View Full Version : Can't believe I feel this way again

29-09-15, 19:12
Hi everyone,

Long story short am in a bad anxiety episode for the first time in over a year. Am a 24 year old lad, do the normal things, if not in work I go the gym or play football.

Friday night I was out with work and got very drunk, while I was out the people I work with like to do cocaine, am not a fan but because of how drunk I was I followed like a sheep, didn't end up going to sleep until 3 a clock Saturday afternoon.

I've gone severely anxious about my health, it was so bad I took myself to the A n E at the hospital, told them what I'd done and they checked my blood pressure, did an ECG, then the doctor listened to my heart. He gave me the all clear and sent me on my way.

Am so scared something is wrong with me and I hate myself for doing this to my self, I've been on jogs to try and lift the mood but nothing is, I had to leave work early today because I just couldn't take any more. I feel like am a mess.

29-09-15, 19:38
The hospital would know if something was wrong. Pleased you were honest about what you'd done, so they would no what to look for.
Don't be to hard on yourself, you made a mistake, but remember how you feel now if you're put in that situation again.

29-09-15, 19:47
Alcohol and cocaine can definitely cause anxiety to be a lot worse. If you have been checked over and you are ok just relax about it now and give your body and your mind time to recover.
Obviously it goes without saying that being an anxious person you should not do it again xxx

29-09-15, 19:48
Thank you for the reply, definitely, I won't allow myself to drink in there company again, think I'll be staying in for a good while now xx