View Full Version : What is it that we fear?

02-10-15, 09:42
I'm looking for answers as I don't really know what it is I'm actually afraid of!
I've asked myself this on many occasions and these are the answers ;
Death, leaving my little boy motherless, terminal illness, pain, treatments, tests.
The most interesting answer for me though, is the fear of not doing enough to keep myself safe. Which explains my frequent health service visits.

02-10-15, 11:06
Interesting question. I suppose for me I fear dying while my girls are still so young and not making sure they are OK and not seeing them growing up :weep:

Like you I worry that if I don't do "something" they won't catch it early enough and it would be too late...

Pretty silly really.

02-10-15, 11:15
It's a very interesting theme on here that these fears in many of us began when we had children. I don't think enough is done by antenatal professionals to prepare mothers to be for the emotional attachment we'll have.
We're all prepared for the hard slog, no sleep etc. Perhaps a leaflet in packs that we are given might have helped us recognising the anxiety warning signs before we became entrenched in this cycle.

02-10-15, 11:34
I'm a guy btw :blush:

Yeah, I had never really thought about that, but yes I guess the HA started around when my girls were born, although the anxiety had been going on for a while before that...

02-10-15, 12:32
Sorry for the assumption, I've also noticed a lot of dad's on here making similar remarks. I wasn't an anxious person before my son, but I've always liked to feel in control x

02-10-15, 12:49
I have also noticed a lot of people starting with health anxiety after having children. I think the fact that somebody depends on us brings new fears about health and dearh

02-10-15, 18:46
"I have spent my whole life scared. Frightened of things that could happen, might happen, might not happen. Fifty years I spent like that. Finding myself awake at 3 in the morning. But you know what? Ever since my diagnosis, I sleep just fine. And I came to realize it's that fear that's the worst of it. That's the real enemy. So get up. Get out in the real world. And you kick that ******* as hard as you can right in the teeth." - Walter White

15-10-15, 11:22
With me its two fears - loss of control as I had no control over events in childhood that were very scary( my ha started at age 5!) and also fear of being alone and ill health can mean you cannot live a normal life. Notice how alot of anxiety symptoms stop you from going out and socialising etc.

I personally think a big part of HA is the not being able to control your body, accepting that no one in the world has control over their health once you have done all you can to live healthily helped my HA alot as does getting older, more of a fatalistic attitude!

Also realising that being worried about a symptom is not the problem it's how we react to that worry with extreme anxiety and fear.

Psychobabble over now:)

15-10-15, 14:43
We fear for number of things like what will happen or I will lose something...
Its all our fears that turn anxiety, we should stop it in the early stage and enjoy every moment of life...

15-10-15, 15:08
Strangely I don't know what I fear & that's what I hate. There isn't any particular thing that makes me feel all these crazy feelings. My good days outweigh my bad days by far so it's very confusing to me when I suddenly wake up feeling unsettled & fearful. I am an overthinker so my own conclusion is that my brain gets so overloaded with thoughts & information that it progresses into an anxious mind! :shrug: xx