View Full Version : I saw my dr last night

13-02-07, 10:20
Not my usual GP but one ive known since I was a child. He is very nice but stern, he knows I have anxiety issues though so I sometimes worry he doesn't take me seriously.

My headache got alot worse yesterday, I went shopping and I thought I was going to be sick I felt so giddy so I went home. My hubby came home, I rung him up in tears I felt so dizzy, the pain in my head was crushing so dh made me go the dr.

The dr listened to me, I told him the pain was in my nose, temples, jaw, forehead but also down the back of my head. I told him I was abit snotty and lightheaded and totally exhausted. He said straight away it was a facial headache caused by having a very stuffy head from a virus, the children all have colds so he said thats all ive got. He didn;t check my ears, throat or anything, just pressed my face to see if it hurt, it didn't so he said little treatment was needed, he said to take sufafed and paracetamol and to make sure i inhale steam to clear my sinuses and that was that.

I have taken 2 lots of sudafed since last night and my head feels abit lighter but im very tired today (only had 4-5 hours sleep last night though, 2 kidlets were up with their snotty noses) and today I feel very light headed. My legs also feel abit shaky. Is this just anxiety though? im still worrying what if there is something wrong in my head so maybe thats causing the dizziness and shakes in my legs? I also have a funeral today, family friend who died of a brain haemorage, thats not helping my fear either.

Should I forget it now and trust him? surely if he thought i had any kind of bleed or tumour he would of checked my eyes. I did tell him I felt dizzy.

I am so stressed, I have alot on my plate at home.

13-02-07, 11:04
aww Jem

hugs hun.....I so sorry ye feelin unwell...n wit other things on ur plate i know how hard that is..

Personally i would trust ur gp hun...a head cold has all of those symptoms n if other members of ur family r unwell too I would say its more than like that ...........plus gettn anxious about it is not goin to help....Just try n give a few more days hun....n if ye dont feel any beta then go back to ur gp.....hope you feel beta soon hun x

Take care,
Lin xxx
"Fear is dat lil darkroom, wer negatives r developed", so positive thoughts okies!!!!!

13-02-07, 11:13

I will see my regular gp next week if im still dizzy, he knows what im like so will reassure me.

13-02-07, 15:22
Hi Jem,

I think when you go to you regular gp he will know exactly what kind of reasurrance you need hun and hopefully will say the words you want to hear. I know how you feel. Chin up. xx

"When There Was Only One It Was Then That I Carried You."

13-02-07, 15:38

I agree, when I see my regular doctor he knows how to calm me down with the right answers and knows the things, which are realy worrying me and the thoughts, which are going around in my head.


13-02-07, 15:53

if you know that your regular gp would put your mind at rest then you know the one you have just seen was right too, if that makes sense.
I think it sometime helps when you see someone other than your usual gp.
Hope you are better soon,
anx x

Laughter is a tranquilizer with no side effects

13-02-07, 17:10
Hey it sounds like youj have a bit of head cold and anxiety!!!!!!!!
Your doc knows whats going on, and having to go to a friends? funeral beacause of that horific illness is probably playing on your mind too.

Try not to worry and I know thats easier said than done, hope the funeral goes well.

Huggle for you

13-02-07, 20:13
Thank you all, feeling better about things tonight. Today helped me to put things into perspective.

Thank you all for your support.