View Full Version : Anxiety from sleep deprivation or something else?

01-10-15, 19:48
Hey everyone...

I feel really weird today. I've suffered from anxiety for 15 years but over the last couple years it's been a little bit better thanks to Sertraline and I guess just less stress in general. However, I just entered a stressful period in my life (I'm basically financially struggling) and so I've noticed occasions where I will feel a little bit anxious.

However, today I don't even know if I can describe what I feel. I feel like queasy in the stomach and abdomen, and really shaky and cold, and edgy and like I'm unwell or something. Except I'm like thinking it seems like anxiety but I've just gotten so used to not having it I've forgotten what it's like?

The thing is last night I only got one hour sleep if that, because I couldn't sleep due to other problems (I have other conditions that cause me sleeping issues) and I couldn't catch a nap or anything in the day as I was out. I've just got back about an hour ago and I feel really confused and like I'm really nervous or sad or worried about something.

Can sleep deprivation cause anxiety like this? I normally try to at least get 5-6 hours but I couldn't sleep at all last night. :/ Has anyone suffered from these kind of symptoms?

The thing is I also have acid reflux and so sometimes I get burning chest sensations or queasy feelings from that, so it's hard to tell...

I'm also MAJORLY paranoid atm that I've gotten food poisoning as I ate fried chicken last night with the bf and I'm not 100% sure it was cooked thoroughly even though he ate it and is fine completely. I'm just stressed about all this and wanted to know what it was more likely to be so I can calm my mind down about it. Thanks!!

01-10-15, 20:32
Ok so, when I don't get any sleep it totally makes me much more anxious plus if you have acid reflux that can make your stomach irritated and that can also give strange nervy feelings. Don't worry, I bet when you get some sleep you will be better x

01-10-15, 21:01
yeah that's what I thought! I figured it might be that I just haven't slept enough as I'm feeling pretty wiped out/weak and in need of a good nights rest! I think because I don't get good solid sleep usually due to overactive bladder and pain that its probably worse right now as I didn't get any sleep last night.

I guess the acid reflux is also worsening symptoms though. thanks for replying though, I'm sort of glad that it's more likely to be anxiety!