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View Full Version : Throat issue

30-09-15, 20:40
Evening all,

Im sat here working myself up and just have to see if anyone else has experienced this before.
Im currently suffering a really bad cold, i have been coughing non stop for days now, but this morning when i got up i thought my throat was hurting. Later in the day when it came to eat i noticed that it wasn't actually my throat that was hurting but the bit under my ear that goes to the throat. My glands are a little swollen, but the weird thing is, it doesn't hurt to swallow food, but it hurts when i drink fluid. Of course i have convinced myself that its something sinister. Is it possible that i have pulled a muscle coughing? It feels like a muscle type pain, i have looked in my throat and it all looks ok. Could really do with some reassurance right now.

Thanks in advance.

30-09-15, 23:34
Hiya, I'm in the same boat as you.. I see you're from the UK aswell.. I don't know what part but where I am in London there's definitely a virus going around and it's spreading like no ones business ��it's not something to worry about though, I have the same problem and I knew it was different from tonsillitis because I get I get tonsillitis so often! when I went to the doctors they've said the back of my throat just looks a bit red and my glands are swollen, I believe it's laryngitis which comes as part of some colds and flus. We just need to ride it out unless it gets so bad you can't eat or breathe, then go get some antibiotics although I've found gargling salt water does help a bit.

Do you find its worse in the mornings and at night too? When your throat is dry, I'm sipping on tea hoping it'll take the edge off.. I honestly can't stop coughing which really isn't helping, this cold has honestly been so horrible. My throat is all lumpy and my glands are tender :( another tip is deep heat muscle rub on your neck if your glands are tender like mine, hope the both of us feel better soon!��x

01-10-15, 10:28
Katiej36, thank you for your reply. Im in Devon, and your right i think their must be some sort of virus doing the rounds. Ive just seen on Facebook that people are coming down with the same thing. Ive had plenty of colds in the past, but this one is lethal. Tea is very good for soothing your throat, i also make real honey and lemon and take sips of that through the day. I woke up this morning and my throat feels alot better. The terrible cough is still there though, and its my birthday today :weep:

I really hope you feel better soon. Take Care x