View Full Version : One of my nipples is itchy and dry, scared of pagets disease!

04-10-15, 21:28
So about a week ago I noticed my left breast felt itchy, my nipple to be more specific. It was the very tip but also a little around the darker part too. Yesterday, I noticed a part of it felt dry and rough so I put lotion there and it just keeps itching on and off. It doesnt look discolored, red, swollen nothing like that. It actually looks normal just itchy with some dry skin flakes. I googled, BAD idea! Pagets disease came up, which means breast cancer. I completely FREAKED out! I have never really worried about breast cancer before because I'm fairly young, I'm 30, and it doesn't run in my family. I'm freaking out. Anyone???? :(

04-10-15, 21:57
I had the exact same issue some years ago, it itched like crazy, but I didn't have HA at the time so I didn't worry about it, it was just annoying, after some time it just stopped itching.
I have had my mammograms since and all ok xxx

04-10-15, 21:57
Since I became post menopausal one of my nipples has become very dry and rough, I have had it for past 2 years at least and didn't worry about it until I went ofr a mammogram and a lady in the waiting room I was having a conversation with mentioned pagets disease - cue panic. I saw my Gp next day and he had a look and a feel and said it was nothing like pagets and was just dry skin. He said he knew what pagets looks like, so for your peace of mind make app to see your Dr and get Dr to have a look at it.

05-10-15, 00:14
Thank you ladies! :)

05-10-15, 00:29
Hey there I am in a same state of panic after finding a few red spots on my nipples , I have no pain or anything but after read on google about paget disease am in panic and can't stop worrying am only 20 . I bought some e45 lotion so I hope it clears up . I'm terrified of going to the gp

05-10-15, 09:16
I used to get that loads, never knew it could mean something bad. I just used a thick emollient cream for a week and it went away