View Full Version : sepsis fear. I think my cut is infected!

04-10-15, 15:26
I was carrying my rabbit and I was just letting him down. but he started squirming and scratched or cut me.
now this happened quite often but the scratches usually heal within a day or too.
but this one is still red and has a little bit of pain. after a week.
its got a faint red around it. well to its side. also there is this stuff in it
like a yellowish flaky crust on the scab? I cant describe it.
it doesn't hurt very bad. its just if I touch it with something or move my wrist I get a itchy kinda pain. so yeah. the cuts small. and is very red inside the cut.
im just worried ill get sepsis.
do infected cuts just go away on their own? or do I have to beg my mom to take me to the doctor with I hardly think she will do.

04-10-15, 16:02
Keep it clean, maybe put a plaster over it and some anteseptic cream and it will be fine

04-10-15, 21:24
As said keep it clean, wash with antiseptic wash and use antiseptic cream on it. If you want to be certain the redness is not increasing then you can draw around the existing red area with a pen so you can see if its getting worse or better. If its starts to ooze pus out of it then you need to go to the Dr or if the red area increases in size or you get more swelling.

It is normal for cuts to have red area around them its the body sending in lots of white blood cells to kill off any bugs and is not necessarily a sign of infection unless the above happens.

I love bunnies and used to have a house rabbit:yesyes: