View Full Version : Too much

29-09-15, 12:09
I don't think I can cope with daily life on top of my anxiety/depression. I feel like I'm constantly on the verge of melt down and jittering from so many different stressors in life I can't even begin to think about individual problems - My brain's just one big blur of panic! I am so hard on myself its ridiculous, criticising myself for doing anything less than perfect!

How do I calm my head and my body of such negativity ?!!

29-09-15, 12:13
I completely understand how you feel, I am in the middle of a never ending circle of anxiety and guilt that everything isn't good enough. I am a perfectionist by nature but it is getting to to stage that it is taking over my life.

If plans go awry it is the end if the world! I can't just make a snap decision and when I do, I regret it instantly with all the what-ifs. This combined with my HA and constant checking is making my life hell.

I am currently taking sertraline (day 14) so hoping that things will improve soon.

Are you currently taking any medication or undertaking any other form of therapy?

29-09-15, 13:04
Thank you for your response.

Yes I am current varying between 150/200 of sertraline a day and have been on it for a few years now..

I just beat myself about everything, I feel sick and weak with wrought anxiety!

I am so scared of hurting people or doing anything to them to put a negative on me..

Its absolutely exhausting and it makes every day a chore!

29-09-15, 13:48
Have you got somewhere to go or something to do to escape from those thoughts ?

All that thinking creates the crappy mood so if you can find some/any time where youre mind is just on something else more enjoyable, peaceful then thats time youre giving your mood to change.

Open a diary on your device and write your thoughts down. Work through them to a positive conclusion that leaves you at least with a better perspective with a bit of hope and optimism.

Get some hiking boots and go off hiking for a couple of hours whilst listening to something off the anxiety/stress topic.

Good times with your mates.
A new hobby.
Lose yourself in something.
In the past i even found studying saved me from anxious thinking. I could feel it keeping the anxious thoughts at the periphery of my thinking as opposed to center stage every minute.

Make it a habit. I started getting addicted to hiking and ended up trying to squeeze them in all through the week.

Chip away at it. Start incorporating small changes that bring you relief. see if you can make those small periods of respite into larger more dominating parts of your week.

30-09-15, 10:15
No, I feel like I have no outlet. I have no way of releasing all this tension as I don't see the point in releasing on people - all it does is make me worried what people think and no one understands either so just makes me feel more isolated no matter how sympathetic they are. I don't have time to do any form of activity in the week as my job takes up all day and early evening and shatters me, sends me all wobbly. I just feel like I'm just fighting constantly against each day and negativity everywhere. I have nothing to look forward to as anything that would excite me is fought by my anxiety.

30-09-15, 10:46
You can practice mindfulness, it will help you see the space and freedom in the moment and with continued practice it will most likely give you a break from anxiety and negative thought loops. It helps many people. Do try to find an activity on the weekends too. Take care

30-09-15, 14:53
Are you on any medication ?

01-10-15, 13:55
I am on 150mg/200mg of sertraline a day. Thinking of stopping and taking up another medication as I feel like my body has become too used to it? But obviously its not something I can tell as I won't risk coming off medication all together to see if there's a difference..

I do keep busy at the weekend with my friends and family, etc but anxiety has its ways of ruining even the happiest of situations.

I destroy myself every evening coming home from work thinking of everything I've done that day that I don't like about myself or how I may of come across to someone etc and it is soul destroying!

02-10-15, 10:58
I found writing a mind bubble/ mind map to try and see with my own eyes everything i was thinking.

Then once i had wrote it down i took each one at a time and try and work through it. Some took 10 minutes some took days but this helps me.

Hope this helps