View Full Version : Ovarian Cancer worry

29-09-15, 11:15
Last week i had a bout of cystitis (which i've had since i was 14) i last had it in July, had two lots of antibiotics.
Since Saturday whilst the burning has subsided, the frequency is still high (and i am passing when i go which with cystitis isn't usually the case) but i have this pressure on my pelvis. I cant seem to shake it off and its not something i have had before. I am prone to UTI's like i say but it feels different. I am eating and drinking, ive been on 500mg of Amoxicillin. I've ate and sometimes straight after i've had nausea (not every time though) which is unsettling.
I have bloating but i cant work out if its bloating in my stomach or pressure in my pelvis or both?, i've been taking photos, i don't 'look' bloated and its not hard to touch. I have noticed lower back pain which is intermittently, its not really bad but like a dull ache.
Its literally just came on Wednesday so of course i'm freaking out. I suffer from IBS and i have been a bit up and down with that lately. Its just this pressure/bloating sensation i cant really comprehend. I am panicking the worst. I cant get into my GP for 2 weeks. My last bloods were done mid May time and were all OK. Had an Ultrasound In Feb time which was OK but declined a internal one. Though i had one in September last year which was normal.
I am dreading the worst as we do, i cant focus and i keep getting emotional because of this....i've been doing really well.....

29-09-15, 13:31
Hi, I am just wondering how old you are now? All these symptoms that you have mentioned sound hormonal to me. I have them too & I am 40! Like you say you are prone to UTI'S so this is the most probable cause to explain the burning that you have been experiencing. Also did you know that antibiotics can uspet the balance in your body & can often be the cause of UTI'S?

The bloating is either hormonal & related to your menstrual cycle or down to your IBS (I have this too by the way!) Probably a combination of both.

When suffering from anxiety it is often the reason why we think of the worst possible scenarios when in fact the most common explanations are the most likely.

I really don't think you have anything to worry about but am in no way medically qualified & would suggest discussing your concerns with your GP.

They really do know what signs to look for, much more than what we patients ever will!

I hope this is helped somewhat :)

29-09-15, 14:25
Thank you for replying.
Im 26, almost 27.
I have spoken to the doctor just a minute ago who is putting me on more antibiotics, he didnt sound concerned despite me saying ive not had this and im worried, i think because i've had UTIs etc before but none like this i'm concerned. I am having symptoms from my IBS, i suffer mainly from IBS (C) and i have the feeling im not emptying fully (sorry TMI) i also go days at a time with nothing.
I had 3 days of trimpetrprim and when i insited on something else he gave me amoxicillin. Which have taken the burning away but not alot else.
Im on micrgynon also.

I also didnt know antibiotics can do that x

30-09-15, 21:28
Hi, this sounds like i could of written this!.. a few weeks back i had the exact same symptoms for months... at first they said uti n then kidney infec so more antibiotics neither helped!.. i have ibs c aswell the doc felt my tum and said i was impacted and gave me a suppository for it, still feel constipated though! .. i worked myself up into such a state... but now i've calmed down and the pressure/heaviness/bloated feeling has gone now, but the dull back ache remains!.. also i have some pains in my thighs. I have my internal scan fri n bloods have come back fine also getting the coil fitted soon!.. hope u feel better soon :)

01-10-15, 11:53
hiya Farley

its crazy isn't it? I've been so downbeat with it, focusing on the worst, as we do!
The bloating seems to not be there but i still feel the pressure in my lower pelvis, i woke up early hours of wednesday morning feeling nothing so that told me that if it was something sinister it wouldnt just 'come and go'? weirdly Tuesday night after being clear for 3 days, i had a little cystitis flare up, so im kinda tryig to rationlise that it is all connected to UTI.
yes my low back pain and thighs are more painful of late, something that hadnt been causing me too much trouble at the start. Ive had a course of trimethorpin, 500mg Amox, and now Co-Amoxiclav.
Its reassuing (despite you suffering) that im not alone. I was freaked out as i had never with my UTIs had this. How are you feeling now? xxxx