View Full Version : throat sensation wont go away

29-09-15, 07:52

A few weeks ago I posted how I had a sensation of something in my throat (on the right side) which would get better while eating but soon afterwards would come back.

I've been having this for a while now and I'm not sure whether it's post-nasal drip or allergies but it sometimes is accompanied with a sore throat which comes and goes?

I went to the doctor 2 weeks ago because I was poking and prodding the right side and he said it was bruised but found nothing really wrong.

Kind of freaking out about how it could be oral/throat cancer ( :( )

29-09-15, 20:29
Hey Yoda,

I get the same symptom myself. It's only on the right hand side. Feels like something is blocking it. Sometimes I can clear my throat through coughing, and sometimes it's not there at all. A lump wouldn't just come and go, so I put it down to post nasal drip. It's been worse the last few months, but thinking back I've always had bouts of it.

Try decongestants like Mucinex, or use a saline spray to irrigate your sinuses. It MIGHT help, no guarantees but it's worth a shot.

If it continues to bother you, maybe go back to your doctor and see if you can get referred to an Ear Nose and Throat specialist to give it a proper look.

Most importantly, try to not worry about it. I'm here to tell you I have the same thing!

29-09-15, 21:31
I have exactly the same, also on right, mine comes and goes too, but can last a while when it's there. I'm under ent for ears so will ask at next appointment. Didn't ask last time as it wasn't there.

29-09-15, 21:59
I haven't been to an ENT about mine so let me know what yours say's! I can just be 99% sure it's mucus. How pleasant!

30-09-15, 09:44
Thanks for the reply guys,

Been actaully so scared because I'm only 21 - dont want this to be something like throat cancer D:

I've been having this for about a month now but it's spring over where I am atm so maybe it could be allergies?

30-09-15, 17:02
At 21 the chances of it being anything serious are incredibly low. Definitely could be allergies, that can cause mucus to drip down your throat and leave you with that sensation. Can also be stomach acid working its way back up.

It can also just be anxiety causing muscle tension in your throat.

Go get it looked at, and listen to what your doctor say's. Trust them and don't walk out of there thinking they're wrong and go back to Googling.

01-10-15, 09:53
i had this for about 3 weeks like something was stuck in my throat i automatically thought throat cancer and it was all i focused on, until i had another worry the sensation in my throat was gone!

03-10-15, 02:08
Thanks guys,

I noticed hat this sensation was on my right side and I was just moving my tongue around and noticed a few small lumps. I tried looking at it with a flashlight but I can barely even notice it....

Behind towards the back of the throat but along the side is a vertical line - it's only on one side though ... could this be normal?? I went to my GP 2 weeks ago when I noticed it for the first time and he didn't say anything about it.

Starting to crap myself that its HPV which is progressing to cancer :S