View Full Version : Wobbly legs!!! Help, advice, solutions needed!!!

13-02-07, 11:19
Hi everyone,

I'm currently having terrible trouble with wobbly legs. They feel so weak and I'm worried I'll collapse- even though everyone always says that they will hold you up no matter what.

But can't seem to help it- the more I think about them the worse they seem so try to think of other things but that's easier said than done (like most things it seems!)

It makes just walking from room to room in my home difficult- I keep feeling the urge to sit down and I feel like I'm dizzy and losing my balance. It has the sort of head-rush feeling too.

Don't know what to do for the best- some people have told me to just force myself to keep walking but at the time I'm really convinced I can't do that and need to sit down. Hate feeling like this, especially at home because now it seems I have no-where 'safe' where I can properly relax.

Sorry to moan but really need some help- does anyone have a method to stop the wobbliness- what's the best way to react to the feeling and is there anything I can do to prevent it?[?]

Thanks in advance! Lucy -x-

Our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate, but that we are powerful beyond measure.
-Marianne Williamson

13-02-07, 12:19
Lucy I get the whole wobbly legs thing and feel weak now and then.

I find making sure I eat well regularly ensures that it's not to do with low blood sugar or anything. If I do that then I know it can only be anxiety and somehow that helps me a bit.

While you build up confidence just rest when you need to and try and increase your exercise with some moderate walking!

Just as a last note it does no harm in asking your doctor to give you the once over - afterall if you were anaemic for instance of course you would be bound to feel weak etc. I'm sure they could reassure you - half the battle is knowing what you are dealing with isn't it.:D

Love Piglet

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

13-02-07, 12:51
If this is definately down to stress, please don't worry because it's a typical symptom. I've had wobbily legs for 18 years and I've never once collapsed! No matter how awful it feels, your legs will get you there! Just try going for little walks at first to build up your confidence, and if it helps, consider getting a walking stick to lean on. When I am going somewhere that involves a lot of standing around, I take a fold up chair with me (it's a fishing stool so it folds up really tiny) and then I can rest when I need to.

Please try not to worry about it, and I hope you feel better soon. :)

Love shoegal xxx

13-02-07, 13:05
Well, let's not cast this off to stress and anxiety just yet. Lucy, if you don't mind, please tell me your approximate age and a little more about your symptoms of "wobbly" legs, ie; when you noticed the very first symptoms, whether it came on suddenly or over time, whether it has gotten worse, whether you have pain while walking or at night while in bed, and whether you are experiencing true muscle weakness or whether you feel so tired that you just don't feel like exerting yourself.

Also, please be more explicit about the "head-rush" aspect and tell me whether you have nausea, changes in vision, dizziness, headache, or other qualities to the experience that might be helpful to know. Also, any other symptoms should be noted as well, ie; a rash or changes in weight, etc. that you think may not be associated but yet present.

Best regards and Good Health

13-02-07, 15:40
Lucy, I'm a little reluctant to give advice on this as I'm not a Doctor and not certain if you have seen one or not. However, if you have and the Doctor has given you the ok, then it is most certainly anxiety or panic attacks causing this. I know I had wobbly legs a few months back, particularly when I was outside in the cold. They would shake and tremble and some times my muscles would spasm or twitch. It was spooky.

Once I began exercising though, it wasn't so bad anymore. Even small things, like taking a little walk around your house a few times can help. Don't push yourself too hard, be gentle with yourself, if you feel overwhelmed you can always sit down and take a breather. I still get the wobbly legs myself on occasion so I know what that's like.

I know it can be hard to walk with this, particularly if it's really scaring you. So take it easy, don't do too much at once, just set a time during the day when you can go for a little walk. If you have a walkman or some kind of music you can play as you walk that may help as well. Also, try doing some stretches, yoga would also be a great way to help you with this, particularly if it's anxiety.

That said, I'm not a Doctor and this advice only really applies if it is anxiety causing this. If you haven't seen a Doctor yet I would advise seeing one just to make sure things are alright.

I used to spend days and days in my room because of all my strange symptoms, I felt afraid to even leave. Over time I overcame that fear though, and so will you. Just remember that anxiety cannot continue in an increasing state, it will eventually decrease and slow down, the mission of your mind and body is to keep you safe and well, even if at times it does so in odd ways.

If your Doctor tells you everything is fine (or has told you so) then I strongly recommend yoga, stretching and gentle walking. Don't try to walk too fast, or run around your neighborhood right at first. Take it easy, drink lots of water (spring water if you can get it) and always try stretching before going walking. I would also highly recommend yoga. Further, EFT is a great technique and may be able to help you with this, I would recommend looking into it. If you like, feel free to PM me and I can give you the number and name of someone who can do EFT to help you over the phone.

Good luck and God bless you, remember that this will pass.


13-02-07, 20:19
Hi, thanks to everyone for their replies.

I'm pretty sure it's anxiety- have had PAs and agorphobia for about 4 years now and saw doc at the start to get physical check up and everything was fine.

I am very aware of my iron levels, being a vegetarian, and have a supplement everyday, so again pretty sure it's not anaemia symptons.

Also (sorry if it sounds like I'm rejecting everyone's suggestions- I am truly grateful for the advice), I go on a walk with my mum around the local neighbourhood every night (takes about 30-45 mins) and although that's still hard, particularly if I'm having a bad day, I guess I can cope with it becuase me and mum are holding hands or have linked arms- so she's sort of a 'crutch'.

Will try to eat more regularly in case it's to do with blood sugar. And funny you should mention it, I just started doing yoga about 3 weeks ago and am really enjoying it.

Thanks again for everyone's help- any other comments/suggestions are very welcome! Lucy -x-

Our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate, but that we are powerful beyond measure.
-Marianne Williamson

13-02-07, 20:31
Lucy, I just want to congratulate you on taking such steps to care for yourself. Yoga is great, the walking and the good diet are fantastic too. You're doing wonderfully in a difficult situation, you are amazing (personally I find every one of you to be amazing people for holding on through this) and courageous. Give yourself a pat on the back, despite your wobbly legs you're doing a lot of good for yourself.

Also, do you find that you often think of your problem with wobbly legs? You're probably aware of this, but focusing a lot on the issue and thinking about it a lot can add more fuel to the fire. I would be the last person to suggest repressing thoughts, rather, try to accept them and gently shift your attention to something else when you find yourself worrying too much. Remind yourself that these are just symptoms and can't hurt you. I got a little spooked myself yesterday during my workout when my chest and stomach started trembling. Yet, despite the intense shaking I was just fine and I'm sure you are too.

One more suggestion - when this is really bothering you and you feel like you need to sit down, try to choose a place where other people are around. Particularly people who understand your situation and are supportive, talking to them, playing a game, or even watching a little TV together can definitely help you feel a little better.

Good luck and God bless you, you'll get through this, just keep working on it and try to stay positive.


13-02-07, 21:05
Yes yoga is brilliant Lucy :D:D:D

Piglet x

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.