View Full Version : Really bad blip past two days ... Not sure why

03-10-15, 15:25
Today and yesterday I have felt really depressed, irritable, and tired. Work has been stressful and dealt with a lot but usually I can get home and put it behind me better than this. I don't even know if that's what is bothering me. Everything my husband says or does is angering me and I'm not like that normally. It's a struggle to fake it and laugh. I want to stay in bed. Last night I went to bed early to just get away.

Today we are going to his parents and his mom is treating me to a show in the city. It's something I've been excited for and I don't want to go at all. I just want to stay home.

What is going on? I've been doing so well with my depression and anxiety and this is coming out of nowhere and scaring me. I thought I'd feel better after a good nights sleep and I don't. I'm trying to be positive and tell myself it's a blip, but this feels really bad.

Just needed to vent somewhere to people who understand. Thank you :hugs:

03-10-15, 15:29
Going to the show will do you the world of good. I know how easy and attractive it seems to stay at home but the show will take your mind off the rubbish couple of days you've had. Tell you're boyfriend's mum you're feeling off if you think it'll help. Hope you have a great time, what show are you seeing?

03-10-15, 15:38
We're seeing Cinderella on Broadway as a girls night. I think the weather isn't helping either ... Cold, rainy, raw. I think a night out will be good once I'm there. The lead up is tough. Thank you :hugs:

03-10-15, 18:07
Yes the anticipation is the worst but it'll go once you're there. That sounds like something up my street, have a fab time!