View Full Version : Nasopharyngeal cancer Fear

04-10-15, 02:05
So let me start off by saying that I already am a cancer survivor. Stage 1a melanoma... so cancer is a huge fear of mine as a hypochondriac. Anyway over the past few months my wife had been going through all kinds of Drs tests to diagnose stomach pain. Which of course stressed me out beyond belief. We finally found out she just had stomach ulcers and began treatment.

I was finally feeling normal again. Then new symptoms popped up over the past month. It all started about a month ago. Woke up and my hearing in my left ear was completely muffled. Felt like I lost like 80% of my hearing. Also I was having a lot of buildup of boogers in my nose (sorry for the graphic detail) that would be extremely neon colored green.. a lot of times with blood in it. Saw an insta care doc who said my left eardrum looked darker and that the whole drum wasnt popping correctly and so he referred me to an ENT. Went to the the ENT a week later and he said he couldnt find anything wrong and let me go.

After about a week my hearing returned to near normal in that ear. Id say 95% percent but then I started getting ice pick headaches that come and go. Sometimes going a few hours to days between hits then it comes. Also have random pains in the face, jaw sinus area and temples. Sometimes the pain is on the left sometimes right. Sometimes it is even in the neck. The pain is so random and not terrible just annoying.

Also now both ears feel full and I have to pop them both many times throughout the day. Also get occasional ear pain and ringing in the ear. It is usually the left ear but sometimes the right too. There seems to be no rhyme or rhythm to the pains. So now I deal with this crap every day for the past 2 weeks or so. All the symptoms I described with still bright green and sometimes bloodly boogers. I also get a slight dizzy spell from time to time though not severe. Though Im not congested at all or feel like I have a cold.

Of course I made a fatal mistake and googled so now I think I have Nasopharyngeal cancer. The only other thing I can tie this to is my brother got a NASTY cold around the same time this happened and I work with him every day. Though I didn't get ANY of his symptoms or feel sick. Anyone have any help or advice? Thanks! I have another appt with the same ENT on monday morning.