View Full Version : Question about GERD

29-09-15, 20:49
So, I've been diagnosed with GERD and Chronic Sinusitis. From reading these board, it seems a lot of users here have GERD so I thought I would ask. Can it cause back pain (both upper and lower) and throat phlegm causing a cough? I'm hoping it is what's causing my current breathlessness but I wanted to know about the back pain since my HA typically focuses on my lungs/heart and back pain is a symptom of That Which Shall Not Be Named. I've been doing better since going to treatment but everyday is a struggle and I just need some reassurance. Thanks in advance!

29-09-15, 20:56
I was told I had GERD and it hurt under my right rib and up high in my back near my right shoulder. It can refer there in some people apparently. X

29-09-15, 21:09
I have GERD and it can certainly cause pains in the back or front.

If you're on a Health Anxiety board though, I imagine you suffer a lot of tension and that's most likely causing back pains.

29-09-15, 21:16
under my right rib and up high in my back near my right shoulder

I've had those EXACT same pains! So, that's what that was. What a relief. Thank you!

If you're on a Health Anxiety board though, I imagine you suffer a lot of tension and that's most likely causing back pains.

Yeah, I do tense up a lot and have been told I have bad posture, so it's probably a mix of both. The lower back pain is probably from tension than GERD. Thank you!

29-09-15, 23:15
Gerd can cause postnasal drip, cough and asthma, so that would maybe explain the breathlessness, basically you end up inhaling some of the refluxed acid and your lungs get peed off about it. I hope you get some acid-reducing meds to help you.

when I get anxious, I have pains in my 'kidneys' but its actually just tension...

30-09-15, 19:47

Thank you! I actually did get some medicine for the reflux (omeprazole-40mg), but I'm still having symptoms. Maybe I need a higher dose or something else?

30-09-15, 19:49
Drugs like Omeprazole can take a few days to take effect so give it a little while before you give up on it.

30-09-15, 22:18
It took me about a week at 40mg omeprazole before it worked. Make sure you take it on an empty stomach and don't eat for an hour afterwards for maximum effect.

You can also take ranitidine at the same time inbetween omeprazole doses if required but check that your doc agrees :)