View Full Version : Anxious about health and death

29-09-15, 10:59
Morning all, first post here but here goes.

I'm in my late 30s and have been fit and healthy for the past 15 years or so. A few months ago I had what turned out to be a big panic attack in the night, I'd had a couple of these before but on a much smaller scale. I called an ambulance and had all sorts of tests done but the results were fine, nothing wrong with me.

Fast forward a few months and I'd start getting really anxious all of a sudden. It's got to the stage over the past month where I'm having anxiety issues every day, including two or three huge panic attacks where I was convinced I was going to die. It's now a case where I'm getting anxious about the thought of getting anxious if that makes sense. I have absolutely no idea where this has come from, I exercise a hell of a lot, have never had social issues or anything like that, but now this is taking over my life.

I've had all sorts of heart and blood tests and am absolutely fine, yet I'm convincing myself that there's something wrong with me and that I'm going to die. I have two young kids and can't stop worrying about how they'll cope if I go. I lost my dad when I was my daughter's age (6) and thought this may have all of a sudden triggered something off in me, so have been having therapy but that's not unearthed anything at all that may pinpoint these issues to that. There's no trigger for these attacks other than my mind playing havoc. I've stopped drinking (used to enjoy a few beers of an evening) and have cleaned up my diet but this anxiety just won't go away.

I'm at a loss as to what to do. The doc gave me Citalopram which made me even worse and caused a couple of very nasty panic attacks, so I came off that. I've got a small dose (2mg) of Diazepam which I've only taken three or four times when I feel it's absolutely necessary, and as mentioned I've tried therapy. I'm now starting to suffer a lot when out and about with the kids on my own as I'm constantly worrying what they'll do if I keel over with a heart attack. I get a lot of chest discomfort now as well, but my heart rate remains constant. I know there's nothing wrong with me, I just can't stop worrying though.

So what now? I'm going to try acupuncture, never done it before but anything that may help has to be worth a try. Is there any other medication that doesn't give bad side effects but isn't habit forming like the Diazepam can be? Any other methods that will stop my constant negative thoughts about my health and death? It's hard to take as it's come out of absolutely nowhere, I'm not depressed and although I'm quite an uptight person, there's nothing causing me any more stress than usual. It is starting to really get me down sometimes though.

29-09-15, 11:05
What type of therapy have you tried? I've heard a lot of people on here say Claire weekes books are helpful, I'm waiting for my first to arrive.
Are you still doing therapy?

29-09-15, 11:14
He, it's a local therapist that I'm using, she does CBT and some other methods. It's mainly now trying to get practical in terms of breathing and what to do in the event of anxiety, but even that isn't doing much for me as I can't concentrate on what I'm supposed to be doing when it happens as the negative thoughts are too overwhelming.

29-09-15, 11:26
Really empathise with you, I'm in the north east and we have a self referral system for cbt which has benefitted me, but I'm currently having a relapse. Awaiting further therapy and a referral for psychology. I've never taken medication, I'm too scared of the side effects.
Persevere with the therapy, the first time I was in therapy for 6 months, and it made a huge difference to me.

29-09-15, 12:41
I think your father dying when you were the age your daughter is now is probably key to your anxiety - whether or not on a sub-conscious level, I would be willing to bet it's the driving force behind your anxiety.

As far as the meds, I never found diazepam (which we call Valium in the US) all that addicting. I took it when I needed it, and never took it when I didn't. I think that drug, taken as directed, is a lifesaver for people who suffer panic attacks and don't really understand the reluctance to take it. If you were a diabetic, you wouldn't not take your insulin would you? The doctor gave it to you to prevent panic attacks. If you feel one coming on, take the meds. I can almost guarantee they will at least help, if not full on prevent having an attack. I'm not sure how it is in the UK but here in the US the doctor is not going to give you enough pills to get addicted. You'd have to be taking them all day every day to really have a problem with addiction - a pill a day or even a couple of pills a day over the course of a few weeks is not going to create an addiction, I don't think. I'd talk to your doctor about it, he/she wrote the prescription because he/she thought it would help. Meantime, I think talking with a therapist about your fears about dying would help, but it's not something you talk about once and ind peace with -- it's a cumulative process. The meds and the therapy should be used together.

29-09-15, 16:18
death is a fear that i think all of us (or most of us) have experienced

it's an unpleasant fear, because like you say you do start to think about what you're gonna leave behind, what you won't be able to do anymore, etc etc.

sudden death is a big fear for me (but not death itself)

i hope you continue to reach out on this forum for support because we are listening and can apreciate your concerns.

sorry if this has not been much help, part of my reason for replying was to let you know i'm in the same boat with those sorts of concerns (death)
