View Full Version : St Johns Wort

28-09-15, 20:25
Hi guys - I don't have huge issues with my anxiety these days & on the rare occasion I do have a bad day, I carry on as normal & the moment passes. I have never been on meds or had therapy for my anxiety issues. I have my own ways of coping & so far it's got me through.

However, over the past few weeks since the mornings & nights have been drawing in, my mood has been quite low. I feel more tired & lazier than usual & a bit grumpier!!! Nothing major has happened in my life to bring this mood change on & I can only assume it's the winter blues.

Somebody recommended St Johns Wort as a herbal remedy which I am looking in to. I'm just after some advice from others who may have taken it. Did it work for you? Is there something else you can recommend.

Thank you guys!!! xx

28-09-15, 20:48
Yeah St Johns Wort works for some people. It didn't really do anything much for me. 5HTP worked a little bit for mild anxiety but it does give you some crazy dreams!

29-09-15, 15:49
I do believe St Johns are good by some people I know.
It is not recommended that you take them with prescription drugs though.
Did not work for me. I have not heard of 5HTP.