View Full Version : Anyone else experience chest tightness with anxiety??

03-10-15, 04:59
So I've had it all day - not continuously but every now and then and enough to put me in ER - but I didn't stay at the wait was 2 hours and ironically I couldn't stay because my anxiety was playing up.

But i woke this morning, coughing and feeling dizzy then I notice that my chest compresses - it feels really tight, it's hard to explain but it's on the left side, near my heart and radiates to my throat - and if I cough I feel better - I still have it and it's been about 9 hours, it's not as strong but i really hate this feeling.

Anyone else experience this and can you describe it for me so I can see if it's the same as what I experience?
I've never had this before - actually no, the sensation is familiar but I haven't had it for a very long time.

I am also suffering from hayfever I think ...or either I"m just actually sick.

Please help!

03-10-15, 05:05
It's a very common symptom of anxiety and most people on here have probably experienced it.
Your heart is in the centre not on the left so I wouldn't let the position worry you.
When I had my heart attack the pain was all on my right side.

03-10-15, 05:15
Thanks Phil,
It's definitely on the left and it feels like I need to cough .... I was in the garden using compost last week it could be the start of legionnaires disease.

It's very uncomfortable and very worrying.

It comes and goes which I think is good and I"m assuming if it were a heart attack it would have got worse by now?

Sorry to hear you had a heart attack but you're still here so that's good news!

03-10-15, 05:19
Thanks Tan

I can just about guarantee that it's not a heart attack or you wouldn't be sitting there typing about it.
I get a lot of chest tightness just from bad posture.
I don't think you have legionnaires.
All anxiety suffers , of which I'm one , tend to look for the worst possible scenario.
If you're really worried go down to out patients but I think you'll be OK.

03-10-15, 05:30
Thanks Phil, It could be posture related too - i constantly am carrying my three year old... there are lots of reasons, we always go to the worst, doesn't help I actually terrible too!!

03-10-15, 21:38
Chest tightness has definitely been my main concern for months :/

All I read about is that it's either muscle related or from hyperventilating and I don't think it's either in my case.

My chest/throat area feels so constricted sometimes. Almost like that feeling you get when you are about to cry, or holding back from crying and everything gets all tight.

I feel as if I am not able to breathe properly although I can just fine. It's not really a pain or anything, just an uncomfortable feeling that doesn't seem to shake unless I don't pay attention to it.

04-10-15, 01:09
Chest tightness has definitely been my main concern for months :/

All I read about is that it's either muscle related or from hyperventilating and I don't think it's either in my case.

My chest/throat area feels so constricted sometimes. Almost like that feeling you get when you are about to cry, or holding back from crying and everything gets all tight.

I feel as if I am not able to breathe properly although I can just fine. It's not really a pain or anything, just an uncomfortable feeling that doesn't seem to shake unless I don't pay attention to it.

Globus Hystericus which is a feeling like the throat is closing is also a common symptom of anxiety.
As you've already found ignoring your symptoms as much as possible is the best way of getting rid of them.

04-10-15, 02:45

I don't suffer from anxiety per se' but I do have anxiety symptoms due to the stress of recurrence of my cancer and heart issues. It manifested itself as chest pain. Being that I'm a two time heart attack survivor, I have to be cautious of chest pain.

I've had chest pain that mimics heart issues on several occasions from stress and anxiety. All test proved negative...

Positive thoughts

11-10-15, 08:52
Tan, this is what i am going through right at this moment and it really is bothering me, much of my symptoms is about the chest pain and discomfort and same as with jenni the tighning of chest and throat thing i just cant get over it