View Full Version : Urine test- Postive dip test, negative urine culture?

30-09-15, 20:46
I'm so confused and very anxious right now.

On Monday, I saw the doctor about possibly having yet another UTI. She made me do a dip test and it came back positive. So she gave me some nitrofurantoin because they worked last time.. so she said she will send it off to the lab to be cultured. I had another appointment today to go through the results to see if I have the right antibiotics and the culture has come back negative??? This is the second time in 3 weeks this has happened! I'm so stumped. I saw a different doctor this time and he told me sometimes that happens? :/ and then proceeded to say he's giving me 5 days worth of trimethoprim and I'm really unsure why if there was nothing there?

I don't feel much different maybe that's why? I'm so stumped. I may go back Friday and ask about it to a doctor I see regularly. Because the doctor I saw today was not much help to be honest.

I'm so fed up with all of this. It's a nightmare. So I was wondering, has anyone else been through this??

01-10-15, 10:27
I've just been to hell and back with bladder problems started with severe like UTI symptoms and blood in urine that made my urine browny red when GP did dip test no infection sent it off to lab no infection but he gave me a very short course of antibiotics it started to get better then came back so then he sent me for a CT with dye and a cystoscopy camera up the bladder which I was really scared of but actually didn't hurt one bit they all came back clear then I saw the consultant who told me that some types of bacterial bladder infection do
Not show up in a normal urine analyses and a more in depth one should have been done and a longer course of a strong antibiotic at least 10 days . Go back to your doc Hun x

01-10-15, 12:41
I'm so confused and very anxious right now.

On Monday, I saw the doctor about possibly having yet another UTI. She made me do a dip test and it came back positive. So she gave me some nitrofurantoin because they worked last time.. so she said she will send it off to the lab to be cultured. I had another appointment today to go through the results to see if I have the right antibiotics and the culture has come back negative??? This is the second time in 3 weeks this has happened! I'm so stumped. I saw a different doctor this time and he told me sometimes that happens? :/ and then proceeded to say he's giving me 5 days worth of trimethoprim and I'm really unsure why if there was nothing there?

I don't feel much different maybe that's why? I'm so stumped. I may go back Friday and ask about it to a doctor I see regularly. Because the doctor I saw today was not much help to be honest.

I'm so fed up with all of this. It's a nightmare. So I was wondering, has anyone else been through this??

Please look into D-mannose for curing and preventing UTI's as permanently taking antibiotics makes you more prone to recurring infections. Just go for example to Amazon and read the reviews for D-Mannose. Good luck!