View Full Version : hpylori/gurgles in throat

04-10-15, 00:01
i had experienced the gurgling in my throat for around two years before i figured out a solution that worked for
me and hopefully some of you.

It all started for me after i got diagnosed with hpylori and i had to have the 'triple therapy' including two antibiotics, at this time i was studying pharmacy at uni but never really knew the effect antibiotics can have on your body and did have but thats a whole other story. Anyway ever since then i started getting gurgles in my throat literally every time i ate anything and especially when i ate a full meal or had fizzy drinks etc it would become so bad that it would be non stop for hours and hours leading to be feeling sick (but never actually sick) i remember telling people it was my stomach gurgling to save the embarrassment of them asking me about it because i honestly didn't know what to say. Like most of you have said the only way i could get rid of it was to lie down on my back but i knew i couldn't get away with doing that all the time, there had to be a solution.
I visited so many doctors and had lots of tests done including the barium swallow which all came back normal. The doctors would tell me its acid reflux and give me some PPIs and send me on my way without addressing the cause. But i knew that wasn't the answer, i never felt acid in my throat and mouth but i decided to take omeprazole, gaviscon, nexium and countless other stomach/reflux OTC medications in hope that it would finally get rid of it but nothing worked in fact it actually made things worse. The gurgles started happening even after just having a sip of water and i noticed how they got really bad during my exam time or any other stressful/anxious situations i was in. I remember one time in my exam i would sit there for the whole 3 hours non stop gurgling which gave me a lot of anxiety there after. I also tried massaging the area and doing breathing techniques, trying to make myself burp, but again nothing worked.

I then decided to do more research from which i knew that there is a problem with the upper oesophageal sphincter not relaxing when it is supposed to to let any air out instead it gets trapped and makes the gurgle noise (so from my understanding the brain isn't getting receiving the correct signal from the nerves to relax the sphincter so instead it stays contracted). I was also reading a book at the time called 'brain maker' which explains the connection between the gut and the brain, stating that if you don't have a healthy gut this can directly affect the brain causing anxiety, depression and a whole load of problems. It also explained that sugary foods, processed food and antibiotics among other things all cause disruption to the gut bacteria meaning there is more bad than good, causing all these side effects. This is when i started taking probiotics every day along with a multivitamin and liquid iron (as i also found out i was anaemic). From this i can say the probiotics have really helped me tremendously with the gurgling and anxiety (which i never used to experienced before the hpylori and the gurgling began) i went from gurgling after every meal to rarely gurgling at all. I do still get some here and there when i have a heavy meal but nothing compared to before. I am still not sure if the gurgling caused the anxiety or the anxiety caused the gurgling, i like to believe its a bit of both.
I really encourage you to at least try taking it and see if it makes any difference, but bare in mind it may be weeks or months for you to notice a difference as it takes time for the bacteria in the gut to rebalance again to a healthy state. i hope this will help some of you as i know how horrible this condition can be at times and how it can affect your life in more ways than one.

My anxiety and strange associated symptoms all started for me after i got diagnosed with hpylori and i had to have the 'triple therapy' including two antibiotics, at this time i was studying pharmacy at uni but never really knew the effect antibiotics can have on your body and did have to me.

Ever since then i started getting symptoms such as gurgle noises in my throat every time i ate food and especially when i ate a full meal or had fizzy drinks etc it would become so bad that it would be non stop for hours and hours leading to be feeling sick (but never actually sick) which then lead to me having a phobia of being sick in public, it got really bad that i would cancel to go to meals with friends and would have to carry a plastic bag with me in my hand bag where ever i went just in case and i always had to sit near a toilet or anywhere near an exit so i could escape if i wanted to be sick, which was ridiculous looking back as i was never actually sick just the anxiety made me feel that way.

On top of that i also developed a symptom of excessive swallowing when i was feeling nervous or stressed, which again caused me to feel sick as i would just keep swallowing every few seconds when i didnt need to, leading me to believe i had OCD about this as well. I remember one time in lecture i couldn't sit at the end because all the seats were taken up so i had to sit in the middle which meant it would be so hard to get out, this lead to me feeling really anxious, i couldn't concentrate, the swallowing and gurgling symptoms really worsened and my heart would start racing as i began to feel sick which brought on my fear again, it was like an on going cycle. But i knew i couldn't walk out of the room and let this beat me even though i really really wanted to. Luckily somehow i managed to make it through the lecture and i got home and calmed myself down. This is when i knew something was really wrong i completely wasn't acting myself. Before this i was never an anxious person about anything or easily stressed in the slightest. But i knew that i didn't want to go to the doctors and start taking anti anxiety medication as even though that may help with the symptoms in the short term it wasn't identifying the true cause of why i was suddenly feeling like this and experiencing these symptoms for no reason at all?

I then decided to do more research from which i knew that there is a problem with the upper oesophageal sphincter not relaxing when it is supposed to to let any air out instead it gets trapped and makes the gurgle noise (so from my understanding the brain isn't getting receiving the correct signal from the nerves to relax the sphincter so instead it stays contracted). I was also reading a book at the time called 'brain maker' which explains the connection between the gut and the brain, stating that if you don't have a healthy gut this can directly affect the brain causing anxiety, depression and a whole load of problems. It also explained that sugary foods, processed food and antibiotics among other things all cause disruption to the gut bacteria meaning there is more bad than good, causing all these side effects.

This is when i had a light bulb moment and started taking probiotics every day along with a multivitamin and liquid iron (as i also found out i was anaemic). After a month or so of doing this every day i began to feel like a different person, i no longer had the OCD swallowing problem, my anxiety is a lot lot better, my emetophobia is so much better i no longer have to be sat right next to an exit all the time and my mood is generally a lot happier and more positive. I really encourage anyone going through a similar thing to research into this and the positive effects probiotics can have not only on your mental health but physical too. As a pharmacist myself i could easily tell you that medication is the answer but in this case i really believe its not a long term solution and the side effects you can experience from medication may only make matters worse. Don't be discouraged if you try this and you don't see a difference straight away as it takes time for the bacteria in the gut to rebalance again to a healthy state.

04-10-15, 07:41
It could have been the antibiotics that caused the anxiety, especially if you took Quinolones as this can be a side effect of them x

04-10-15, 11:10
yeah i definitely agree the antibiotics killed a lot of the good bacteria as well as the bad which contributed to the anxiety, that's why taking the probiotics after really helped