View Full Version : Traveling and HA

05-10-15, 14:51
Hello everyone,

I am writing to ask for advice about traveling with HA. I am taking a trip this week with my family and I am so worried I am going to ruin the trip for myself and the rest of them due to my anxiety and worry. It happened a few months ago and I was miserable...and the guilt of feeling bad made it even worse.

Some of you may have read some of my previous posts...I have dealt with HA for about a year now ever since I had surgery and then got married about 5 weeks later. The worry of the surgery and stress of recovering and planning a wedding was apparently a bit more than I could handle at the time. I started getting a bit better a for a little while, but it has reared its ugly head again!

I have an appointment to get back into some counseling, and an appointment with my doctor to change my birth control pill (which I think may be causing a lot of my issues), but until then I am having a hard time coping. Every bump, bruise, mark, or pain just sends me into panic. And of course, the pains keep coming one right after the other- probably from the anxiety and just being hyper aware of every new ache.

What makes me so upset is I KNOW this is happening, and I know I am probably freaking out for no reason, but I am struggling to stop it. I do have an appointment with a rheumatologist in a couple weeks just to rule out any auto-immune problems, which my doctor is suggesting in addition to my anxiety. So that has me a bit worried as well.

Anyway! If you have any tips for me this week I would appreciate it. I had some counseling in the past and it most certainly didn't help- may not have been the right match. Hoping this new counselor will help in the future.

05-10-15, 15:53
A trip is what you might need. I find that sometimes if I have a change of scenery then it can improve. I know its hard, very hard but try and throw yourself in to things. I'm not to sure where your going or what your doing. Maybe try and take advantage of swimming or walking. Please remember that the anxiety is apart of you even if we all hate it. try not to be so hard on yourself. Your family love you. its brilliant that your getting help, your doing the right thing. Are you taking any medication?? I don't know when your going but it might benefit you to starT to take it and by the time you leave you might start to feel better.

05-10-15, 16:00
Hi Donna,
Thank you so much for your response. Yes, a trip may definitely be needed. I am going to Disney World, so it should be a very happy and uplifting time. But as you said, anxiety is a part of me and sometimes I can't control those crazy thoughts. Hopefully being busy the whole week will take my mind off of some things. I take 3.75mg of tranxene a day (it's a benzo, extremely low dose and can take another as needed), but I am going to try to get off of that soon with the counseling...Benzos are most definitely addictive and I don't want to rely on it forever. Leaving in 2 days, so won't have time to start anything new.
Again thank you for your reply. Sometimes reassurance is better than anything.

05-10-15, 18:59
wow Disneyland, can I come?????? he he he he he. When you get back maybe you could talk to the doctor about changing the tablets, if you feel strong enough then you should come of them if that's what you want. I don't think we give our selves enough credit sometimes. its not easy having this life and we still manage to fight our way through the day especially the bad ones. I bet your have a wonderful time. I'm guessing your a mum so being with your children and watching how happy it makes them will hopefully make you smile. I know being with my little ones makes me smile. There will be so much for you to do and see, it will be incredible. Try not to be hard on yourself, get some rest away from the normal, hopefully you will feel so much better. Have a fantastic time. IM JEALOUS:D let me know how you get on

05-10-15, 22:01
Im always paranoid about how i will be when i go away but.... 9 times out of 10 its usually the trip that helps me deal wih my h/a! So many distractions, friends/family around.. and disneyland right!! Sounds fun

05-10-15, 22:36
Thank you all so much for your replies. Often just talking things out helps a lot, but I don't want to tire out my family as I'm sure they are sick of hearing about it! Yes, Disney...should be a wonderful trip and I am very excited! I am just nervous as my HA tends to go into overdrive when I don't feel "at home", do you know what I mean? I'm a bit concerned right now as well because the back of my right thigh has been hurting a lot all day, as if I pulled a muscle, but I know for certain I did not...I haven't exercised all weekend!! Lol (One of my HA worries is blood clots) :( Anyway, I may try to take a half of a muscle relaxer tonight and see if it feels better in the morning. Hopefully I am worried for nothing.

Thanks again for the chat ;)

06-10-15, 10:21
Maybe you laid funny in bed? I do stuff like that all the time. maybe if you picked up one of the children in a funny position. I know how you feel about when your away, I have to make sure I have certain information about the area before we set out. now that's nutty. I know I should be telling myself this but we all get aches and pains from time to time. Try not to worry and enjoy your holiday.

06-10-15, 14:11
When I travel I challenge myself, I know I am moving away from my safety nets, but I also force myself to understand that I want to see the world and to do that I have to take that risk, its not easy, but it is always, always worth it. Do it! :)

06-10-15, 19:35
What's so funny is that I LOVE to travel...It was always one of my favorite things to do, but ever since this HA started, I worry too much. I just keep telling myself if all the things happened to me that I worried about, then I'd most certainly be gone by now! I guess I might as well enjoy life in the meantime :)
Leaving tomorrow, been a little on edge today in anticipation- mainly just hoping and praying I feel good, for my sake and my family! It's that time of the month (sorry, TMI), and my pain and anxiety tends to be worse during this week.
Thanks for the support!!

06-10-15, 19:41
You are going to have a great time, I mean.. its disneyland! :)
You've got this no worries.

07-10-15, 00:29
Well it's the night before I leave...was doing great until now! Ugh! This awful fear of blood clots is coming after me...pain in my leg and coughing. I know I am just being silly, but I feel awful. I am so looking forward to my new CBT when I get home so I can get this under control. I think my biggest HA fear is blood clots and I have no idea why! Perhaps because I have 2 superficial veins that need to be removed next month and I'm worried they have caused at DVT...not even sure if they can do that? Lol
Anyway, doing some breathing exercises and trying to focus on the good! Just needed to rant. I'm officially tired of my anxiety! The fear of dying has stopped me from living. Not a good way to go through life!

07-10-15, 01:29
I join with you in being tired of the anxiety :) and yes, what you say at the end is absolutely true, as much as we hate it controlling us, it can and often does.
Do whatever it takes to relax yourself, to allow yourself the chance to enjoy it as much as possible, I think you will, It will be such a distraction you will forget all about your pains and worries :)

07-10-15, 01:52
Thank you:) I really appreciate your response. Trying to talk myself into positive thoughts!!

07-10-15, 02:40
Wear flight socks, walk about as much as possible, drink plenty water...
Then distraction, relaxation, but most of all ENJOY!!!