View Full Version : another tumour anxiety - please help

29-09-15, 04:02

I have been a long time anxiety sufferer although its been pretty good over the last 12 months with only small things occuring that set it off,

I have been diagnosed anxiety, depression and OCD

Recently there have been an number of external factors that has introduced stress and on the other side much happiness into my life new GF etc, this has all been in the last 2-4 weeks

from this, my anxiety has just went mental, causing me to worry about everything that happens, not just health related, these things are like "omg did i just speed past that speed camera" or "did i just run over something" "is what i said to my GF going to make her hate me" and so on.

In the last week or so i have experienced the following symptoms

Weakness in the left side of the body
Soreness in arm, leg and left foot
tingling in left shin and foot
Inability to get words out
Sore left eye
Soreness in the back of the neck
soreness in the top back area.
muscle pain in various parts of the body.
lump in back of throat, feels clogged, like a golf ball in my throat

I have noticed other small things, like when typing for example, i have been making a number of mistakes.

I have been to the DR who performed basic neuro tests and said things seem fine

Im shocking for googling health issues, so i looked up my symptoms and everything points to tumours!!!!

please help