View Full Version : Citalopram 2 years , my withdrawal diary...

02-10-15, 10:39
Ok so I've been on citalopram for roughly two years now, started on 10mgs for about 6 months then moved to 20mg where I have remained.
I've recently had the odd week here and there of feeling pretty low and depressed and feel as though they are no longer working as effectively.
I have 2 options , increase to 30mg, which may work wonders, I worry how long until that stops working effectively? So I have decided to give the (very scary) withdrawal process a go and take it from there!

GP gave me a 6 week plan of withdrawing. Alternate 20mgs and 10mgs every other day for 2 weeks, 10mgs for 2 weeks, 10mg every other day for 2 weeks and stop.. I think this sounds way too quick so I'm going to go at the pace I need to, I do kind of feel like ripping the plaster off and putting up with the side effects if they are not too horrendous ! I also do have a small amount of diazepam to help if things get too difficult

I'm going to journal my experience , hopefully I will find it helpful and someone may find it interesting!!??
Last night I dropped my first 10mgs so guess this is day 1

05-10-15, 22:28
Day 5

Nothing to report , really feel no different as yet, mood has been pretty stable but I fully expect to experience side effects soon as my brain adapts to the decreased dosage. Just hope they are bearable !

11-10-15, 23:19
Day 11

Still feel ok, have been feeling irritable and snappy but if that's the worst I'm experiencing I'll happily take it!
Still alternating 10mg-20mg will leave it as this until maybe Thursday then drop to 10mg xxx

24-10-15, 23:35
Day 24

After alternating 10mg and 20mg for 2 weeks I have dropped to 10mgs , that was 10 days ago now, been feeling pretty good but felt low mood creeping in yesterday and a bit worse today, just going to go with it, no way I'm going back now, going to ride the storm :scared10: xxx

29-10-15, 11:14
Hey, I had a storm too, its subsided but there are still some minor side effects. Anyway, hang in there!:hugs:

01-11-15, 16:33
I'm just about to start coming off mine to so will be good to follow how you get on and ill let you know how I do I'm going from 40 so expecting the worst x

01-11-15, 18:31
I'm just about to start coming off mine to so will be good to follow how you get on and ill let you know how I do I'm going from 40 so expecting the worst x

Different people react differently, from what i've read its best to taper slowly. like lower dosage every 2 weeks or so.

01-11-15, 20:53
Please keep me updated. I have been on them for three years now and I am on 40mg I so want to come of them but am scared ! Although I don't think they are really doing much for me now. . . I still have very low days. Although I don't feel suicidual like I used to, but I am far from being in a happy place in my life. . ��

02-11-15, 14:29
Do you take any add on meds ?

02-11-15, 15:53
Tristan, was that last question for me?

07-11-15, 23:33
Hi again, its 38 days since starting to reduce my dose from 20 to 10
and I've been doing pretty well , haven't really been suffering any major side effects just feeling a bit snappy. It's 24 days since I have only taken 10mg a day and I have been feeling very wobbly the last couple of days! Just low mood and my brain feels weird! Hope this passes quickly .
How are you feeling , have you started reducing from 40 yet?

08-11-15, 20:38
Hey you guys - slow taper is the way to get off. 10% of the dose you are taking before the next drop. If in the UK look up 'The Bristol and District Tranquiliser Project' Wait to you feel well before your next drop too...Good luck