View Full Version : Found a slighty movable lump in my arm

04-10-15, 11:21
I have Dr appt for Wed and am not panicking as yet! I was putting cream on my arm and in the crook of your elbow where they take blood tests from I could feel a odd shaped lump that you can move around a bit. If i bend my arm then the lump is more moveable on seems to be on top of the tendon.

I have had small moveable lumps in the past, one on my lower leg that I could move around a large area about the size of a small pea, the Dr told me that these are little fluid filled cysts attached by threads so to speak to a tendon, like a ganglion that you can get on bone but on bone they are imovable. That made sense and after 2 years this one has gone. About 18 months ago I got a tiny tiny one on top of my finger that I still have and can move around from one side to other. Once again Dr said it was same thing and to leave well alone. I still have this one.

I am so hoping that this lump in the crook of my arm is the same thing but it feels different and is not the pea shape that the others were so am a bit worried. Its also hurts if I push it around.

My Gp did not seem concerned about these little cysts on leg and finger so just hope he is right!

Don't suppose anyone else on here has had similar?

04-10-15, 13:40
Hi Countrygirl, could it be a gland in your arm that has swollen up or a muscle you may have pulled? If it hurts that's probably a good sign that it's caused by a trauma or strain of some kind?

04-10-15, 15:10
There are no glands in that area of arm so its def not that. If I bend my elbow to 90 degrees and push my finger under the lump you can see it clearly under the skin, its small grape sized and slightly lumpy and moves up and down and side to side. The fact its moveable means its can't be muscle or it would be fixed and its absolutely in the inner bend of my elbow.

Its right over the tendon so I am hoping thats its something to do with the tendon and nothing nasty:wacko:

04-10-15, 18:54
Could be a bit of tendonitis, although that's quite painful. I had it in my ankle a few years ago. Hope it's improving now?

04-10-15, 19:02
I am hoping it something like that! Its aching like heck around the area. I bravely googled where your lymph nodes are on elbow and thankfully they are nowhere near where my lump is, they are above the inner elbow joint on the upper arm so thats helped me a bit.

24 hrs before I noticed the lump and arm ache I was using some clippers in the garden that you had to pump with your hand so would have been giving the tendons a workout all up my arm and doing this now makes the area hurt more so maybe I have done something??

Wednesday seems a long way off for my Dr appt! I don't want to rush to an emergency appt because this will annoy my husband who thinks its okay to wait to see our usual Dr on Wednesday. Patience - I must have patience!

04-10-15, 22:11
Sounds very likely to me, especially if you've been over using your arms. It's Monday tomorrow, it might even feel better by then but it's only a few days away to your apt, but I do know the waiting is awful. My husband is the same, always says "wait and see how you go" or, "you'll be fine, I'm sure" Try putting some pain relief gel or deep heat on it and massage it gently, it often helps.

05-10-15, 13:47
Its still there but unless I press it my arm is not hurting the same so I am guessing that alot of the pain was due to overuse of the arm in the garden.
It's not bigger than it was either so I am okay with waiting for my app on Wednesday.
Just hope Dr is dismissive of it as well! Will let you know.

08-10-15, 16:15
Hi countrygirl, what was the outcome of your appointment regarding your arm lump?

08-10-15, 17:41
Sorry meant to update. The Dr gave it a good press and wiggle which hurt and he said he was not worried, it was def attached to my big tendon and could be a cyst/ganglion most likely. He said to watch and wait. If it continued to grow and get bigger and affect my arm movement then I would need to see a plastic surgeon to have it removed in which case they would then be able to say 100% what it was but he said it would be major and as he is absolutely certain it is not anything to worry about to just leave it alone.

EXactly what I was hoping he would say.

08-10-15, 17:48
Really pleased for you hun xxx

08-10-15, 19:03
Really pleased for you hun xxx

Thank you x

08-10-15, 20:12
Sorry meant to update. The Dr gave it a good press and wiggle which hurt and he said he was not worried, it was def attached to my big tendon and could be a cyst/ganglion most likely. He said to watch and wait. If it continued to grow and get bigger and affect my arm movement then I would need to see a plastic surgeon to have it removed in which case they would then be able to say 100% what it was but he said it would be major and as he is absolutely certain it is not anything to worry about to just leave it alone.

EXactly what I was hoping he would say.

That's great, you'll be very relieved. Just monitor it and I bet it goes away on its own 👍