View Full Version : How to come with tummy upset

30-09-15, 17:25
Since yesterday afternoon my tummy has been in bits.
I'm getting stomach cramps that are coming in waves, I feel sick and yep good old diarrhoea :(
I'm so scared it's because of the cat bite I posted about yesterday... Could it mess with your stomach?it may just be a bug which I hope it is. I can't eat anything as it goes right through me
But with my health Anxiety I'm fearing the worse I've already told myself It's my appendix (pain killers stop the pain tho)
How do you all cope with tummy upset please? I'm full of worry today.
The cramps I'm getting before going to the loo are dreadful and I'm scared to eat and drink! :(

30-09-15, 22:21
Sounds very much like a stomach bug. drink plenty of fluids even if you then seem to pass the fluid straight back into loo to prevent dehydration.

How badly were you bitten by the cat? All cats carry bateria on their teeth and this is why cat bites often become infefcted. If your bite site becomes red/swollen/ hot or very painful then you do need to see Dr asap but I have had cat bites in the past that have been fine. Lots of antiseptic and hope!

30-09-15, 22:27
Hullo, I don't see how a cat bite could give you an upset stomach. Take plenty of fluid and maybe some Pepto-Bismol if you tolerate it. Eat something nice and bland like crackers or rice. Stomach cramps and diarrhea can be Caused and exacerbated by anxiety as I'm sure you well know, and it might be a bug but you are not presenting with symptoms indicative of appendicitis. You might feel crappy but you will be fine.

30-09-15, 23:41
Brat diet will sooth and help you through a bout of diahorrea
Rice (plain boiled white)
Apple (purree not raw apple with skin)
Toast (dry with no butter)

If it doesn't stop take imodium

01-10-15, 04:19
Highly unlikely that the diarrhea would be linked to the bite. Even if it were to become infected, diarrhea is not a typical side effect of that. Sounds like it could be from a bug or maybe even stress.

01-10-15, 18:27
Thank you so much everyone.
I rang my doctor again this morning as my health anxiety got the better of me he is certain it's not the bite. So phew!!

Maybe tmi but is it normal for stools to be a weird colour with a virus? Mines yellow and frothy :(

01-10-15, 20:44

A cat bite wont cause the stomach issues - I never read your other post but is your tetanus up to date? Also as for the yellow an frothy poo, it can be caused by a number of things including gastroenteritis - I would ask doctors receptionist in morning for a stool sample pack and get one dropped in for testing x

01-10-15, 21:03
I had the whopping cough vaccine recently & heard that protects against tetnus, I hope!
I actually have a stool sample pack as I was meant to send a sample for another problem (hplyori) but maybe I should send it tomorrow I was waiting till this bug cleared up, I'm hoping this is a bug I have so many worries it could be other things :( no one else In my house has caught it you see!