View Full Version : Does everyone else get these symptoms with acid reflux?

01-10-15, 21:35

I'm currently suffering from some really severe gnawing pains in my stomach / esophagus area ... basically just between the breasts and under them as well as burning sensation in my throat and burping a lot.

The symptoms I am mainly wondering about is the hunger pains/gnawing pains/nausea, and the pain that pierces through to the shoulder blades when it's really bad. Is this normal for acid reflux? I have had acid reflux symptoms for four years now which did get better for a while on lansoprazole but lately is feeling worse for some reason. I don't know if stress or anxiety is relating to or contributing to this at all but I've recently felt more anxious than normal about stuff.

I feel like I'm alone with these specific symptoms (though i do suffer from others, such as ibs and frequent urination) because these are the symptoms I never really feel are the same as everyone else's. Anyone have similar experiences?

01-10-15, 21:53
That all sounds very typical of acid reflux to me. I take Omeprazole to keep mine down and it works great.

If I'm not taking it though, I get gas, pains in stomach / under ribs, and the weirdest one I would get is that it all felt like it was happening only on my right side - it would go from my throat, across my ribs, felt like the lungs, and around to the shoulder blade.

I guess it can cause a lot of weird symptoms!

01-10-15, 23:17
Thanks! I guess it makes sense that a condition can sometimes have some weird symptoms show up. I really get worried whenever I have something new occur or if something doesn't go away so my health anxiety kicks in again. My Lanzoprazole works pretty well usually but lately I think I've just been under more stress and anxiety than usual. Do you suffer from anxiety at all? If so does it affect your acid reflux?

01-10-15, 23:36
Oh yes, I suffer from anxiety all the time. I take a pill for that too ;)

Anxiety can play havoc with your stomach and cause all kinds of problems. I've had so many new symptoms that I freak out about but then they either go away completely or I stop paying attention to them. I've "had" every illness out there, but they all ended up being nothing!