View Full Version : Bad Moments

15-09-04, 18:47
Having a really bad moment. Couldn't even call it a bad day because most of today has been terrific. And i keep trying to look back at that and focus on it. My Mum went away on Monday and I've really suprised myself with how well I was coping. I had great days at work and was even enjoying the time i had on my own then suddenly tonight when work had finished i felt so scared. Feeling full of panic and anxiety and shaking, been sick. Have so much to do and was glad to be so busy now i feel overwhelmed, can't even manage to make myself a cup of tea let alone do all the complicated things i have to.
My Doctor prescribed me some Diazepan to take if i needed to but I'm not sure i want to take it, i'm trying to sit it out. But maybe that is stupid if it will help. I don't know.
Sorry just needed to vent a bit,

15-09-04, 19:00
Hi Nikki

Sorry to hear you are having a bad moment, you have obviously gone into a state of panic and it will take time to slow it all down. If you feel you need a diazepam dont be scared to take one as it will take the edge of the anxiety. I know sometimes you might have loads to do but all your energy gets sapped by the adreneline. Hang in there it will past and focus on how good you have been feeling and will again very soon.

Love Sal xxxxx

15-09-04, 19:33
Hi Nikki

sorry you are having a bad moment especially when you have had such a good day. It will pass. somtimes when i feel liks that i listen to dance music very load and i dance, i know it sounds silly but it sometimes works for me.

Take care

Jill XX

15-09-04, 21:26
Hope you're feeling a bit better by now. Music is definitely a good plan, as is phoning someone for a chat. When I went through depression when I was younger I remember one night when my parents were away I had a really bad patch after my friends left for the night. It was about midnight so I phoned the Samaritans. I mean, I wasn't suicidal at that stage, but I just wanted to hear someone else's voice (plus this was pre-internet stage!). The guy I spoke to was lovely and although we talked a little about how I was feeling we also discussed life the universe and everything. It really helped.

16-09-04, 00:48
hi there Nikki,

Sorry to hear that you had a bit of a bad patch today - I get those all the time for no apparent reason even if I have been feeling 100% fine up to that point. Trying to distract yourself with anything around you is always a good idea as once your brain starts to concentrate on something else, it forgets to panic. Hope you are feeling better!! Take care.

Sarah :D

16-09-04, 09:09
My Mum went away on Saturday and I have jittered, wobbled and panicked wondering how I was going to cope alone.

I think it is perfectly natural to feel overwhelmed when someone who has helped you has gone away.

Diazepam will help to take the edge of things.

Let's hope you feel better today.

Love, light and Best wishes
Liz xxx
With hard work and determination and all the things you know.
The world is there for you to take. There's nowhere you can't go.

[:p]Scatty Eccentric & 'Poet Laureate to panic and anxiety'

16-09-04, 23:18
Hi Nik

How are you hon?

Love Sal xxxxx

17-09-04, 18:43

I was doing better just seems that every time i am alone and with a space of time alone stretched out in front of me, i feel dreadful.
I work looking after children and have been really proud of the way i have been coping since Mum left, if anything i have been more attentive to them and right on their level than ever, i think because its so much easier to adopt that "nursery teacher" persona whilst they are there and be all friendly and jolly. And suddenly now they have all gone home I'm feeling terrible and really scared.
And i can't make myself feel better, I've never felt out of control like this before. I've felt low and depressed but i could always make myself feel at least ok by watching my favourite video or cooking my favourite dinner but nothing works anymore.
I hope this doesn't sound too desperate but i can't make much sense of it, I'm not going to do anything stupid and i know i will get through this and it will get better.
I'm 21 and have so much of my life ahead of me and i know i am a good, kind person and could always do whatever i wanted to. But my body is letting me down, there's this knot of panic and anxiety inside me that won't go away. But i also feel really really upset can not stop crying. And thats why i am unsure about taking the Diazepan, i know it should help the panic and anxiety, but it also says it can cause depression and i'm scared of feeling lower than i am now.
I feel so lonely and scared, Nikki

20-09-04, 14:15
**just seems that every time i am alone and with a space of time alone stretched out in front of me, i feel dreadful.**

This is because you are left alone with your thoughts - not because you're alone physically . Distract - Distract initially and then learn to chnage your thought process.

Thoughts : Lets try to keep our thoughts in perspective (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=283)


It is impossible to get out of a problem by using the same kind of thinking that it took to get into it.
- Albert Einstein.