View Full Version : Harsh Random Panic Attack

04-10-15, 06:44
I've have dealt with panic attacks for the majority of my life. I have health anxiety but I've been doing my best to not do searching. So I was just fine, I was walking to the restroom and about half way there I just collapse and just going through the most intense panic attack I have ever felt.

I ended up balling up in my hall way and just screamed and sobbed for about an hour, and as I began to calm down I tried to get up off the floor. The second I began to get up I fell back down and went into a another
Panic attack that was worse then the last.

Does this happen to anyone else!? I was minding my business and it just happened. No warning, no alarm, no twinge. Normally I begin to pant before it happens. But this, is just wow.

Any advice? Or has this happened to you? This is terrifying.

04-10-15, 13:22

My name is Chris - i have had anxiety and panic (general GAD I think) for about 8 years.

The difference I seem to see when I compare myself to the other people who have this condition.

My record for number of full blown panic attacks in one day is 23. Yeah, that is not a typo - I mean 23. Virtually one after the other.

I have intrusive thoughts along with situational panic/random panic.

I know from experience that the WORST thing you can do is try to ignore panic - DO NOT run away from it. Instead, think about what it is that you are actually panicking about - you will find the awnser soon enough!

Another good thing to know is that while you KNOW panic attacks wont actually harm you, you need to BELIEVE this. This will take the fear out of it.

You need to accept panic/anxiety BEFORE you will over come it.

I can go for about a year or sometimes 2 years between attacks. Then it stays with me for about a month or so then goes away. However lately I have been experiencing it more frequently.

The best thing I ever did was get a book by Paul David - ' at last a life '... This book is an education and anyone who has panick or anxiety or both needs to get it. It will take much of the fear out of anxiety and panic.

Basically his message is clear - you will never overcome anxiety/panic until you accept you have it and STOP fighting it. Undersatdn that it is ok to feel crap sometimes... however, no matter how bad you feel, get up, go to work, socialise, party, take up a hobby, whatever. Gradually it will get easier and the fear will start to diminish. Trust me.

Sorry for the rambling!

Anytime you want to chat, feel free to drop me a PM


06-10-15, 03:06

My name is Chris - i have had anxiety and panic (general GAD I think) for about 8 years.

The difference I seem to see when I compare myself to the other people who have this condition.

My record for number of full blown panic attacks in one day is 23. Yeah, that is not a typo - I mean 23. Virtually one after the other.

I have intrusive thoughts along with situational panic/random panic.

I know from experience that the WORST thing you can do is try to ignore panic - DO NOT run away from it. Instead, think about what it is that you are actually panicking about - you will find the awnser soon enough!

Another good thing to know is that while you KNOW panic attacks wont actually harm you, you need to BELIEVE this. This will take the fear out of it.

You need to accept panic/anxiety BEFORE you will over come it.

I can go for about a year or sometimes 2 years between attacks. Then it stays with me for about a month or so then goes away. However lately I have been experiencing it more frequently.

The best thing I ever did was get a book by Paul David - ' at last a life '... This book is an education and anyone who has panick or anxiety or both needs to get it. It will take much of the fear out of anxiety and panic.

Basically his message is clear - you will never overcome anxiety/panic until you accept you have it and STOP fighting it. Undersatdn that it is ok to feel crap sometimes... however, no matter how bad you feel, get up, go to work, socialise, party, take up a hobby, whatever. Gradually it will get easier and the fear will start to diminish. Trust me.

Sorry for the rambling!

Anytime you want to chat, feel free to drop me a PM


Thank you so much your post Chris. It has really helped me out. If you ever need someone to pm too, just let me know.

06-10-15, 10:00
I've had many like this. I've even had a few like this over the last few days after being relatively panic free for a while. I call these attacks 'terror attacks' because they feel 100 times stronger than any every day kind of panic attack I have had and they leave me utterly terrified and fearing for my life and sanity.

its so hard not to succumb to the fear when you go through an attack like that, especially when they happen out the blue. They seem to come back one after the one when you are in this state. When I am in this state, which I currently am, I listen and read my Claire Weekes books and audiotapes. They help me more than anything else in life when it comes to panic. I also try and keep my every day routine the same as usual. I try my hardest not to stay in when I should go out because I am scared I will take a panic attack like that when I am outside. Easier said than done though but even just going out for 5 mins around the block gives me a boost when I am in that state.
Also make sure you are eating and drinking enough. Anxiety and panic attacks can come so easily when we haven't ate or drank enough. I've lost count how many times I've had panic attacks after not eating.