View Full Version : Still worried about getting Barrett's esophagus

03-10-15, 04:12
Hi. Despite talking to my GP earlier this week, I am still really worried that I may have Barrett's esophagus, which is a predisposition to throat cancer caused by persistant reflux, which I have had for about 5 years. My GP didn't seem to think my reflux was very bad, and said it should only be looked at further if it occurs at least once a week. I said it didn't, but now I'm worried because I have left out my frequent feelings on gas rising into my throat often accompanied by belching, which I get very often; is this a symptom of reflux?
I am now very worried that I have Barrett's, and it may kill me if left untreated, or (even more so) that I'll die getting a biopsy to see if I have it:scared15:
So, are my fears justified, or am I working myself up unnecessarily?
Regards, Peterthegreatworrier.

03-10-15, 15:18
I have had hiatus hernia since I was in my early 20's and am now in my mid 50's. Even with medication I have had heartburn at least once a day and like you was convinced I must have barratts but I have had 3 scopes 5 years apart and no I don't.
My friend who is now in her late 60's has had severe daily acid reflux for 30 years and she had all the symptoms of constant very sore throat and cough and she finally had scope and yes she does have barratts but they only need to re scope her every 2 years because only 1% of barratts changes to cancer. She had her barratts biopsied and there are no cancerous changes.
I was told that barratts is very very rare in anyone under 50 years old .