View Full Version : Feeling like I need to go, but I don't :/

04-10-15, 23:04
So in addition to my 2 months of abdomen pain now, I am having an extremely uncomfortable sensation for the last few days that seems to be worsening.

The only way I can describe it is the feeling you get I guess around your tailbone area/lower back when you really need to go to the toilet to empty your bowels. That kind of nerve feeling that eventually transfers into relief when you go. Anyway I am having this feeling nonstop that is even spreading down both of my legs, but the thing is, I am not constipated, and my bowel movements have been relatively normal. I definitely don't need to go as I've been going every day, but I seem to constantly have the feeling as if I do, but there is no relief! It's a very uncomfortable feeling. Imagine that almost urgent feeling of needing to go, but you can't go, and don't even need to... Has anyone had this before?! I'm worried I have a tumour or something there that is giving me the impression of needing to empty my bowels :/

04-10-15, 23:26
Also this is a key symptom of IBS, as is the abdominal discomfort, do you have any other symptoms ?

From what you said at the end it sounds like you have already read about or know about the possibility that it 'could' be worse, but a few fairly simple checks with your doctor should clear that up, had a similar check not toooo many months ago and although it was mildly embarrassing it was a weight off my mind.

05-10-15, 00:13
I genuinely haven't looked up anything!

I never read of this being a symptom of IBS, have you had the same thing?

I've had abdominal pain for 2 months now, started in my upper bowl, strangely gradually moved lower and lower. Had pain in the rectum area for the last week or so and now this pain that is giving me the sensation of needing to go but I don't need to. My bowel movements have been normal... seeing a gastroenterologist tomorrow but I'm very worried now about rectal/colon cancer :(

05-10-15, 00:27
Well, Im glad to hear you are seeing someone tomorrow :)
I do not nor have had IBS no, but It is listed as a fairly common IBS symptom on all the key sites that I trust (not encouraging self research), I researched this stuff a lot last year.

Colon cancer rarely gives pain itself because the main part of the colon does not have pain receptors, this I know because that was one of my major worries last year and spoke to several doctors, they all asked about pain and used it as a dismissive, along with many other factors such as there not being any blood, the stools not being narrowed and no obvious change to habits.

I wish you the best with your medical tomorrow, I hope your discomfort clears up soon :)

05-10-15, 01:06
Thanks... so do I :/

05-10-15, 11:59
This is seriously the weirdest sensation I have ever had and it's worse today.

It's like all the nerves around my lower back/tailbone are fired up. It's not pain, but a very uncomfortable/unsettling feeling all around my lower back/bum area and also down the back of both legs. Like a trembly feeling. Seriously the only way I can describe it is that feeling you get as you are having a bowel movement... that kind of nice, relief feeling you get except I am not having a bowel movement lol and I don't need to, and when I do, it doesn't relieve the feeling!

05-10-15, 12:50
Physical symptoms that you cant explain are difficult to digest and often cause worry, try and keep yourself busy and distracted, let us know how the medical goes :)

05-10-15, 13:15
I know this sounds strange, but I'd almost prefer pain than this sensation as I keep feeling as if I need to run to the toilet but there is nothing to come out :/

I'll post here after my appointment :(

05-10-15, 13:34
Hope everything is ok - it does sound like IBS x

05-10-15, 13:40
Good luck for tomorrow, Kaye. I have flare ups of levator ani spasms from time to time. This causes pain and a constant feeling of rectal pressure which can last for days. I wonder whether your discomfort is caused by this?

05-10-15, 13:44
Good luck for tomorrow, Kaye. I have flare ups of levator ani spasms from time to time. This causes pain and a constant feeling of rectal pressure which can last for days. I wonder whether your discomfort is caused by this?

This does sound similar to what I'm getting. I know this sounds weird but, and again I truly apologise for TMI here... but it feels like the inside of my rectum is twitching. Like if you get a muscle twitch, but inside... I feel it more when I sit down, that combined with odd pains and also the nerve sensation in my lower back... does this sound anything like what you get??

---------- Post added at 13:44 ---------- Previous post was at 13:43 ----------

Hope everything is ok - it does sound like IBS x

Thanks, and I hope so... I just want some answers :(

05-10-15, 14:03
I feel more pressure and pain and it's constant-no twitches.

I hope the gastroenterologist can help you tomorrow. It's good that your bowel habits haven't changed but you need a consultant to tell you this as I don't think you will believe it otherwise. I'm glad you will have the chance to get answers to your questions.

05-10-15, 14:04
I feel more pressure and pain and it's constant-no twitches.

I hope the gastroenterologist can help you tomorrow. It's good that your bowel habits haven't changed but you need a consultant to tell you this as I don't think you will believe it otherwise. I'm glad you will have the chance to get answers to your questions.

Thanks, I'm seeing them this evening, I'll let you know what he says :(

05-10-15, 20:25
Booked in for a colonoscopy in a weeks time. The doctor told me flat out I don't have cancer as I have none of the symptoms... I am somewhat reassured.... :/

05-10-15, 20:47
Hi mate

Reading all your posts its IBS , i,m no doctor but have had all you are going threw .

99.9 % certain thats all it is .

Its aweful i know but pre HA i never gave it head space and just accepted it was IBS from the DR , but had many symtoms not associated with IBS .

Pains up ya bum and bloating in my case are IBS , you get to know whats normal for you eventually .

05-10-15, 20:58
glad you got some reassurance...and i'm sure you will get even more once the scope is done :)

05-10-15, 21:06
The doctor told me flat out I don't have cancer as I have none of the symptoms... I am somewhat reassured.... :/

Forgive me but it's almost like you want something to be terribly wrong. Had I gotten a report like that, I would have been jumping for joy!

Positive thoughts

05-10-15, 21:14
I think the fact that you said that you were "somewhat reassured" means that you're not convinced. I hope that the colonoscopy will be enough reassurance for you?

05-10-15, 21:21
Forgive me but it's almost like you want something to be terribly wrong. Had I gotten a report like that, I would have been jumping for joy!

Positive thoughts

believe me I don't want anything to be wrong. I know it's irrational but he said that just based on what I've told him. It's not like he's run tests and taken biopsies and told me that, and then I've still not been convinced lol. But that being said, I actually do trust what he's saying, and when I say somewhat reassured, it's not that I necessarily still think it's cancer, it's more I am still anxious about what's actually wrong still... But I do feel a bit better lol

---------- Post added at 21:20 ---------- Previous post was at 21:19 ----------

I think the fact that you said that you were "somewhat reassured" means that you're not convinced. I hope that the colonoscopy will be enough reassurance for you?

I do trust his opinion but I'm just still concerned about what could be wrong still. But I do feel better than I did.

---------- Post added at 21:20 ---------- Previous post was at 21:20 ----------

Hi mate

Reading all your posts its IBS , i,m no doctor but have had all you are going threw .

99.9 % certain thats all it is .

Its aweful i know but pre HA i never gave it head space and just accepted it was IBS from the DR , but had many symtoms not associated with IBS .

Pains up ya bum and bloating in my case are IBS , you get to know whats normal for you eventually .

I think once I know it's nothing too serious (hopefully), I'll be able to just get on with things, even if I'm still having symptoms

---------- Post added at 21:21 ---------- Previous post was at 21:20 ----------

glad you got some reassurance...and i'm sure you will get even more once the scope is done :)

I do hope so... fingers crossed!

05-10-15, 21:57
That was great news kayeS :)

05-10-15, 22:30
That was great news kayeS :)

I definitely feel better on hearing what he had to say... I'll feel a lot lot better after my colonoscopy if everything's fine :)

05-10-15, 22:38
When my roids flared up I would get itching all down my legs to my ankles. Bum twitching too.

So, don't let this new symptom affect your perception of a consultant's opinion. He said you don't even have the right symptoms for cancer. For me, that's better than any tests since testing is for when there is still a possibility. That's just anxiety eating away at you and this is where acceptance and challenging is needed. Even though you don't know what it is, you have proof it is not cancer.

05-10-15, 23:35
When my roids flared up I would get itching all down my legs to my ankles. Bum twitching too.

So, don't let this new symptom affect your perception of a consultant's opinion. He said you don't even have the right symptoms for cancer. For me, that's better than any tests since testing is for when there is still a possibility. That's just anxiety eating away at you and this is where acceptance and challenging is needed. Even though you don't know what it is, you have proof it is not cancer.

You're right. He wants to do the colonoscopy mainly to look for inflammation as I have a family history of Crohn's so he wants to check for that properly.

The bum twitching is very distracting. It's not near the surface if you know what I mean, it's more inside that area... and it feels like the nerves down my legs are strained... it's very hard to explain the sensation :/

06-10-15, 04:33
Yeah, like it's inside. My roid flare ups would do that. They would also make it seem like my legs were more sensitive.

This is why I think you need to let them come up with explanations because you have people on here who've had your symptoms with IBS, you have what pulisa described and some of the more recent stuff reminds me of when my roids got bad. There could be a combination of these things. I had a mild bout of IBS last year and it caused my roids to play up. The same happens with anything that brings on the runs.

Bathing can be helpful with pain in areas if it is something like roids on top of IBS or what pulisa said. I used to take a bath with a bit of salt in, old remedies, which would help.

Is that area itching or feels sweaty?

---------- Post added at 04:33 ---------- Previous post was at 02:39 ----------

Yeah, like it's inside. My roid flare ups would do that. They would also make it seem like my legs were more sensitive.

This is why I think you need to let them come up with explanations because you have people on here who've had your symptoms with IBS, you have what pulisa described and some of the more recent stuff reminds me of when my roids got bad. There could be a combination of these things. I had a mild bout of IBS last year and it caused my roids to play up. The same happens with anything that brings on the runs.

Bathing can be helpful with pain in areas if it is something like roids on top of IBS or what pulisa said. I used to take a bath with a bit of salt in, old remedies, which would help.

Is that area itching or feels sweaty?

Also, I meant to say that the feeling of not finishing and more needing to come out can be roids too.

BUT if you find yourself not taking a newspaper when you go...thats probably too much eostrogen :winks:

06-10-15, 11:44
Yeah, like it's inside. My roid flare ups would do that. They would also make it seem like my legs were more sensitive.

This is why I think you need to let them come up with explanations because you have people on here who've had your symptoms with IBS, you have what pulisa described and some of the more recent stuff reminds me of when my roids got bad. There could be a combination of these things. I had a mild bout of IBS last year and it caused my roids to play up. The same happens with anything that brings on the runs.

Bathing can be helpful with pain in areas if it is something like roids on top of IBS or what pulisa said. I used to take a bath with a bit of salt in, old remedies, which would help.

Is that area itching or feels sweaty?

---------- Post added at 04:33 ---------- Previous post was at 02:39 ----------

Also, I meant to say that the feeling of not finishing and more needing to come out can be roids too.

BUT if you find yourself not taking a newspaper when you go...thats probably too much eostrogen :winks:

I was up all night with that sensation... I can honestly say I've never felt anything like it. It's like the inside is in spasm. I just can't help but think the worst. I've not had any itching or sweaty feeling really... There's definitely nothing on the outside :/