View Full Version : Recourse with eyes: Should I see the doctor again?

02-10-15, 01:05
Should I visit the GP again?

Here's some background info on what's going on.....:

"If you haven't heard my story, let me inform you. About six months ago, I had a MAJOR setback with my anxiety. I then went on to start CBT- which six months later, is not helping. I've now had a total of four diagnosed: GAD, panic disorder, TYPE O OCD, and health anxiety. After multiple panic attacks with different symptoms, I started to develop severe HA

Since about July of this year, I've diagnosed myself with over 30 illnesses including, heart disease, MS , ALS, blood infection, brain tumor, eye cancer, sepsis, stroke, heart attack, spinal tumor, etc

I've had 4 blood work ups, CT scans twice of my brain, 2 ekgs, numerous blood pressure tests, and 3 eye exams. All things have come back normal.

The thing that has really frustrated me badly right now is obviously my eyes. As I've mentioned before, I had two botched eye exams about a month ago that completely set me off and scared me greatly. Although they did say my eyes were healthy. Next I went to a third eye exam about a week ago and got new glasses that seemed to work.... For the first two minutes I wore them. Then I began overanalyzing my vision and it seems as though my vision has changed in a week. From the time I get up till I go to bed I focus on my vision.


I am still concerned about the blurry vision..... but the eye docs all say it's fine...... could something be wrong.

I feel as if it has worsened but I have had every test imaginable. I am now stuck on MS, and a brain tumor (specifically a terminal glioma).....



02-10-15, 09:53
You know the answer to this one. You know you are creating the vision problems by focusing on it. You've had more tests than anyone I know, you are extremely healthy. Im my opinion, you need to take a step back and concentrate on your anxiety and finding happiness.

02-10-15, 18:34

I just think the things that worry me is that right before I put my new glasses on, I know I am going to have vision blurriness.... and maybe that's why it is blurry?

I mean my prescription did change, but maybe because my first two eye doc appts were botched I think I still have blurred vision?


02-10-15, 19:08
I'm curious - how were the first two appointments botched?

02-10-15, 19:19
The guy measured my axis for my astigmatism wrong the first time. And then the second time, the lens crafters made my lenses completely wrong.

---------- Post added at 18:19 ---------- Previous post was at 18:17 ----------

Like it was off by like 60 degrees. And then like a week later he measured my eyes and it came up with the same astigmatism as last year, and then the lens shop made the lenses wrong.

02-10-15, 19:33
That happened to me this year. I picked up my glasses & the prescription was totally wrong. The world looked totally skewed. I laughed. It has nothing to do with YOU or YOUR eyes so don't let it stress you out like this. If your vision isn't blurry with the glasses off but it is with the glasses on then it's probably the glasses, yes. Or your anxiety over wearing them. You've been to many doctors & they all say you're fine. So, you are fine! :)

02-10-15, 19:54
I mean this is like the third time I got glasses this month. I mean could I be imagining the blurred vision?

05-10-15, 06:14
My optometrist has told me that blurry vision can be caused by anxiety (uncommon, but it does happen).

05-10-15, 13:41
I am partially sighted with severe eye problems so I know an awful lot about eyes sadly!

You have absolutely no symptoms that would worry me with my knowledge in the slightest, no red flag symptoms and I know every one of them because I have to know them.

One thing I do know is that once your brain focuses on your sight then suddenly you see everything in your eyes that have always been there but you just haven't noticed in the past because your brain was not focusing on your sight.

Any change to a prescription can cause vision problems as your brain has to adjust to the new messages.

I have very very thick lenses and am totally blind without my glasses and only partially sighted with but if I take my glasses off and keep my eyes open and then 30 mins put my glasses back on, I cannot walk or stand up for 10 mins as the room is all over the place and I fall over and this is because my poor old brain has to adjust to the sudden improvement in my sight that happens when I put my glasses on.

You have slight vision issues needing glasses but no other signs that anything else is wrong, be thankful.