View Full Version : help please

05-10-15, 11:52

Im new to the forum, im 31 year old male who has suffered from anxiety since i was 16

5 years ago i bought the ***admin name removal*** and honestly hand on heart coupled with excersise ( i was overweight) all my anxiety vanished, all my panic attacks vanished until a year ago.

I had a scare with a mole which seemed to re-ignite all my anxiety but even worse than b4, all docs say its anxiety but i have new symptoms that worry me and they are as follows.

for about 3 months i can feel an almost constant pressure in right side of head, i also have these mini jerks of limbs, mainly fingers and arms, they are not visible to others but me

also my memory is not as good as it was and the other day in work when answering the phone i forgot what the pickup button weas, i starred at the phone for 15 seconds until it came back to me, i also seem to type the wrong letters when typing aswell

i just feel drunk, my main concern now is a brian tumor

i saw neurologist a year ago for numbness and a few other things and he said there is nothing wrong with me, this is b4 i had the jerks and headache.

about my headache the doc said i have fluid in my ears and i have to take nose drops for 6 weeks, i have been on them for 3 weeks and actually the week i stopped them waitinmg for my prescription the headache seemed to go away

anyone else had similar symptoms ?

06-10-15, 11:41
wow, i jopined yesterday for support and not one person replies

06-10-15, 12:07
:welcome: aboard - sorry you had no replies

06-10-15, 12:17
Hi Insideout20. I'm sorry you feel you've waited long for a reply. I also joined yesterday too.
I'm sorry you are feeling like this. Anxiety has a habit of sneaking up when you least expect it and when you feel life has been going well. It seems like your anxiety has come back with vengeance. But the most important thing about it is that you have realized this and have took the first steps to seeing help and support :)

But just remember, it is anxiety! Everything you are feeling is not because you are unwell, but rather your anxiety is playing you and caught you at a vulnerable moment. Just remember, these are symptoms of this awful feeling. Keep in mind that it will not harm you. You are not going to die. And whilst you feel like you are walking through life 'drunk' at the moment, remember, you have beat this before and I am certain you will beat it again! Don't give up! Retrace your steps and go back to how you managed to beat it the first time round.

You are stronger than you think :) you can do this. You are not dying, you just got overwhelmed in a vulnerable moment and anxiety slipped back in. But you can do this. I wish you all the best :hugs:

06-10-15, 12:24

Thank you for your reply, i have had it so long i can normally accept most of the symptoms but because im having small body jerks/mycolouns and they are not described in most anxiety sites as a symptom im worrying,

would you worry if for 5 seconds you forgot where the pickup button on your phone was even though you use it a million times a day ?

06-10-15, 12:44
I completely understand where you are coming from. Anxiety affects people in lots of different ways. Have you thought about exercising to help with the body jerks? It could just be a case of adrenaline of over thinking because it is a new symptom for you. You have learnt to deal and over come other symptoms in the past. You've already proved to yourself that you can do it :)
And while you don't find many anxiety sufferers have this symptom, people do indeed suffer from it. It's your anxiety playing tricks and finding different ways to scare you.. Don't let it control you this way!

And as for going completely blank and forgetting things? This is VERY common for people who suffer anxiety. We get so wrapped up in the way we are feeling, every thing is so over thought and we tend to zone out from our surroundings, that we do indeed forget the most simplest things that we do on a daily basis. Anxiety also comes in to play with this as we start to 'freak out' and think we are 'losing it'.. but we aren't, and you aren't either.
As hard as it is, just try to accept that everything you are feeling boils down to anxiety. When you start to understand that, then you will be able to start dealing with it like you did before.

Be strong. You can do it! :)

06-10-15, 12:50
thanks again, i used to be very fit and that with the <name removed> method is what took my anxiety away for years

i need to get back to that again

have you recovered from yours ?

i just feel sometimes we fob everything off with anxiety and could miss something actually happening

06-10-15, 14:30
No problem at all. Yes, do it. Go back to the method you used to cope with it the first time.
The problem with my anxiety is I can cope with the physical things, panic attacks, heart palpitations ect.. they don't scare me anymore (I suffered with them since I was 7, I'm currently 31). Nothing bad has happened to me, I'm still here, still breathing, still enjoying life the best I can. It was a few months ago, after not suffering for the best part of 12yrs that I started a new job. It stressed me out quite a bit as I felt I didn't have much time for my children and partner. It was quite demanding and physical too. I kind of felt myself becoming detached from everything and everyone. My anxiety comes in the form of fear that I have physiological issues. That I'm going 'mad' and 'crazy'. Which will result in me having a 'breakdown'.. I know this isn't possible as I was once told that if you are so aware of these things and fear them, then you can't be because someone who is going 'crazy' or having a 'breakdown' wouldn't be aware that it is happening.
I had my proper first freak out about it yesterday which resulted in me signing up for this site. I know it is just constant over thinking. I just need to train my brain to turn these fears and thoughts off or think about them in a more positive way. I will get there. You will get there too :)

Yeah, sometimes we do fob it off. But you just need to think "I suffered with this for a while, nothing has happened to me yet, so it can't be as bad as I think".