View Full Version : what a night......

13-02-07, 11:31
:(Hi all. Hope everyone is well. Havnt been on line for three days because I been soooo busy. My Weimaraner dogs and me went for a run Sat morning and the bitch ran over some broken glass. Hey presto.... half the pad on her back paw has been chopped off. The blood was quite horrific. The only place we could make her sit still was our bed, and so Sunday I had to pop out to buy a new duvet and bedding because the blood had completely ruined it all.
Then last night, we were in bed at 2am, and all of a sudden the alarms were going off. (For those of you who have not read my other posts, we run a very large club, in a not so desirable area) Any how, when my hubby and dogs went down to investigate, the police had already got in, and were shouting get back. Get back! They were yelling at my hubby to get back with our dogs, because the police had their dogs snarling all over, and the police had guns.... So someone had broken into the function room, kicked the shutters on the bars, and a few steps furthur, they would have found the route to our living quarters.....
So a sleepless night was had by all. Thank God I am over the worst of my recent bout of depression/panic, because I would have gone completely over the edge.
I have had enough. Our bosses dont seem to think there is a problem with security. But hey. Its not them that live here is it.....

13-02-07, 11:58
OMG! Thats horrible! It's bad enough your poor dog was hurt, but the break in as well!!! Thank goodness nobody was hurt. Did the police get them in the end? I hope so.
I'm not surprised you didn't get much sleep. I'd be a nervous wreck if it happened to me.
Anyway, hope it all gets sorted out soon.
Chin up. :):):)

Love shoegal xxx

13-02-07, 14:00
Well I hope it puts your mind at rest that the police responded so quick, I was in a gas station a few months ago when it got robbed and I got a gun stuck in my face but the moron didn't wear a mask and was a regular there so he was busted before he even got home.......Not to mention the cameras caught the whole thing.

(no one was hurt)

I wasn't working there I just stopped by on my way to work right across the parking lot.

It is funny you mention this doesn't trigger much panic in you when you have had (I'm guessing previous) panic attacks because my attacks are triggered by heart attack or dizzy symptoms but yet getting a gun stuck in my face just caused more shock then any form of panic....I never lost any sleep over that yet if I feel a chest pain I freak out[?]

But I guess my main point is we both were blessed to have quick acting police....You more so then me....I'm just glad to see the guy that put a gun in my face go to prison and when I looked him up online he had a rap sheet a mile long and had no bussinesse being on the streets.

13-02-07, 14:54
Thanking God that you, your husband and dogs are unhurt from this horrible experience. Hoping your dogs paw gets better soon.

hugs to you


13-02-07, 15:53
Hope you are all recovered from your horrible day, well done for coping so well.


Trac xx

'Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain'

13-02-07, 18:17

Wow what a horrible night for you all - how scarey.

Well done on coping so well with it and I hope the dog is better soon.


People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel

14-02-07, 00:34
Hi all, and thanks for all your replys. The police didnt get anyone last night yet, and I have had a real temper tantrum with my bosses too. The door STILL has not been fixed. Tomorrow "apparantly" Well when I heard that, I went beserk. They are playing with peoples lives here. They were about 5 steps away from getting to our living quarters. Its weirs, like you said, that you dont have a panic attack there and then, its after. I feel a bit of a wreck at the moment. Mind you, if I had a gun pointing at my head, I think I would have more than a panic attack..... Its also strange isnt it, that we can laugh about these happenings. I mean, it must have been terrible to be held up at the petrol station, but you made me giggle when you said he didnt even wear a MASK>>>>> Just goes to show how THICK and STUPID these people are. Well, goodnight all, heres hoping for a good nights sleep.....[|)]

15-02-07, 03:24
Well I pray things get better for you and your dog!

Yes with my incident I was scared at the time but as soon as the robber left I was relieved and just never lost my cool or got panicy what if thoughts.........However the gun was only briefly pointed at me as he ordered me to get down but the cashier had the gun pointed at her for quit awhile and got so shaken up she wound up quiting her job.