View Full Version : New Panic Attack Sufferer

12-02-07, 17:44
Hi there,

I just been reading some of your stories and cant belive that this is in a way so common I did think I was one of only a few. Phew I'm not!

My first panic attack was in November last year and I did think I was having a heart attack so much so that I called an ambulance and then was so embarrased when the medics told me I was only having a panic attack and needed to calm myself down. I remember thinking to my self calm down, my chest is tightening, my heart is racing and I cant breath Im having a heart attack how can I calm down. However the medic was really nice and after an hour managed to calm me down. I though it was over that night. Boy was I in for a shock. 3 months later while I was dressing my little girl for bed out of the blue i suddenly felt this unbelievable panic, I started to tremble and then became uncontrollable - I remembered what the medic had said to me and managed to calm myself.

They seem to be spiralling now though, I'm suffering up to 4 or 5 a day now and am on betablockers, diazepam and an anti depressant - yes I went straight to see my GP!

I also believe that these have alot do to with underling issues which I havent dealt with and now am seeking councelling, my question however is Ive been told to write things down a journal so to speak, however my biggest fear with a journal is what if some one reads it and thinks I'm just a paranoid freak? I know that this thought is irrational so have decided to put it away and just go ahead and start a journal, but how do I begin to write my thoughts and fears?

Can anyone help me with this, I do think that this will help me but I'm so affraid to start as I really dont know where to start!


eddie d
12-02-07, 18:04
hi feebs
dont know the andwer to your question .but im sure some on here can help .try reading through the other posts

12-02-07, 18:06
Hi Feebs,

A big warm welcome to you.

"When There Was Only One It Was Then That I Carried You."

12-02-07, 18:15
Hi Feebs!

I understand what you mean when you say you dont know where to start. I often have that problem. Sometimes though it helps just to write anything that is your mind. Writing things down often allows us to get things off our chest which in turn can help us to relax and put things into perspective. I often bottle things up becuase i fear that through getting things off my chest people will think im crazy or stupid. However, i often find that after getting it all off my chest i feel alot better!
Perhaps if you try brainstorming words rather than writing paragraphs?

sarah x

12-02-07, 18:31
Hi Feebs

And a BIG warm welcome to you, lovely to see you here, im sure you will get some great advice while making new friends on the way.

Take a look at the First Steps (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/default.asp?t=cms&c=firststeps) andHow to Cope (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/default.asp?t=cms&c=coping) links you may find them helpfull.



"If you have a worry turn it into a problem, you cant solve worrys but you can solve problems"

12-02-07, 18:55
Hi Feebs

Welcome aboard and lovely to see you here


People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel

12-02-07, 19:20
Hiya Feebs

1 - 4 in their lives, in the western world will suffer some form of mental health issue during their lives. So yip, its common.

Infact WHO (that is the World Health Orginisation, not Roger Daltrey and co) estimate that by 2020 it will be the in the top 3 of time off work along with bad backs and flu. I read that somewhere online once, can't remember where.

As for the journal, its a great idea, one that many therapists encourage. Another trick is to try and remember what happened before your panic attacks, stuff like:

Your thoughts just before the attack

Where were you?

What were you doing? (you never know, it might be a response to ironing ;))

What had you eaten/drank?

I have read that people sometimes have noticed a pattern building with what they remembered/done before a panic attack.

As for what to write? have you tried a timeline, like start from as far back as you can remember and create chapters at each age and so on, noting key things you remember at that age. I personally would tend to write down all key memories, good ones too, so it doesn't just turn out to be like a big book of negative memories, but more a commentary on your life to give a therapist a complete picture of your history (if they request to see it).

Take care


12-02-07, 21:30
hi i have just regestered because i have been suffering myself 4 about 6 mounths i had my first really bad one 5 weeks after my boyfreind went into hospital 4 his apendics out then after that he got really ill i thought i was going to loose him. mine started on the night when i was watching a film with my boyfreind i started to feel out of breath and pains in my chest and started to cry then the next morning i had pains in my chest and in my left arm so i went straight to the hospital i thought i was having a hart attack they gave me an ecg straight away they said i had really fast palputations but it looked ok in the end they had to give me a dianapaz i carmed write down it felt great then they let me home but i knew that that wasent the way out so i went to my doctor to see if i could see a consuollor and im still waiting know carnt wait though feel worse then ever know pains in chest nearly every day pains in back tingerling in my fingertips palputations i still feel like somthing really bad is going to happen do you feel like this?


13-02-07, 05:23
elo Feebs

A warm welcome. great support n advice here.x

Take care,
Lin xxx
"Fear is dat lil darkroom, wer negatives r developed", so positive thoughts okies!!!!!

13-02-07, 09:35

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

Take care

Trac xx

'Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain'

14-02-07, 21:13
Hello everyone,

Thanks for all your encouraging support - I by mistake mind you entered an new topic in stead of just replying hahahaha am an idiot :)

Jaco your advice was priceless and really helped thanks

Speak soon
