View Full Version : A little announcement

04-10-15, 17:35
Hello everyone

I feel like I have been slacking in my newly appointed admin duties with my absence over the last couple of months, so firstly I apologise for that!

But there was a reason for it. After getting some reassuring news today that all is well I would like to announce that hubby and I are expecting a baby!

I've been absent lately, first, because of the horrendous morning sickness (which has, thankfully, subsided some what) and the fatigue that followed. But, I suppose what has been affecting me a lot is the emotional and mental side of early pregnancy. The 'Ow my God I have to be a responsible adult now!' and 'I'm going to be a mum! Me!' rang a lot, but then the doubts came too. I felt awful in myself that I had not done the things that I wanted to do pre-pregnancy, like get a degree or settle in a proper career, not earning enough to look after a child, not having the mental capacity to cope with motherhood and worrying how I could fail my child. And I started doing the stupid thing of comparing myself to others, how they're prettier than me, smarter than me, coping better than me and so on.

At the moment the negativity has subsided somewhat from the excitement of seeing my baby today, seeing them roll around, chew, knowing that they are healthy and has everything in the right place, and coo-ing over their cute little nose! So I'm savouring that moment and looking forward to the next milestones.

04-10-15, 17:50
Congratulations, Rennie! Wonderful news for you and your husband! You don't need to compare yourself to others-just have a healthy pregnancy and don't worry about anything or anybody else. Enjoy your last few months of comparative freedom!:D

04-10-15, 18:05
Congratulations!!! Delighted to hear the news :) xx

04-10-15, 19:21
Congratulations that's great news.

04-10-15, 19:22
Congratulations Rennie, wonderful news for you both.:hugs:

04-10-15, 19:38
Congrats!!! So nice to hear great news now and again ;)

04-10-15, 21:42
Congratulations!! What a fantastic 2016 you will have. Brilliant news!!xxx

04-10-15, 23:36
Congratulations!!! Fantastic news!

05-10-15, 07:21
Congratulations, Rennie! (Lie in a bit now, slowly nibble soda crackers and sip flat ginger ale;) ...!

05-10-15, 14:14
Happy news! Enjoy your pregnancy and rest as much as you can.

06-10-15, 06:27
Saying "well done" sounds so wrong when it's about pregnancy :D so I'll say congratulations!!!

I bet everyone has doubts, it's a massive life event. But from seeing how you help others and are so committed to the things you do it obvious you will be a great mum! :hugs: