View Full Version : Just started

01-10-15, 18:13
so just started on this today and feeling hopeful 50 mg three times s day which sounds strange but fingers crossed , good advice please x x

02-10-15, 14:23
I started on 50mg 3x a day then it was increased to 100mg 3 times a day. At first it did make me very drowsy through the day like a stoned feeling but I had no other side effects so it was easy to take. Took a couple of weeks to notice any difference and then my dose was increased to 400mg. This increased the stoned feeling for about 10 days. It did help with my anxiety but not enough( I had been hospitalised twice before starting pregablin) and the psychiatrist was concerned about my vision being a bit blurry, joint pain and a bit body twitching ( nothing serious) so she has now added quetiapine and I'm reducing the pregablin dose. From what I read pregablin works well for anxiety and I would recommend it. Just remember to give it time to settle in your system as I remember getting frustrated cos some people said it worked instantly for them but we are all different. I'm hoping to stay on the pregablin and quetiapine but I have a feeling I won't be allowed too

02-10-15, 17:50
So I started this today 50 mg 3 times A day and I also felt stoned but have had the best day I have had in a long time (placebo effect I'm sure but don't care as has given me some hope ), I also have quetiapine 100 mg but doctor wants me to stop taking it as of today .

I am also taking citalipram 40 mg but hope to drop that to 20 soon and been given a dose of Valium to help me through so I'm buzzing .

Keep in touch as good to have some positive feedback

03-10-15, 10:46
I felt great the first day too I thought I was cured lol. Why are you stopping the quetiapine? I think my doc wants to eventually taper off the pregablin and just be on the mirtazipine and quetiapine but I'm in no rush to stop it.
I stayed on 150mg pregablin for just over a week it was increased cos my anxiety started showing it's ugly head again. It does take a little time for it to settle so the stoned feeling does go away, well it did for me.
This quetiapine has me really drowsy this morning I hope it gets better in time cos it's awful feeling anxious and sedated at same time ...

03-10-15, 11:34
Hi Tristan,

Good luck with pregabalin. 150 mg per day is still a low dose - you can go up from there if necessary. You may have felt the "initial euphoria" effect, but don't worry - things level out from there. Good luck.

03-10-15, 11:42
The doctor has said I can stop taking the quetiapine as on such a low dose but I do find it helps me so am going to carry on with it for a few weeks as didn't take one yesterday and feel a bit unsure today , what time do you take yours ?

With the pregablin how come it's 3 times A day as I'm sure I will forget to take it at some point and how come you are coming off it ?

I was on mirtazapine last year but I found it made me worse but everyone is different x x

How long you been suffering ???

---------- Post added at 11:42 ---------- Previous post was at 11:40 ----------

Do you still take it hanshan and what dose are you on ?

03-10-15, 12:38
I have had anxiety for years on and off but not crippling like this time. This one started in march. I tried citalopram again and ended up in hospital where they changed it to mirtazapine. They then added sertraline and I ended up in hospital again. Sertraline was stopped and pregablin was added. I think you have to take it 3x a day because it has a short half life. I take mine when waking (100mg) with 100mg quetiapine, one at 2pm and one at 10pm with 30mg mirt and 100mg quetiapine.
They decided to reduce the pregablin and introduce the quetiapine as I'm still struggling with anxiety and worrying thoughts, my joints started aching and my vision became blurry and they think it's the pregablin but some starting the quetiapine my body and joints are aching more, feels like you do after doing a vigorous work out the day before. Also I read a lot so I think the blurry vision could be down to that. I was getting the odd body jerk bit now I get like muscle twitching!
Seeing psychiatrist on Tuesday so wil see what they have to say. I'm also on a statin so I don't know if the muscle ache could be down to that. I'm willing to give the quetiapine a good go cos I'm sick of starting and stopping meds all the time and Iv heard good reports of it. I don't want to reduce my pregablin until I'm more stable on the quetiapine and see if it's working
These aches and pains are really starting to worry me now, I don't know if there is anything I can take.....I may ring the nhs111 and ask there advice

03-10-15, 19:09
Wow you are having a really bad time by the sounds of it really sorry to hear that , quetiapine really helped me but not in the morning that dose was just to much if I'm honest , do you find it makes you eat like a horse in the evening ?

Had a good day yesterday but didn't take quetiapine last night and not had such s good day today so have taken one and see how tomorrow goes .

How come you ended up in hospital ? Must have been awful for you , hope you start to feel relief soon x

Stay in touch x x

---------- Post added at 19:09 ---------- Previous post was at 18:42 ----------

One of the side effects of quetiapine is blurry vision and I get it quite often and body jerks do your not alone in that one x x

03-10-15, 20:05
I was admitted cos I was getting intrusive thoughts and wanted to harm myself. Some nights I find I do eat like a horse I just want crisps and chocolate all the healthy stuff lol.
All my morning dose is to make me drowsy. Do you wake up anxious ? I do every day, it's exhausting. I wonder if the extended release version of quetiapine is better ! I'm going to refuse to taper down on the pregablin until I feel stable on the quetiapine ....it's my safety blanket
Hopefully you will feel better tomorrow, Iv been a bit iffy today too but I think these joint pains aren't helping

03-10-15, 21:33
I don't sleep to well and wake early with the worst anxiety and seems to stay all day and the physical side is exhausting , I also have had thoughts of hurting myself but never taken in for it . I even called the crisis line a few weeks ago and they don't seem to help much

Had my quetiapine and eaten a 14 inch pizza , garlic bread , cookies , and now on the haribo before I start on the crisps , I was 10 stone in jan and just over 12 now

I take 100 mg quetiapine
80 mg propananol
40 mg citalipram
150 mg prebablin

It's no wonder I'm tired all the time , and 2 mg diazipram when needed

---------- Post added at 21:33 ---------- Previous post was at 21:25 ----------

I have also done very well on not googling this med as always get worst case and not even looked at side effects or I will be looking out for them x

Do you work

04-10-15, 10:26
My take is, if you are being given four psychoactive meds, the doctors really don't know, and are just prescribing a mix of everything, hoping for the best.

What is the answer? - I don't know, but probably 2 - 3 meds maximum, plus one-on-one talk therapy.

04-10-15, 10:48
Well I have a job but last time I was there was in may just before I was first admitted to hospital. I am unable to work at present I don't know how people manage to work with illness I take my hat off too them.
I don't google side effects anymore or I wouldn't take amything. I think I did have a bit health anxiety where I was constantly taking my Bp but I don't anymore. I think pregablin is pretty good for side efects and a smooth start up like I said all I was really bothered about was the stoned feeling but that wore off . I'm hoping the drowsiness off the quetiapine wears off soon too. When I feel drowsy it makes me more anxious...I think it's a control thing.
I sleep for about 6-7 hours so I'm always up early the anxiety starts as soon as I wake up. The physical symptoms are the churning stomach, shaky hands, and just that awful feeling of dread. I have about 3 cups of tea and 5 tabs in the first couple of hours. After Iv taken my tablets the physicàl symptoms lessen but the mental ones don't. I feel like I have to try and escape from it vid if it catches me I will go hysterical!
Do you get agitated ? I had it terribly at one point I just didn't know what to do with myself I just paced....was an absolute nightmare! My body doesn't feel agitated but my mind does if you know what I mean.
Lets hope today is a better one for both of us

---------- Post added at 10:48 ---------- Previous post was at 10:40 ----------

My take is, if you are being given four psychoactive meds, the doctors really don't know, and are just prescribing a mix of everything, hoping for the best.

What is the answer? - I don't know, but probably 2 - 3 meds maximum, plus one-on-one talk therapy.

I had cbt prior to been in hospital but they discharged me, I'm waithing to see a psychologist but don't know when that will be
It's going to be a choice between stopping the pregablin or the quetiapine, but staying on the mirt. I have a feeling they will want to drop me down to 200mg of pregablin on tues, the question is should I just go for it and bite the bullet see how I go or hold off till I'm more used to the quetiapine and let the side effects settle....I hate making decisions.

04-10-15, 16:30
my GP gave me pregabelin a couple of weeks ago. i started taking it, 3 days, 25mgs once a day, then read up about it and how awful some people have found withdrawal so couldn't take it anymore. the first night without it i sweated all night and had a cracking headache, i'm still wondering if i should just deal with the side effects and not think about withdrawal as i am struggling with my anxiety. i wonder how all these drugs help as its the thoughts that cause me distress. i'm already on 45mgs of mirtazapine

04-10-15, 16:48
I don't think about withdrawal, if these meds work I intend on staying on them a long time. Also it's always the people who suffer the most who write on these forums it's very rarely anyone writes about the good stuff. Iv dropped 100mg of pregablin and I was fine, slightly more anxious for a couple of days but that's it . Iv also withdrew from diazapam, citalopram and sertraline with no major symptoms just a few shakes.
It just goes to show that everybody reacts differently and unfortunately some people have really bad time with it and other people sail through it .

04-10-15, 23:35
I have suffered with anxiety for a while but this time it has been the worse where i was home and was unable to leave for about a month, this has been going on for about a year but the worst was the last 6 months, i was on citalopram 40 mg for about 8 years but when the anxiety came back i decided to go to on to fluoxetine, i was on that for about 4 weeks and ever since then i was trapped at home. I tried fluoxetine & Mirtazapine with not effect.

I have been given pregablin and now on 300mg (150 in the morning and 150 in the evening) for just over 2 weeks and it has taken most of the underlying anxiety away at home.

Now its just the challenge of getting away from the anticipatory anxiety which is also easy said than done.

I am thinking of increasing to 450mg a day to see if it will help but going to give the 300mg another week or so yet but i think i am getting the benefit from it.

I am also taking 40 mg of citalopram .

05-10-15, 10:48
Hi Tootie,

If you took 25 mg of pregabalin once a day for three days and stopped, I can almost guarantee that what you felt was neither side-effects or withdrawal. The dose is tiny and only for a few days.

However, if you are very anxious about taking medications, you can easily have negative reactions starting, continuing, increasing, decreasing, or stopping a medication. It is called pharmacophobia, and it is a kind of health anxiety.

Every medication these days will have people posting horror stories about starting / stopping etc. Like other kinds of health anxiety, don't go obsessively searching the internet for bad news - it's always there, you will find it.

05-10-15, 11:39
I have suffered with anxiety for a while but this time it has been the worse where i was home and was unable to leave for about a month, this has been going on for about a year but the worst was the last 6 months, i was on citalopram 40 mg for about 8 years but when the anxiety came back i decided to go to on to fluoxetine, i was on that for about 4 weeks and ever since then i was trapped at home. I tried fluoxetine & Mirtazapine with not effect.

I have been given pregablin and now on 300mg (150 in the morning and 150 in the evening) for just over 2 weeks and it has taken most of the underlying anxiety away at home.

Now its just the challenge of getting away from the anticipatory anxiety which is also easy said than done.

I am thinking of increasing to 450mg a day to see if it will help but going to give the 300mg another week or so yet but i think i am getting the benefit from it.

I am also taking 40 mg of citalopram .

Anticipatory anxiety is horrendous isn't it !
I have it every morning, it's like I'm waiting for something awful to happen. I'm on mirtazapine, pregablin and quetiapine and it still there every morning waking me up. I was housebound for quite a while to the extent I couldn't even leave my bed but thankfully those days are over( I hope)
I force myself to go out everyday even if it's just to take dogs out or to the local shop. Somedays I feel like I will flake out due to the anxiety but I grit my teeth and do it anyway

05-10-15, 14:14
Anticipatory anxiety is horrendous isn't it !
I have it every morning, it's like I'm waiting for something awful to happen. I'm on mirtazapine, pregablin and quetiapine and it still there every morning waking me up. I was housebound for quite a while to the extent I couldn't even leave my bed but thankfully those days are over( I hope)
I force myself to go out everyday even if it's just to take dogs out or to the local shop. Somedays I feel like I will flake out due to the anxiety but I grit my teeth and do it anyway

I feel your pain, I was in the same situation. Even to the fact where I took 5mg of diazepam and it didn't touch the symptoms still had severe panic,

And your right its the anticipatory anxiety that's the worse part of it all

05-10-15, 14:20
I feel your pain, I was in the same situation. Even to the fact where I took 5mg of diazepam and it didn't touch the symptoms still had severe panic,

And your right its the anticipatory anxiety that's the worse part of it all

I was on 5mg diazapam in hospital but they took me off it when I was discharged. Are you not in this situation anymore ? I dread going to sleep on a night cos I know what the morning brings. I still have some 2mg diazapam left but I really don't want to take them plus my meds make me drowsy but don't take away the anxiety. I'm stuck in a cycle now

05-10-15, 18:20
Just got back from work and after an ok day yesterday that was bloody hard work , headache that just lasted all day and high anxiety that just wouldn't settle and just want to go to bed now but have to sort the children first so that's not going to happen .

The doctor has given me diazipram and told me to take it 3 times a day it's only 2mg but to be honest it just makes me light headed and tired .

I find I get some relief from prebablin but it take till I take second one at lunch time to kick in , I know it's early days for me but think I might ask doctor about a higher dose in a few weeks .

Working sucks with anxiety but beets being stuck at home as it gives me a reason to get up as was off work for 3 weeks a while ago and lost all motivation .

Stay strong x x x

06-10-15, 10:08
Well done for going to work
I had a bad day yesterday and today is not looking too good either. I really don't like this sedated feeling, it makes my anxiety worse. Seeing my new psychiatrist today I so need help with this waking up anxiety. It's like it's chasing me all day I feel exhausted I just want a day off.

06-10-15, 15:06
I am the same , would love a day off from it all , from the moment I wake it starts , my head is spinning today and just feel exhausted �� only on dY 4 so still early days for me

06-10-15, 17:39
Stick with it, it does get better. Not done anything for my waking anxiety but hopefully in time it will get better....fingers crossed. I'm staying in the same doses for 3 weeks then see psychiatrist again .

07-10-15, 15:50
Did you get bad headaches ? Seem to have had one for a few days now ��

07-10-15, 18:17
Did you get bad headaches ? Seem to have had one for a few days now ��

Had a few headaches but nothing a couple of paracetamol couldn't shift

09-10-15, 17:48
So that's week one done , still bad anxiety and a pounding head but only on min dose , how you doing lan have things improved for you x

09-10-15, 18:21
Still waking up early with anxiety but it seems to have lessened quite well last couple of days so hopefully things are on the right track

09-10-15, 19:11
What dose you on and how long you been on it ?

09-10-15, 19:18
I was on 150mg for abt 10 days then it went up to 300mg for abt 10 days then 400mg for 2 weeks when quetiapine was added it was reduced to 300mg again. So Iv been on it since 21st August that's 7 weeks today

10-10-15, 09:56
I feel awful today and don't know if it's down to the change in meds or just a bad day ��

10-10-15, 10:14
Hi Tristan,

It could be either - you need to give people an idea of what you are taking (including changes in medication) and for how long for people to comment.

10-10-15, 10:25
I feel awful today and don't know if it's down to the change in meds or just a bad day ��

In what way do you feel awful? I feel a bit down today and still feel groggy, aching all over think if been beat up when asleep

10-10-15, 11:58
Been on quetiapine 100 for about 6 months , have just started pregablin for jut over a week 50 mg 3 times aday first 2 days were great but last few days been light headed , lack of concentration , headache , bit hard to explain but just feel rotten inside , been given diazepam but not taken any today .

10-10-15, 12:30
Very early days then, I'd say give it a good go. You need to give it a settling in period and also you may need to increase the dose. It's very frustrating waiting I know I want them to work yesterday lol. Are you still having the physical symptoms ? I still have them on a morning but they wear off as the day goes on but I'm still mentally anxious, I wonder if the physical symptoms subside first. I had a few canny days last week being able to go out and function but today I'm struggling and have no motivation

10-10-15, 13:00
You sound the same as me lan the physical side of anxiety is the work thing ever and just feel exhausted all the time , I do feel worse in the mornings and find myself thinking about how I'm feeling for most of the day , I use to be a very active person so the lack of motivation is a big problem for me , I love the saying it just takes time but as you know it's not them going through the mental pain .

I have been suffering for a few years now and tried a few meds but getting to the stage where I feel nothing is going to work , trying to hold down a job , looking after 3 boys is hard enough with out dealing with this in a daily basis

Currently on 40 mg citalipram (about a year)!100 mg quetiapine (8!months in ) and now 150 mg preg (7 days )?and an endless supply of diazipram

I don't drink or take drugs but love smoking prob about 40 aday at moment

10-10-15, 13:37
I'm smoking far too much at the mo, and I really can't afford too. I only have my youngest son at home ( he's 19) so I'm lucky in that way I couldn't cope with 3. I wish I was able to go to work I hate living like this, living on benefits when I've worked all my life. I have a good job too it's just so frustrating that this crappy anxiety is spoiling my life. I don't know about you but I keep getting feeling of being overwhelmed like if I don't do something now I'm going to go mad it's hard to explain but it's not a nice feeling. I feel like the anxiety is chasing me all day and I need to do things to fight it off or it will consume me. I'm bored too which isn't helping when your up from 6.30 it makes the day sooo long
And it's Lisa by the way

10-10-15, 15:56
How long have you been off work ? I'm on flexi time at the moment but don't know how long I can keep it u for , I have the same feelings that you are having and some days it doesn't matter what I take or what I do I just can't shift the physical feelings of anxiety and can't stop crying today and just want to give up .

Life can be so cruel and just feel I am loosing the battle , need to go shopping for food but can't get the strength to do it , I have tried so many meds now that I'm starting to loose faith .

Doctor wants me to give this one a few weeks but the way I feel today I might just flush them away .

Half six is pretty good I'm normally up at 5 and ready for bed by 8 in the evening .

10-10-15, 16:41
I have been off work for 7 month, my SSP has finished so I'm now living on benefits, I have just been awarded PIP which is a great help. Iv gone from working full time with a great carer always socialising to a virtual recluse. When do you see your doctor again ? Try and bare with the 159mg for a couple of weeks then ask for an increase, that should help with the physical symptoms. I think you can take up to 600mg for anxiety.
I go to bed at 11 nearly every night if I went earlier I would be up in the middle of the night....and I hate that it makes me more anxious especially these dark mornings. This illness is crap

10-10-15, 17:43
I had to have 3 weeks off a couple of months ago as it just got to much but found it really hard to go back and the longer I left it the worse I started to feel . I do feel sometimes that I'm just going to loose the plot and go totally mad .

How long have you been suffering with anxiety if you don't mind me asking .

I don't see the doctor for a while now as she is happy for me to keep taking new meds and see how it goes , she has also put me forward for cbt but that was months ago and heard nothing back .

Just had to pop out for milk , simple things made hard by anxiety

10-10-15, 18:03
I've had it on and off for years but never this bad, normally I start the ADs and I'm back to normal setting within a couple of weeks. I did try to return to work in may, I lasted 3 weeks I just couldn't cope and that's when I first ended up in hospital. Iv only been as far as local shop today but I suppose it's better than nothing. I make myself go out everyday can't let this anxiety win ...we will get through this

11-10-15, 09:38
Woken today and feel worse than ever , don't think my body can tolerate this med and might have to stop it and see doctor tomorrow , can't seem to calm myself down and want this pain to end now ��

11-10-15, 10:22
Aww I feel for you
Is it the physical and mental anxiety ? Use your diazapam that's what it's there for I took it 2x a day(5mg) when I was taking 150mg pregablin then 2x a day(2mg) for first week of 300mg, I was also takung zoplicone every night (3.75). Do you take all your quetiapine at night ? And is it instant release or extended release ? The first few weeks are a struggle I remember hating every day could feel the anxiety bubbling away and had that awful scared feeling of dread. At one point I thought I would be readmitted to hospital but luckily I didn't.
If you need the diazapam take it !

11-10-15, 11:02
The physical and mental side of anxiety is really bad today to the point I could just give up on everything , I can't focus on much and smoking has gone through the roof , I feel scared that this will never pass but the doctor must know what she is doing ,

Feel like my life is finished and I'm only 37

My wife is starting to get fed up with me and as for work tomorrow I have already convinced myself I'm not going .

11-10-15, 11:11
Do you have a crisis team you could ring ? I was practically on the phone to them everyday saying I couldn't cope and wanted to end it all! Javelin you taken a diazapam ? If you can't face work then don't go I'm sure your doctor would give you a fit note. I used to just try and surving each hour I still do have many periods of this but I believe my doctor when she says I will get through this and so will you....I suppose I'm lucky I have the support of the community treatment team I just wish I'd had there support earlier as it took 2 hospital admissions before they became involved

11-10-15, 12:24
I did speak to the crisis lime last week and that's when I got the emergency appointment and was put on pregablin , I took me to tell them I was going to self harm to get a result and taken seriously , I have taken a diazipram but hasn't really helped but only got 2mg so might take another .

Did you go to a normal hospital or a mental health one ?

11-10-15, 12:30
I was put in a mental health one, I was informal so wasn't sectioned. The first time I was in 2 weeks the second time was 4 weeks. Not a nice place but at the time that's what I needed to feel safe

11-10-15, 14:07
I feel safe at home at moment but my head feels like it might explode I keep looking for reassurance to keep going on this med as been worst week ever x

11-10-15, 15:43
I was constantly seeking reassurance googling stuff all day every day, it's just the last few days I haven't done it as much. They say it can take 2-4 weeks before you see any change on the same dose but I'd say it was slightly longer. I was feeling stoned, blurry vision, body jerks and still feeling anxious for ages but now ( touch wood) I think I might be seeing a very faint light at the end of the tunnel

11-10-15, 17:11
I don't get it the first few days were good , how come they changed your dose so quickly ? I have loads I want to do but just don't feel I can at the moment , I feel I'm missing out on my boys growing up and I hate it .

I am also on zopiclone but try not to take it as don't want to become dependant on it .

What sort of things do you do in the day if your not working ? Did you manage to get out today

12-10-15, 05:46
Hi Tristan,

I think you are only about a week and a half into taking pregabalin, and posting twice a day or so about it, which indicates you are putting a lot of focus on the med, going on the internet, etc. That kind of attention and worry about whether a med is working will definitely give you a headache and tummy troubles!

If you are becoming a net addict about health topics, schedule time right away from the electronic device - with just a book or magazine, or taking your kids for a walk or a drive, etc.

12-10-15, 09:31
I don't get it the first few days were good , how come they changed your dose so quickly ? I have loads I want to do but just don't feel I can at the moment , I feel I'm missing out on my boys growing up and I hate it .

I am also on zopiclone but try not to take it as don't want to become dependant on it .

What sort of things do you do in the day if your not working ? Did you manage to get out today

I managed to go to local supermarket for a few bits, it was literally in and out tho. What do I do through the day ? Well when I was in a really bad place all I could focus on was me, my illness and my medication. I would spend hours on here reading about other people's experiences and reading up about anxiety ( my kindle is full of self help books) . I found it really hard to distract myself but I would make myself do little things even if it was just to make a cup of tea and go sit in garden ( with a tab of course) and just have a break away from the Internet and books. Taking the dogs out helps too, at first I constantly thought I was going to collapse it was horrendous but now that fear has practically gone . I even managed to drive my son to college this morning and that wouldn't of been possible 2 weeks ago.
I watch the tele a lot theses days think I'm making up for lost time for when I couldn't even stand the tele on. I'm trying to introduce things I would normally do back into my life, such as taking son to college and picking him up, and tomirrow I'm going to go out for lunch with a friend. Am I nervous ? Yes very but I'm telling myself I'm safe and this anxiety is not dangerous infact it's there to protect me and even tho the physical symptoms are hideous they won't harm me

12-10-15, 13:54
I think you are only about a week and a half into taking pregabalin, and posting twice a day or so about it, which indicates you are putting a lot of focus on the med, going on the internet, etc. That kind of attention and worry about whether a med is working will definitely give you a headache and tummy troubles!

If you are becoming a net addict about health topics, schedule time right away from the electronic device - with just a book or magazine, or taking your kids for a walk or a drive, etc.


Obsessing over illnesses is a sure way to not get over them; find distraction - exercise I know may seem like a challenge, but if you find something you enjoy it will really help. Books (esp. novels) will help too, and they're free from the library!

Good luck


12-10-15, 17:03
Your right Albert but when in a bad place coming on here for reassurance helps , managed to go to work again today and got 7 hours done so pleased with that , tonight is my last quetiapine and feel a bit worried about that but fingers crossed

Enjoy your lunch , wish I could eat during the day as would prob help but on a fag and coffee diet at moment x x

Life can only get better from here x

13-10-15, 17:42
Your right Albert but when in a bad place coming on here for reassurance helps , managed to go to work again today and got 7 hours done so pleased with that , tonight is my last quetiapine and feel a bit worried about that but fingers crossed

Enjoy your lunch , wish I could eat during the day as would prob help but on a fag and coffee diet at moment x x

Life can only get better from here x

Coming on here helped me too when my head was in a bad place.
My CPN is pleased with my progress and I think splitting my morning dose of quetiapine has helped, I can literally feel it calming me down and stopping the physical symptoms when I take it. I'm noticing improvements now and I'm actually looking forward to returning to work! Can't believe I said that.
I spoke to my CPN about my medication and he doesn't think my psychiatrist will make any changes and I will probably be staying on what I am on so I'm happy about that
How you doing today ?

13-10-15, 18:49
Had doctors today and they have cut my pregablin down to twice a day due to headaches and high blood pressure and told me to stop quetiapine so I'm a mess today , looks like things are starting to move forward for you so that's great news .

They must know what they are doing but I found quetiapine really helped me

13-10-15, 19:07
So are you just on 100mg pregablin and cit now ? Why did they stop the quetiapine ?
Have they just stopped it without tapering you off it !
I take it it was your GP you saw, I'm so pleased I'm under the care of a psychiatrist I have more faith in her
Hope your ok

13-10-15, 19:59
Emotional reck tonight and can't stop crying ��

13-10-15, 20:26
Emotional reck tonight and can't stop crying ��

I wish there was something I could do to help
This illness is the pits I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy
You have to believe things will get better, I know it doesn't seem that way now but cling on to the hope that it will

13-10-15, 21:47
Just knowing that someone understand is a great help , things have to get worse before they get better I guess , not cried in a long time so getting some emotions back x x

Got to stay strong for my family and have faith in doctor , just had 2 diazepam and feel chilled but trying hard not to take quetiapine as scared of the unknown

Keep in touch and glad to here your progress x

---------- Post added at 21:47 ---------- Previous post was at 21:35 ----------

I am under a proper mental health team but trying to get to see her is a nightmare as she has put me at low risk as I don't want to hurt myself , I was discharged from her back in jan as was doing ok ish but last couple of months I've crashed again , I know it happens but feel like giving up now and can't seem to find the light

14-10-15, 09:08
How you feeling today ?
Ring your mental health team if you need to, I was ringing them practically everyday. I was discharged from them and ended up crashing the intrusive thoughts were unreal, I was thinking I wanted to harm my pets....I love my pets so it was very very frightening. I wanted to stop and kept thinking I wanted to smash my head into things to get rid of them. That's when I was readmitted to hospital.
I know it's not just down to the meds I keep getting told that but for me I need them to be able to get to a place where I can help myself in other ways

14-10-15, 20:46
What a day , dizzy , shaky , and physical anxiety , had to take a quetiapine tonight as they really do calm me down and help to eat ,48 hours without food is not good , was not to bad when woke up but took pregablin and started to feel shit so going to speak to doctor next week .

Had conncelling today and he is going to send them a letter as said I was worse , stuck with quietPine as really is good x

14-10-15, 22:43
Maybe you should stay in the quetiapine for now, what is the reason they want you off it? You need to try to eat I was told to treat food like a medication and have it regularly even if it was just a biscuit or a slice of bread. I lived on complan and bananas for weeks ! Make sure you have plenty fluids
I do feel the quetiapine is working for me, hardly any physical symptoms today just first thing when I wake up in anxious mode but it's settling down much more quickly, I can't believe the difference in only a week.....
I hope you get some relief soon too

16-10-15, 09:20
Up and dressed but can't make it out the door to work today

16-10-15, 10:07
Hi Tristan,

We all have days like that. Rest and get your strength back. Tomorrow is always a new day.

16-10-15, 10:17
Up and dressed but can't make it out the door to work today

I don't know how you have been able to go to work, you have done very well. I've been off 7 month now and used to sit and worry about it every day, worrying I would get sacked and I would have to resign due to health

16-10-15, 16:29
When are you due to go back ? I had a few weeks off to had to force myself to get back into it .

My company have been really good about it and on flexible time and that helps , wife is away this weekend and I have the boys to deal with all by myself , scared much !!!

Made it to work just but only stayed a few hours

16-10-15, 17:31
I don't have a due back date as such, my sick note runs out in 3 weeks but my doctor is happy to renew it. Saying that I do feel like I'm feeling better about returning to work compared to what I was. I'm hoping I can go back in a phased return before Christmas. I want to be stable on my meds as I daren't take any more time off.
I'm having an off day toda, feel a bit crappy and mood is low but I suppose everyone had days like this.
Well done for managing to go to work

16-10-15, 18:29
I really don't know how I manage it as a reck most of the day and spend most of my time clock watching and smoking , don't know how I get away with smoking so much at work .

I'm having one of those days where I can't seem to calm down , tight chest , racing heart , and full blown anxiety , I have smoked so much today that I feel ill .

I wouldn't be in a rush to go back to work as I feel I went back to early but having a mortgage and 3 boys and a wife that doesn't work the pressure was on , my boss and company are really supportive and I work for a big company prob 60 people and there are a few that have been where I am and offer a lot of reassurance and tell me I will get there but at the moment I don't believe them , I'm not a very patient person and hate it when people say it just takes time , what do you do for a job if you don't mind me asking .

Headaches have gone now so back on 3 times aday with diazepam but like everyone on here I'm fed up with it and my biggest problem is I'm always thinking about how I'm feeling and just want a normal day what ever one of them is .

Stay strong and let's hope tomorrow is better for both of us

16-10-15, 19:06
I'm a nurse, and I'm a terrible patient lol. Your anxiety could be higher cos your wife is going away. I know I as ill all weekend leading up to the Monday when my son started collage the thought of being home alone terrified me, but I managed and the anxiety over that has lessened.
I wish I could just go to work for a couple of hours and see how I feel, sort of voluntary so I was under no pressure

17-10-15, 09:11
Ask the question , what's the worst that could happen , when I was signed off I would force myself to go in on a Saturday morning , no pressure and just have a coffee and a chat x x

17-10-15, 10:06
The worst that could happen is the urge to run home, I hate that agitated feeling when I get the urge to run

17-10-15, 19:59
Know the feeling well

---------- Post added at 19:59 ---------- Previous post was at 16:00 ----------

But that is the worst that could happen , I go in every day even if it's for an hour , better to have tried and failed than to not try at all x.

18-10-15, 09:50
Know the feeling well

---------- Post added at 19:59 ---------- Previous post was at 16:00 ----------

But that is the worst that could happen , I go in every day even if it's for an hour , better to have tried and failed than to not try at all x.

Yeah I suppose your right, I just need to be more confident and believe in my abilities

18-10-15, 19:24
Start off small and work your way up , you made it to asda right , sounds easy for most people but that was a big step for you and you should feel proud , so where you off to next ?

I know it's hard but try and do an action plan for each day and as long as you do one of the things on the list then that's a win in my eyes , keep it simple and work your way up x

18-10-15, 19:47
That's good advice
I am aiming to go out and do one thing each day. Tuesday I'm planning on going to the cinema with a relative . Iv always found sitting in a cinema quite nerve racking even when I'm well so that will be a test in itself

18-10-15, 20:29
Good luck with that one , I couldn't do that task as couldn't sit still and not smoking would do me in , best of luck and let me know how you get on x x

19-10-15, 09:25
I'm praying I can do it, feeling nervous about it now

19-10-15, 21:35
Just remember , what's the worst that could happen , have faith and if it doesn't work out at least you tried .

Headaches have gone now so back on 3 times a day and staying on quetiapine , going to ask for lorazepam instead of diazepam as friend is in it and tried a couple and seem more settled on them

Also started to smoke a shisha instead of 40 a day so should help x x

Make sure you get some popcorn and eat it very loud

19-10-15, 21:44
I shall have a big box of popcorn lol
Is lorazapam not on the drug interactions with quetiapine ? I'm sure I read it somewhere, I would check it out just to be safe

20-10-15, 13:47
Without wanting to sound like I am butting in, I have read through this thread as I have been prescribed pregablin and lorazapam yesterday. I have not taken the pregablin yet as I am a little nervous about it. I have been prescribed 50mg pregablin to take in the evening initally but to go up to twice a day after a few days. Can I ask what is the stoned feeling that been described on it? Is it just drowiness spaced out feeling? As for the lorazapam, I have taken 0.5 mg of it with 25mg quetiapine, just made me more drowsy so shouldn't worry about interactions.

20-10-15, 16:40
Don't be scared of the pregablin, 50mg is a low dose so you might have no side effects. I only experienced the stoned feeling when I went up to 300mg, you just feel chilled out and a bit spacey but it doesn't last long. I'm managing to get out and about now and the stoned feeling has well gone

20-10-15, 17:19
Ok thanks, I shall try it this evening. What's the best time to take it? Just before bed or earlier in the evening?

20-10-15, 20:35
So I had the doctors today and is happy for me to stay on the quetiapine 100 mg for a short time as helps with eating and sleeping , am on lyrica 3 times a day at 50 mg as headaches have died off also been given larazipam as diazepam just made me feel tired .

Don't worry about the stoned feeling it's kind of nice , I take my last one as I get into bed as lessons the side effects

Good luck Ben

20-10-15, 21:17
Thanks lan and tristan. I do worry about new meds but I will try this one before bed tonight. Can live in hope that it is the missing piece in the jigsaw as Iam on enough meds as it is

20-10-15, 22:03
Good luck Benjie. The majority of users seem to have only benign start-up effects from Pregabalin; when I started, it made me feel great and helped give me my life back, quickly.

The stoned feeling is pretty minor and most seem to enjoy it: it makes a nice change from how many people felt before it. Good luck, and let us know how you get on, and this place is full of people who've been there before.

Take it easy...


21-10-15, 08:49
Thanks lan and tristan. I do worry about new meds but I will try this one before bed tonight. Can live in hope that it is the missing piece in the jigsaw as Iam on enough meds as it is

Good luck and let us know how you get on

21-10-15, 12:35
Did feel a bit more chilled after taking it. However it did take longer to fall asleep so thinking of taking it a bit earlier this evening. Only on an evening dose atm. The doctor says to give it 3 or 4 days then to add a morning dose. Not really felt any side effects yet but it's early days. In fact I don't feel much different but I had only had one and I know these things can take a few weeks to make a real difference but I feel I might be on the right track.

21-10-15, 20:26
I suffered with headaches but nothing else apart from feeling stoned but kind of liked that , on week 3 and had some bad days but getting better , keep going with them ascot does take time x x

How you doing today ?

21-10-15, 22:20
Not had any headaches yet, sorry that you get them tristan. I suppose these take time to work. Have been prescribed lorazepam in the meantime. Use them when I too early to help get back to sleep mainly. I am on 25mg quentiapine as well, whilst they get me to sleep, I wake after about 4 or 5 hours. Don't want to use benzos but its good to get some decent sleep. I believe that the pregablin will fix that in the long term

22-10-15, 09:37
I wish they would give me something to help me go back to sleep, it's awful waking up scared every morning at about 6 am. They won't tho cos I'm getting at least 6 hours but this waking up very early is making me more anxious. Saw my CPN yesterday and he reminds me I've not been on this mix of meds for long ( 4 weeks on sat) and to give them time and also to forget about going back to work until the new year

22-10-15, 10:13
The lorazepam does help me get a few extra hours. I do feel drowsy when waking for a few hours. You been on that combo four weeks lan, do you find its helped at all? As for giving them time, christ how long these things take to work? I have a meeting at work today to discuss my absence and a possible return to work. Not sure if I am ready to return full time yet but could go in for a few hours to try it out.

22-10-15, 10:38
Ano it takes forever ! They defo doing something as I'm able to get out and about now compared to before when I couldn't leave my bed and was terrified of being alone.
Good luck with the meeting at work.
I'm trying to find out what happens to all my untaken holiday as our holiday year finishes on dec31st and I have over 3 weeks to take

22-10-15, 11:08
At least that is something, nothing worse being stuck at home all day every day. Hope you
work something out as regards to your holiday

22-10-15, 11:55
Getting out and about does help it's just making myself do it that is sometimes hard
Are you going back full time ? I'm hoping to be able to return part time providing my employer will agree to this

22-10-15, 18:28
Going back on slightly reduced hours and on a different shift pattern. Back on monday, am looking forward to it

23-10-15, 08:36
Good I'm pleased the meeting went well and good luck for Monday

23-10-15, 09:53
Thanks. I think what has been agreed is managable so a step in the right direction.

23-10-15, 10:07
The way I feel this morning I don't think I will ever get back to work ! These mornings consume me

24-10-15, 10:15
I'm having the worst morning I have had in a while , been up since 5 and just can't function on anything , going to be a long one x x

24-10-15, 10:23
I feel your pain !
I'm scared for tonight with the clocks going back but I have a plan so hope it works

24-10-15, 12:57
What's the plan lol vodka ?

24-10-15, 18:38
Lol don't tempt me
No I'm going to take my tablets at 11 go to bed for 1am and take a zoplicone and hopefully I shall sleep til abt 7 am

25-10-15, 13:58
I could never stay up that late , hope it worked x

25-10-15, 15:14
Woke up abt 8ish and it was light outside and I wasn't as terrified as normal, still really scared but the physical symptoms were much better. Going to take my afternoon meds at 6 again and do the same again tonight. I prefer going to bed later so I wake up at a decent time and not before sunrise

25-10-15, 17:26
Started taking my morning dose yesterday so now on two doses a day. Felt really drowsy over the last few days as a result. Does the drowsiness subside? I know these tablets will do good in the long run but don't want to feel like this too long.

25-10-15, 18:21
It does subside, give it a week or two.

25-10-15, 18:54
Ok thanks, can live with it for a couple of weeks. Will be worth it if it works. Good to hear that you managed to sleep until 8. Nothing worse than waking up when its still dark.

25-10-15, 19:10
I can't stand it, it makes me feel so much worse

27-10-15, 13:22
My psychiatrist has increased my dose by 50mg a week until I'm on 450mg a day

27-10-15, 21:12
Increased what ?

27-10-15, 21:26
Increased what ?

My pregablin

28-10-15, 19:30
Wow , would that be the maximum dose you can go up to ? How are you feeling now ? I'm still on 150 mg and was wondering if going up will help more x

28-10-15, 19:42
The maximum is 600mg a day, she said 300mg was a low dose for anxiety. I've took my extra 50mg with my 2pm dose and I feel ok, no anxiety at the mo and I managed to go out and do some Christmas shopping. I also bought some magnesium tablets so I'm going to try one before I go to bed

28-10-15, 21:07
Let me know how you get on with the magnesium tablets as was thinking of giving them a try , if I could get my sleep under control and get rid of the morning anxiety the world would be a better place , think I'm moving up to 300 soon so fingers crossed x

28-10-15, 21:24
I will do
There exactly the 2 same things I need to get under control, sleep and mornings. Hopefully the bigger dose will sort this over time. I've realised eventually this 'thing' is going to be with me for a while and it's not a race. I know I won't be back to work this year and tbh I don't really care, I'm putting it on the back burner
I reckon you will see a big difference once you go up to 300mg

28-10-15, 21:30
Can I ask what time you take your meds , I take preg when I wake up with citalipran then another preg at 1 then take last preg with quetiapine at about 8

28-10-15, 21:48
I take 100mg pregablin and 50mg quetiapine when I wake up, 150mg pregablin and 50mg quetiapine at 2pm , and I take 30mg mirt, 100mg pregablin, 100mg quetiapine at 10pm
Then I practically drag myself to bed at abt 11ish and go out like a light

31-10-15, 09:59
Hi Lisa

Good luck with the increased pregabalin dose - you can go up to 600 mg per day if necessary.

31-10-15, 10:10
Hi Lisa

Good luck with the increased pregabalin dose - you can go up to 600 mg per day if necessary.

Started on 400mg yesterday, hoping I don't get the 'stoned' feeling again

31-10-15, 22:23
I am guessing the stoned feeling comes back every increase in dose, sounds like a bit of a mare. Just wondering if anyone has experienced increased anxiety on start up. The last couple of days I have been experiencing palpitations. Not had them for a while, have propranolol to help ease them. I know I shouldn't expect too much too soon but fed up of this, fed up of not sleeping too well and not having much energy.

31-10-15, 22:43
How's work going ?
I experienced increased anxiety last week especially on waking. Hence the increase in dose. Haven't experienced the 'stoned' feeling with the increase like I did when I first started. My sleep is still crap too

01-11-15, 00:44
Work is going ok. I am only doing six hour shifts at the moment but I do find myself tired after four hours. This I find frustrating as I normally work ten hours. Let's us know if the increased dose makes any difference

01-11-15, 10:45
I'm sure the tiredness will wear off in time
Tried my magnesium oil last night, fell asleep on settee at abt 12.30ish don't kniw what time I dragged myself to bed bit I woke up at 8.30 and it was daylight ! So much better than getting up at 5.30/6. The stoned feeling is with me today so I shall stick at this dose until it wears off. Symptoms not so bad this morning but my mind is anxious which is due to a few stress factors in my life at the mo

01-11-15, 13:32
Sounds like the magnesium oil may be effective, think I will invest in some.

01-11-15, 13:56
Give it a go can't harm anything

01-11-15, 15:04
Been to holland and barrett and got some. Cost 12.65 but if I get a couple of extra hours of sleep then it be worth every penny.

01-11-15, 15:35
What sort did you get ?
I've got better you magnesium goodnight oil, I sprayed 2 on each knee and 1 on my back cos it's supposed to be good for joints too

01-11-15, 16:26
I have got the same by the looks of it. The instructions say to concentrate on feet, legs and upper arms. I shall try that and see what happens.

01-11-15, 19:02
I never read instructions properly lol
I may try these areas myself tonight
Let me know how you get on with it

02-11-15, 14:25
Think o need to get some of this , having a really bad time at the moment and might have to go up a dose

02-11-15, 16:41
It's worth trying the magnesium. I slept from 11.30 till 6.30 yippee ! Could be the magnesium or the increased dose, fingers crossed it contunues. I've upped my dosage 100mg and the slightly 'stoned' feeling is back but I Waac exoecting that to return so it's not that bad. I shall be taking the extra 50mg by the weekend

02-11-15, 23:50
Not tried it yet but I think I will try it tonight

03-11-15, 09:46
Slept till 7 again this morning, still scanning myself and chest felt very tight and shallow breathing. Still feeling stoned but I know in time it will lessen just need a few weeks to get settled on the 450mg

03-11-15, 14:03
The magnesium didn't work for me. Slept a bit less. I will try it again when I don't have work the next day. It's going to be a long day. Going to the doctors tomorrow, may need
an increase in pregablin as I don't think it's doing much at my current dose(50mg twice a day)

04-11-15, 11:57
Decided to take the extra 50mg this morning so I'm now on 450mg (3x150mg). The stoned feeling is back but I've still managed to take dogs out and go to local shop. I'm planning on taking it easy the next few days, chill on settee and watch box sets ( currently watching greys anatomy).
The anxiety today is minimal, was there just after waking up but its settled a lot now. Still having anxious thoughts but noticed it was just my anxiety and thinking this way is ok it doesn't mean these things are going to happen and just let the anxiety wash over me.

05-11-15, 00:54
Been upped from 100mg a day to 150mg a day, I am guessing the stoned feeling will return, great. Also had my quetiapine upped from 25mg to 50mg a night. I can only hope that will improve my sleep. Am gutted the magnesium didn't work, guess I shouldn't get my hopes up

05-11-15, 10:19
The magnesium may need time to build up in your system, I'm not sure how this stuff works. I was exhausted yesterday I fell asleep at tea time for an hour or so then fell asleep abt 11ish on the settee dnd woke up at 8am. Had the dogs out for a walk and now back on the settee. I'm hoping I can manage to go get some shopping at some point but if not there is always tomorrow. Trying to just take one day at a time even tho my mind is catasrophising things in the future bit I have to try bring myself back to the here and now

05-11-15, 11:43
Can understand taking one day at the time, it's what I do. I never know how I am going to feel one day to the next, if only there was a magic cure to this lol. I do have magnesium capsules as well, maybe they would work better. Going to hold off increasing my meds for a few days, I don't feel ready yet. Still at least the stoned feeling does pass quickly at least

05-11-15, 11:58
Well I took the bull by the horn and increased so I've gone up another 150mg. I feel rather tired and stoned but I've went to local shop for a few bits and that will be it for the day. Going to lounge about and take it easy until the banging starts (fireworks) and the dogs start going crackers. I don't know if it's the magnesium or the increase that is helping me sleep longer I suppose time will tell once I adjust to te new dose. So another day of watching box sets in store for me

05-11-15, 13:27
How much are you on now? Let us know how you get on

05-11-15, 13:47
I'm on 450mg (150mg x3) a day
I shall keep you up to date

09-11-15, 15:22
6 days in at 450mg and I'm feeling ok
Still anxious on a morning but it's not waking me up, I wake up and then the anxiety arrives. I'm averaging about 7 hours sleep which is pretty good and I can eat for England ! Can hardly fit in my clothes anymore.
Still slightly stoned but much better than it was. My left leg was aching all day yesterday, a bit like toothache type pain, applied my magnesium oil to it last night and it's much better today

10-11-15, 01:22
Oh I can understand the eating a lot thing, the appetite just don't go away. Still the improved sleep is a good thing. Upped mine, had the stoned feeling again but it was minor. Upping my quetiapine has helped my sleep, still wake up after 5 hours but can get back to sleep for a few more hours. Feel a bit better for it

10-11-15, 09:36
Dare I say do you think we are turning a corner and on the right road to recovery?
I don't like to speak to soon but my anxiety was better this morning, the churning stomach was milder. I've changed how I take my doses of pregablin, I take 100mg in the morning, 150mg in the afternoon and 200mg at night. I hope by taking the higher dose at night it will help with my morning anxiety

19-11-15, 00:25
Not been feeling too good. Been suffering from constipation, headaches and always feeling tired. I am going to ask the doctor if I can come off the pregablin. I am not going to continue taking something that I am feeling no benefit from and is making me feel shit.

19-11-15, 08:39
Aww I'm sorry to hear that
I'm not doing too good either, my sleep is back down to 5 hours so I don't know what's going on there. Waking up anxious again and it's impossible to go back to sleep.
I'm on quite a cocktail of meds and I'm wondering if it's too many. See my psychiatrist in 2 weeks so will see what she has too say.
Hopefully going to hospital gym tonight so that might tire me enough to have a good nights sleep. I've noticed I don't seem to be dreaming or if I am I don't remember them

19-11-15, 12:45
My sleep seems to be suffering too. Going to see the doctor today. There is no way I am upping anything as I don't think it will make a difference. If he doesn't come up with anything helpful then I will look for a new doctor.

19-11-15, 13:30
How long you been on them now ? I'm willing to go up to max dose if necessary, compared to how bad I was the pregablin has given me some sort of life back. I'm eating again ( too much), I can go out places, read, watch tele ... I couldn't do any of this previously. If only I could get rid of morning anxiety and improve sleep, hopefully both will improve in 'time'
Felt awful this morning but I Forced myself to get out of house and go shopping and I actually felt 'normal' and feel more positive. I hope it lasts

20-11-15, 00:16
The doctor has referred me to a psychiatrist. Maybe they will be more helpful. Can't go on like this, I feel like just ditching the meds and trying natural remedies instead.

20-11-15, 08:45
Seeing a psychiatrist is a step in right direction, I feel more secure knowing I'm under the care of one.
I fear natural remedies are not strong enough to help my anxiety, it's too severe. I tried rescue remedy and it didn't do a thing but I remember using it when I was well for an exam and it helped in that occasion.
Did your doc say how long you would have to wait for an appointment ?

20-11-15, 11:00
To answer an earlier question I have been on the pregablin about a month now, was hoping to see some sort of improvement by now. Only had 5 or 6 hours sleep but will just have to get through today. I have read on the natural remedies forum about Inositol. Obviously got to be careful about interaction but will ask at the chemist when I pick up my prescription. If it's ok then I will order some because I feel it might be worth a go. Oh and the doctor didn't say how long I will have to wait for an appointment

20-11-15, 11:13
I have some of that but I'm too scared to take it incase of any interactions with my meds. I shall ask the chemist next time I pick up my prescription

20-11-15, 11:38
It's worth asking. It should be ok as it's only a vitamin but worth checking to be safe.

20-11-15, 11:58
Any idea how much you take ? I have 650mg capsules

20-11-15, 14:03
I am planning on buying the powder. For that it is a quarter of a teaspoon 3 times a day. I think with your capsules it's 3 a day but its worth checking the label. I did ask at the chemist, no interaction with my meds so I shall order some, got to be worth a try.

---------- Post added at 14:03 ---------- Previous post was at 12:51 ----------

Decided the powder is probably too risky in case it don't agree with me so ordered some capsules off amazon. I will let you know how i get on with them.

20-11-15, 19:06
We are on the same meds aren't we apart from the mirtazapine
Had another canny day once the morning anxiety subsided. Been for eye test, visited mam, then visited my son and I have just got back from asda. I coped with all of them but I'm feeling exhausted now.....bet I stii wake up at 6am tho

21-11-15, 00:24
More or less the same meds. I am on quetiapine, pregablin, propranolol and omeprazole. I also have lorazepam for a as needed basis although I try not to take them every day. I can understand that, no matter how busy I am the sleep is still crap. The doctor says I should get plenty of exercise. It makes no difference however I do feel good for it. Mind you I could do with more exercise as I am starting to put on weight.

21-11-15, 11:24
I'm piling the pounds on! Can hardly fit in my clothes but I still can't stop eating
I was exhausted last night after having such a busy day but still only slept for about 5 1/2 hours. Maybe that's all I need and will have to accept that and not stress about it

22-11-15, 17:50
Just took one of my inositol to test it out, see if I have any reaction to it

23-11-15, 21:17
It says to take 1 a day on tub, but I took 2 see what happens

24-11-15, 00:14
Mine have turned up. Not taken any yet

25-11-15, 20:53
Well I took 3 tonight, I don't know how many I really need to take and also how long for

26-11-15, 00:12
Not sure about the tablets but some people takes grams and grams of the powder a day. As for how long to take then I suppose it how long you need to take it. Have you noticed any improvements through taking it?

26-11-15, 09:31
I'm going to stop taking them and just stick to my prescribed meds. If they can't knock this morning anxiety on the head I can't see natural remedies working.
I've also been really tired the last couple of days so I don't know if they have attributed to that

29-11-15, 11:49
Took one yesterday. Didn't sleep well last night and feel a little rough atm. How long did the tiredness last for you once you stopped taking them? Mind you I did miss a pregablin dose yesterday so not sure if that had anything to do with it. I think I have to agree with you and just stick to the prescribed meds, whilst it may not be perfect, at least I can kind of function on them.

29-11-15, 13:54
This illness is a pain in the butt ! I feel a bit off more than usual today. I feel isolated and withdrawn. Tried to have a lie in but the anxiety seems to come in waves just as I'm about to drop back off.
Got a busy week ahead which ends in a meeting at work on Friday which I'm not looking forward too

29-11-15, 14:08
You are right it is a pain in the butt. Never expected it to go on this long, thought I would be cured within a month. Good luck with your meeting on friday, are you looking to return to work?

29-11-15, 14:34
According to my psychiatrist report she reckons it will be march before I'm in a position to think about returning and will need a phased return. The question is will they go by her advice.
This nightmare has been going on for 9 months now! I'm starting to believe this is my life now and plus Iv had a falling out with someone I thought was a good friend

14-05-16, 19:58
How we all doing on this X X

15-05-16, 13:16
Hi Tristan,

Rather than for you to reply to several posts at the same time, it may be more helpful for you to create one new post for replies.