View Full Version : Absolutely terrified about MRI results

30-09-15, 11:25
I'm 26 years old and have had constant nausea/dizziness for 2 months. In the past few weeks I have also had mild on-off headaches, a fluttering/twitching left eye and a weak left arm and hand. I've also got a tender spot to the right of my spine. I have been so scared that these symptoms point to a brain tumour that has spread to my spine.

I had a MRI today and although the test itself was okay I am TERRIFIED of the results.

The technician told me it would take 30 mins but it took nearly 1 hour (even though I sat completely still) so I'm petrified she spotted something bad and had to re-run the test to get more pictures. She was also on the phone to someone at some point which terrifies me she found something.

I asked if it looked okay and she said "I'm not qualified to tell you anything but I took lots of clear images".


She gave me a CD but I'm too scared to look at the pictures because I know I'll see something scary.

My follow-up appointment is tomorrow but I am literally having a breakdown and have no idea how I will get through the next 24 hours. I know I'm being dramatic but it just seems like all my symptoms point to the worst possible outcome and I've never had weird head pains like this, it's nothing like the usual tension headache I get when stressed/anxious. And the weak arm/hand thing is FREAKING me out.

30-09-15, 14:04
Don't look at the cd! You will see all sorts that are normal and you will think it's something weird. Waiting for results is always scary but chances of it being something bad are very slim. I always have soreness in parts of my spine. I also head a daily headache and nausea for 6 weeks once. That eye twitching is tiredness, everyone gets it x

30-09-15, 14:06
Don't look at the cd! You will see all sorts that are normal and you will think it's something weird. Waiting for results is always scary but chances of it being something bad are very slim. I always have soreness in parts of my spine. I also head a daily headache and nausea for 6 weeks once. That eye twitching is tiredness, everyone gets it x
Thank you so much for the reassurance; means a lot.

I actually tried to look at the CD but it wouldn't load on my work computer. I'm sure that's a good thing. You're so right, looking at it is a bad idea.

30-09-15, 17:15
Well, I have no idea what the results of the MRI will be but it's true - they are not qualified to discuss results with you. It's a liability issue. The results were probably completely fine, but they wouldn't be able to tell you anything until the Dr. looks at it.

So... don't worry that there was anything sinister going on with the MRI tech not telling you anything.

30-09-15, 17:15
You have to have the right software to view the images. You would have no idea what you were looking at anyway! In the days before they gave you CD's they used to give you what looked like xray films of mri's so you could look at them but I learned very quickly not to bother as what looks bad to you is totally normal. Remember a consultant radiographer trained for 8 years to interpret those scans so doubtful you can do it with no training at all:)

If twitching is a sign of anything bad than I have had it as I have twitched for past 30 years almost anywhere on my body - its benign twitching - harmless.

If they were scanning your brain and your neck/spine then hour is normal timescale.

You can't do anything about the wait, time won't pass quicker if you have a complete meltdown about the wait. What will be will be and you will know by this time tomorrow.

Try your hardest to calm down because the chances of there being anything nasty on the scan are much much less likely than there being nothing untoward or say a minor spinal problem causing some symptoms.

02-10-15, 13:34
I wanted to report back in case anyone else is in a similar position.

Yesterday I was literally shaking and terrified all morning. I woke up multiple times in the night with a pounding headache ... and of course I'd read online the evening before that night headaches were a common symptom of brain tumors. That sent me into a spiral and I literally was so stressed my heart was racing at a million miles an hour from the moment I woke up until the moment I was stood in the consultant's office at the hospital.

I went in. He said the MRIs were all clear. Nothing to report. Nada.

All he did was suggest I try phyiso for my neck muscles to see if that helps.

HUGE relief, of course. And I cannot be grateful enough that it's not cancer. I could have cried and instantly felt a weight lift off of my shoulders.

But - then my HA kicked straight back in - if my symptoms were solely down to anxiety - I thought they would have cleared up when I heard the news. Why was I still feeling the same? Why are the classic symptoms all still here? Why do I still feel lousy? And, of course, I then started thinking he may have missed something ... he's a spinal specialist, so surely he could miss a brain tumor? ... what was that white area on the MRI image that he never mentioned? ... and so on ... and so on ...

Hopefully I'll figure out what's actually wrong with me or the symptoms will disappear as time goes on and I move on from this highly stressful experience.

To anyone else in my position - I know how stressful it is when your symptoms seem to tick every box. If you're anything like me, nothing I say will convince you otherwise or calm you down. The fact that the chance is 0.00001% makes no difference. But at least you can hopefully take comfort from the fact that I, too, had all the symptoms and had the all clear from my MRI results.

02-10-15, 15:59
Really pleased scan was clear, well done to you for having it and waiting for results.
Have your ears been checked? I ask that because I have constant ear problems that make me dizzy and sick.
It may take some time for you to digest the information of it being clear, also dizziness and nausea can be symptoms of anxiety.

02-10-15, 17:34
That's great that the scan was all clear. An MRI is a very precise machine and I'm very sure if there was anything there they would notice it.

The trouble with anxiety and the body response to anxiety is that it can take a long time for the body to calm down. Particularly things like muscle tension, with knots and acids in the muscles keeping you tense.

Maybe try to get a massage, go for a long walk and get fresh air, try to sleep and know that relaxation can make you feel a lot better. The mental side should be taken care of as you have nothing to worry about, now you just need to let your body calm down.

02-10-15, 19:03
It's taken me a good 3 weeks to rid of anxiety induced symptoms after I've been given the all clear before x

02-10-15, 20:30
Thanks so much, everyone. My neck and back are so sore, the stress has gone straight to all my muscles and knotted them up.

The weirdest thing is I feel constant pressure around my eyes. Has anyone had this before?