View Full Version : Skin Cancer toddler

28-09-15, 17:05
My 3 year old son has what appeared to be a bug bite on the side of his neck. I had noticed the same spot months ago but it alarmed me that it was still there and had not gone away. The spot itself is smallish flesh colored and raised almost like a welt you receive when a mosquito bites you. It not hard and it has no fluid or any drainage. The mark is now a pinkish color as I have been feeling it all day. I am very worried about the possibility of skin cancer.

28-09-15, 17:12
Very unlikely to be skin cancer at that age. It could be an insect bite and they can take a long time to go. You are not helping it to heal though by feeling it all the time and will make it sore. If you are concerned ask the nurse at the doctors to look at it but it doesn't look like something that would concern me.