View Full Version : Health anxiety destroying my life . Can't cope

30-09-15, 00:41
Hey there first time posting on a site . Well am 20 years old and suffer from general anxiety disorder and panic attacks . I feel really anxious just leaving my house most days. But at the moment am struggling getting out of my bed and just sitting alone in my living room due to health anxiety x I just want to crawl under my bed sheets and hide . At the moment av convinced myself I have breast cancer as I saw some red spots on both my nipple my BF thinks am just imagined it and says they look the same as always. But I can't help but freak out since I got it in to my head I read an article on the sun about sign and symptoms and now am obsessed . I checked them every hour read symptoms and look at picture on the web and av just convinced myself am going to die I just want to cry. I know am Just going crazy and its probs just the light on just normal features of my nipple or marking that didn't go away from when I was pregnant but I can't help it. My BF works late so I stay up all night until he goes to work watching late night TV and then I sleep all day I can't face the day I just want to lie in a dark room and hide .i have no interest in doing my hair or makeup or getting dressed or going out . Help anyone being through this ? Av been to the doctors before convinced I had cancer due to headaches and then about a mole then a month later about spots in my mouth then weeks later went to hospital convinced I was having a heart attack. I know even if I get a clear check from gp it will just be weeks before I worry about something else

30-09-15, 01:45
Hiya, I'm new to this site too. Sorry you're going through all this, gad and health anxiety are such horrible things and I have suffered from both too. I know how hard it is, but you need to try and get yourself out of this rut and focus on the positives, and keep yourself distracted from too much looking for symptoms of diseases and searching for them and getting reassurance..at the end of the day our bodies are full of little spots and bumps that have always been there, and come and go. If you keep searching for symptoms you will be able to relate to some because at the end of the day we are alive and have little aches and pains here and there, but our minds especially are amazing at making up new symptoms based on what we've read.

Definitely look into seeing a counsellor as I find that is helping me. I know it's a struggle but sometimes you need to drag yourself out of bed and into the shower, and do your hair and your makeup and you'll have kept yourself busy, and made yourself feel that bit better! Don't let yourself go or you really will make yourself ill with worry..life is too short for that! Xx

30-09-15, 03:27
Thanks for reply . It's hard to not worry and focus on symptoms sometimes when it's all over TV and newspapers sometimes I think they is too much advertising out there on illness. My brain always jumps to worst conclusions . It's weird when I see friends and family been so calm and having a not caring attitude when it comes to them going to doctors appointments or having symptoms that would make me freak out and just lose it. And when people tell u not to think about it . If I could do that I wouldn't have anxiety am sure u understand that one lol . Av been put on a waiting list to see a counsellor or but it could be up to 12 months . I think am going to look at private services for therapy x did your gp refer you for counselling

30-09-15, 08:57
Hi hun, I really feel for you. I'm no expert, but from what you've described, I'd guess you're suffering from depression as well as anxiety.
You mentioned being pregnant, did you carry the baby full term?
You really need to speak to someone professional about how you feel, you're certainly not alone, look at how many view the ha forum at any given time.

30-09-15, 18:04
I can totally relate. I have done the exact same thing you do. One thing that helps me is that anything that is the same on both sides is not cancer. Cancer doesn't affect breasts the same on both. Also, yes our skin color can change, especially with a recent pregnancy. You need to force yourself to not look at them for a day, and go outside for a long walk and breath in the fresh air. Seriously. It does wonders and gets your mind off of checking. Also, stop checking the. Sometimes when I am worried after brushing my teeth, that I will see blood, I actually close my eyes when I am spitting to force myself not to check. It feels like I am in control when I do this and it feels good. Take that anxiety. You can't make me worry all the time.
Fresh air, long walk. It will make you feel better.

01-10-15, 02:00
Thank you x it's hard to stop but am going to try tm to not even check my BF off work tm so am going to try and focus on him and just enjoy our day together .
Av been in touch with a counsiler and she due to phone me tm to set up an appointment so I will try and focus on that .

01-10-15, 07:32
Good luck with the counselling, hope it helps xxx

01-10-15, 09:50
i just read your post and wow its like i could have written it, health anxiety has taken over my life every day is like a mission to get through with all the worries in my mind, i had 3 different illnesses yesterday that took over my day! i get into such a state my bf is sick of me constantly saying im dying, my family are all so relaxed about things and im a nervous wreck. its not nice at all:( if only there were a cure x

02-10-15, 21:14
Thank u x it's really hard at the moment to stop thinking about this and snap out of it . I'm so convinced that I have something wrong with me I don't even think if a doctor told me nothing was wrong I would believe them . I can't stop googling symptoms and no matter what I do I can't stop thinking about it even just for an hour. I should get an email back this week with an appointment time for my first counsiling session which is giving me some hope. Does anyone else with anxiety just feel weak emotionally

03-10-15, 10:27
I completely understand where your coming from, I seem to be in that pit with you so maybe that might make us feel better in a way. Have you been given ad medication?? how do you feel about that?? it worked for me a lot, and its ok to have a little help sometimes. I'm so glad your going to counseling, its so important. I'm in the middle of a huge move, across continents so I cant really do much myself. I know how you are feeling at the minute. If you would like a chat message me. I really hope you start to feel better soon. Take care

03-10-15, 18:56
Thanks x I have tried medication before a few types of it but nothing really helped. When I was 17 I was put on beta blockers for anxitey but that made no difference and I also have tried citalopram for 4 months over a year ago . Av been back to my gp but it's a new one who now works there and due to my age he says he doesn't want me to be on medication. And said he was going put a referral through for me to speak to someone on the mental health team but that wa more than a year ago so I just decide to get in touch with a therapist myself