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29-09-15, 13:58
I've had severe neck and shoulder pain now for 2 weeks went to doctors just said oh it must be a strain . Now it's shooting down my arm into my hand and got pain in armpit surely it cannot be just a strain , I've bought muscle rubs taken tramadol , codeine , co codamol and even diazepam to see if it would relax muscles nothing helps it's really doing my head in .

30-09-15, 08:17
Ouch, I feel your pain. I was in a car accident years ago and had undiagnosed whip lash. Now every few years out of the blue I will get neck/shoulder pain, relentless pain, that refers down my arms and may even cause pins and needles in my hand. Are you sleeping with the pain or is it keeping you awake? The last time I had it I went to physio and that really helped. Your is sounding like a pinched nerve??