View Full Version : Terrified over mole :-(

28-09-15, 18:02
Hello again, today's thing is that a mole that I've had ever since I can remember has changed. Normally when I post on here I do have a voice in the back of my head talking some sense and telling me that really, I'm just being stupid, but this time I'm extremely worried and I'm currently writing this whilst sobbing and panicking because I really do think this isn't right at all. The mole is where my leg meets the rest of my body, I'm trying to think of other ways to say it but it's basically around my vagina, like right in the hollow where my thigh and... vagina meet, if that makes any sense. Basically, of all the places that I wouldn't want a doctor to have to check out, it's there. It used to be a very slightly raised, brown circle. Since the mole is right where my underwear line is normally, I've always figured that it's sometimes kind of itchy there because of the way it rubs, and I think it is because of this because it's on both sides, not just where the mole is. But I also figured that when the mole is slightly red or irritated, it's because of my underwear (I feel like this is kind of TMI... sorry hahaha). But anyway, this morning I woke up and it was actually hurting. Like, when I touched it to check it, it kind of stung. It wasn't so much brown, but more a pinky-red, I think. I left it until I got home from school, and I've just checked it and it's now, like, GREY where it's raised and red around the outside. Still a circle shape. I don't know what to do. I think it's like this because of irritation because the area below it is also kind of red and sore but the mole itself seems to look sort of 'wet', like it could be bleeding but when I dabbed it no blood or anything came off. I googled it because I thought maybe it was actually justified this time and I found that any change in colour or shape should be checked out urgently, and I'm panicking over it because I'm so terrified. I'm only 15, could it be melanoma/skin cancer? I asked my mum and she said to see how it is in the morning and then if it's changed at all or not gotten any better, she'd take me to the doctor but I REALLY do not want to go and see a doctor about this. Honestly, of all the places I could have a mole, it would have to be... there, right? I'm not only completely petrified of being told the worst, but I'm also embarrassed.
I've been constantly feeling faint and tired and dizzy, too lately. What if I'm dying? I'm so scared it's cancer or something and I just need somebody to tell me that I'm being ridiculous and that it isn't or at least that it doesn't SOUND like cancer. Does it sound like something they'd have to remove? I mean, it does kind of get in the way where it is with how I've mentioned- what's the process for removing them? Because it doesn't sound like something I'd cope very well with. I've stopped panicking a little bit now after writing this but I keep thinking the worst...

28-09-15, 18:25
I honestly think you have nothing to worry about. Firstly you said yourself that area can get irritated/itchy on both sides due to your underwear rubbing on it. It pretty much sounds like it's just gotten irritated and will probably heal back to normal in a few days. Secondly that area I'm guessing isn't a place that has gotten much sun in your life lol, which means the chances of it being anything else are next to nothing.

If you were to have it removed, it's a really simple procedure. I've had a couple removed before and it's nothing to be afraid of at all. You're in and out in a few minutes and the doctor might suggest you get it removed just so it doesn't keep getting irritated and bother you in the future because of where it is. But actually most likely they won't even suggest that.

I'm almost 100% certain it's just become irritated but you can go to the doctor and request a female doctor anyway and it will put your mind at rest :)

28-09-15, 18:33
Hi hun, I had a mole in exactly the same place, I kept catching it with a razor and it used to rub on my knickers. For pure cosmetic reasons, I had it removed. This was a virtually painless procedure, they took the mole to skin level so it wasn't sticking out. They tested it as part of procedure and it was fine.
It wasn't awful at all, I never had to remove my knickers at docs or for the removal. X