View Full Version : Two steps forward and then back again....

02-10-15, 14:46
Well my HA is a lot better thankfully. Chest pain got better after visit to a&e and then when started with ectopics again, managed to talk myself out of them, basically telling them to 'get lost' as I recognised that after years and years they weren't going to kill me. No longer on the ADs...decided not to take new ones and cope by doing CBT and mindfulness, breathing etc. All helping but....having really bad down days, had a real 'red mist' moment at work the other day and lost the plot at one of my bosses in the law office where I am a secretary after she spoke to me really arsey and was sent home to calm down, all sorted now but was v.stresful week. Hate my job but don't quite feel up to looking for another one yet. My main problem is that I feel so weary...today, I have felt lousy so far, no energy, just tidying round the house is making me exhausted and I just generally feel off. Most days I don't have any energy until after lunch at least so the mornings are so hard...just getting to work is torture, never mind once I get there...I wish I could retire but can't. Anybody else get really bad morning fatigue?? Apart from this and the bad temper and low mood, I was doing ok! Still think it could be the withdrawal effects from being on the ADs for 10 years on Nd off and frightened that they mY have damaged my brain chemistry. With feeling so rough today I don't want to start worrying about my health again. Had full bloods and tests 6 months ago and all ok. Just got me worried because my mum's friend was 'off' for a few days just before she died with a heart attack.

08-10-15, 17:17
I get really bad morning fatigue but I do wonder if it's my build up of my new Meds.

I do hope you are able to get to grips with your challenges. I don't have any experience of health anxiety but I guess it must be exhausting.