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View Full Version : Anxiety that I have a brain tumor.....

05-10-15, 11:08
I'm 21 and for the past 3 years have had anxiety I have cancer. I have a knot in my neck that I've had for 3 years and showed two doctors who felt it and said it was merely part of my skeletal muscle (?) I was diagnosed with a b12 deficiency which led to thrombocytopenia. So on top of the anxiety, I have very real health issues so categorizing the two is hard. My b12 deficiency has gotten worse, I believe, and led me to having legs covered in bruises (im talking literally 15+ on each leg) and severe brain fog/mental disfunction and not feeling like myself. It's gotten worse but a day ago I began taking my vitamins and felt more me. Not completely me but more so. Im continuing with my vitamins to see if they help with the mental symptoms. Along with this, I've been having weird headaches. When I stress, the headache is constant and on one side. Most of my headaches, though, are random bouts of dull pain and I noticed it sometimes is in relation to me unknowingly tensing (?) my head out of fear I'll feel pain then begin worrying about a tumor. 4 months ago I had an mri and it came back clear, no brain tumor. But I'm worried I have one and cannot relieve these worries without another mri, which I cannot afford. Would I know if I had a brain tumor? It's been about over a month since these symptoms began again (only they are different this time than the time before)

05-10-15, 12:22
Headaches and head tension are definitly one of the easier ones to get lost in and anxiety oftwn causes ongoing head tension which can be quite unnerving, you had it checked out now the hard part is to accept the results and switch your focus to combatting the anxiety, relaxing and breaking the circle of worry, i have been where you are a few times over tbe years with headaches and the paranoia about tumours, keep folowowing up with your doc, but in the mean time take every opportunity to relax, disract yourself and try to consider your thoughts and behaviours, the faster you can get those under control, the faster the head should clear up. Easier said than done but you can do it :)

07-10-15, 02:41
Hey Hun am about your age am 20 x I suffer really bad health anxiety as well it sucks when we r this young and should not be worrying about these things as we have our whole life ahead but I can totally relate. When I was 16 I started getting really bad headaches only they were not headaches they were like random sharp shooting pains in my head I was terrified and when I told my parents they just brushed it off and said that I was probably imagined it . It continued on and off for about 3 years and I was in a state I was convinced I wasn't going to make it to my next birthday and I was terrified to go to sleep every night because I thought I wouldn't wake up . I had 100% convinced myself I was dying . About a year and a half ago I went to see a doctor and he told me it was just tension headaches due to anxiety it took me a few months to believe him but since then I have moved on to convince myself I have other terminal illnesses (a new one every few months thanks to Dr Google). I haven't had any headaches or pain in my head for over year now. Trust me it's just anxiety when u move on to something else the pain will stop xx