him he had a great time. Only problem I have at the moment is that my bloomin neighbour has just built a brick wall along the drive....will it last!!!! I'll keep you posted:D:(


15-02-07, 19:12
My goal is to go back to the shopping centre and try to get a bit further into it, maybe try a different entrance, just to do a bit more than I did last time.

My ultimate goal is to go on holiday, once on the plane am ok but its the crowded airport I struggle with.

I can picture meself on the beach, by the pool the warm sun, cold beer, just cant picture meself gettin thru the damn airport, wish I was loaded and had a private plane, anybody know someone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

15-02-07, 20:46
My goal......? oh lord, this is tough! Great idea, but tough!

My goal is to take my little un to soft play, just me and her. I will do this by.......(It has to be before she is too big for it[:I]) the end of March 2008.


PS and to beat piglet at the quiz!!!!! (But I believe this just CANNOT be done......)

"Just for today I will not worry. Just for today I will not anger" Dr Usui, founder of Reiki

15-02-07, 20:51
Ok Nigel....good idea[:I] by the 15th March.....2009:Dno I will do it by the 15th March this year!!! Drive to the "Big Town" btw.


15-02-07, 21:59
hi gem really strange you have put this topic as i have been on anxiety course today and been sent home to think of a goal and how im going to achieve it,they have give us a ladder type drawing were you try and achieve the first step of the ladder over and over until your comfortable then move to the next,it all seemed to make sense but we will see.My goal is to try to go out to work more and get in to the routine and be motovated to do it.I work for hubby selling to companies so going for a day a week and see how it goes, will let you know how i go.tc tracy

16-02-07, 08:01
re taking the little un to soft play, I meant 2007, not 2008!


"Just for today I will not worry. Just for today I will not anger" Dr Usui, founder of Reiki