View Full Version : From one thing to another...now blood pressure

03-10-15, 16:33
I had my checkup on Thursday and my blood pressure was borderline high (130/90), but it went down while I was there (130/82). Last few years I've been 130/80.

Doctor didn't seem concerned in the least and said it could have jumped up from the anxiety of being there. All my other levels (cholesterol, etc) were as perfect as it gets. He said just monitor it once a month and check in if it becomes higher.

Now I feel like an idiot not asking any other questions but I was so surprised by this that I was sort of flustered.

I hate this shit!

03-10-15, 16:37
Hi, during a hospital stay I was on 4 hourly obs. My blood pressure changed a lot during a 48 hour stay and was reflective of my anxiety levels. At my most relaxed, I was perfect.

03-10-15, 16:53
Your blood pressure is fine. Anxiety rises it considerably but it's still not enough to worry.

03-10-15, 17:07
White Coat Syndromme, yet again. Nothing to worry about,nj.

03-10-15, 20:17
I have the worlds worst white coat syndrome for blood pressure. If I take it at home it is low ( 106/72) but if I walked into my Dr surgery and he took it 10 mins later it would be high (180/95) within hour of getting home it would be on the low side again. Anxiety can, as I prove, cause a huge spike in blood pressure. My pulse will also be around 140 when Dr takes it and 68 when done at home!

My GP says he only diagnoses high blood pressure if someone blood pressure is above 140/90 all the time or most of the time and he gets everyone to take their blood pressure at home 3 times a day for 2 weeks.

03-10-15, 21:42
Last time I went to the doctor, my blood pressure was 160/99.

I was in such a panic, I could feel my heart beating out of my chest. They even did an EKG because they were so concerned. That came out normal other than a fast heart rate. I kept telling them I was panicking and they told me that it shouldn't be that high, even when panicking. They didn't believe me, however, I know my body, I knew how I was feeling, and knew panic sent it that high.

I get such bad anxiety over getting my blood pressure taken, so it definitely could be white coat syndrome.

Even when I don't feel as nervous, it gets up to about 140/90.

At home, it runs generally low, but I do take a low dose beta blocker as my pulse seems to run generally higher.

Your blood pressure is definitely fine and anxiety can cause fluctuations in those numbers.

03-10-15, 22:11
It just has me second guessing things (like have I been ignoring symptoms? should I have told the doctor about them?).

The weird head rushes, the stuffed ears, the feeling of my heartbeat pulsing through my body, the skipped heartbeats...

If anything, this is a perfect reminder that it's time to eat better, get more active, etc.