View Full Version : Gallstones

05-10-15, 15:02
After having 2 evening of extreme pain about an hour after eating my Dr thinks I have gall stones. Has anyone else had these?

My pain in between belly button and breastbone. Its lasts for a few hours then goes. I get bloated too..........

16-10-15, 21:43
Sounds like textbook gallstones. What did your doctor suggest as a next step? A scan at a very minimum, I hope.

18-10-15, 23:08
Hi i had gallstones about 15 years ago for about 12 months my gallbladder was full and still is. Mine always started late at night just before bed and would last until morning.

I lost 1 stone in weight and stopped eating chinese food and they have never hurt since.

19-10-15, 03:04
Hi. I had gallstones with the pain you describe. I was told to reduce fat in my diet. This worked for a while but I ended up having my gallbladder out by keyhole surgery. There was some discomfort but no pain after this for a couple of weeks.