View Full Version : Feeling like I'm going crazy and going to have a breakdown because I can't shut down!

05-10-15, 19:02
I can cope with anxiety attacks. I've been doing it since I was a little girl. But for the past few months, I feel like I'm going crazy! Like I'm going to lose my mind! Today was scary. I couldn't switch off (which I struggle to do nowadays). But I actually thought I was in the midst of suffering from a mental breakdown! That is the first time I have felt like that. And it frightened the life out of me. I just want to stop thinking so hard about whether I'm going to feel 'normal' again. Anxiety seems to affect me more mentally then it does physically. Anyone else? :shrug:

05-10-15, 21:24
Hi Charl :)
You're not going crazy or loosing your mind, it's just the anxious thoughts that are making you wrongly believe these things. It's great that you can cope with the panic attacks, so seeing as you can get through that, then you can definitely get through how you're feeling at the moment too. I know it's hard but these thoughts and feelings WILL pass - as the saying goes, 'this too shall pass'. Please don't be frightened as nothing bad is going to happen to you. I've been where you've been and I too thought that I was going crazy, but I came through it and I now know that it's just anxious thoughts that we don't need to pay attention to.
Try and distract yourself and when you get these thoughts just accept them - that they're not going to hurt you, they're just silly thoughts that are not facts.
Have you ever tried therapy or meds? They can help you too.

06-10-15, 07:21
Hi RosieBelle. Thank you for your great words of support :bighug1: I just had a very bad day yesterday that my brain refused to switch off. Which sadly led to me going into panic about having a nervous breakdown. It actually led me to this very site and I signed up. In a way, I'm glad it happened. After going through the forum and seeing how anxiety affects people, It felt like I was taking a huge breath of air.. relief, for the fact that I'm not alone. But at the same time I feel sad that there are so many people suffering so bad and having their lives greatly affected by anxiety.

I have never tried therapy or meds, I've actually never seen a doctor about my anxiety apart from when I was 7 and my mum took me. She carried me away as she didn't believe it was right for me to be mediated so heavily at such a young age. Like I said, I've coped with panic attacks most of my life. They don't actually affect me physically at all. It is all physiological for me. If I can get past that, then life would be good :)

06-10-15, 08:55
Hi Charl :) aww no need to thank me, I just know what it's like and wanted to let you know that you're definitely not alone. As you can see you can get so much support on here as we're all in the same boat.
How are you feeling today? Don't worry, bad days happen and they won't last forever. I always think of the sayings - 'this too shall pass' and 'if you're going through hell, keep going'. But I'm glad that you can see the positive in that happening, as you now know that you can get support on here and that you're not alone and others can get through this, so you can too.
I would advise you to go to the doc because they can refer you to therapy, such as CBT and maybe you can discuss meds too. I'm on an anti-depressant for anxiety and I feel it has helped me to stop the anxious thoughts from going into panic. You can also follow CBT courses online which I did and it has really helped me too. :)

06-10-15, 10:41
I am feeling much better today thank you RosieBelle. Been doing a lot of positive thinking. I had that scare and panic yesterday, but after thinking about it, managed to convince myself that I can't possibly be going 'crazy' or having a 'breakdown'.. I'm just too aware of what is going on around me. I once heard that if you think you're going crazy, you most certainly are not. Because you wouldn't be aware of the fact you are. In fact, you are absolutely more in control then most people because you are more aware and your senses are heightened. I don't know if this is true. But I find it a massive comfort that it is just my anxiety trying to get to me in other ways because I don't pay attention to the physical attacks.

I've been looking up on CBT courses. I feel this would work best for me. I need to change my thought pattern. Thank you for your support :) it is a huge comfort to know that we are not alone. Your positive thinking is amazing! I hope you are feeling well. You certainly have the right attitude and I bet you have been a huge comfort to many members in here :D

06-10-15, 20:40
Oh that's great that you're feeling much better :) As they say, it's just a bad day, not a bad life. That's how you've got to look at it, that the thoughts won't last forever and will soon pass. Just 'cause we have a little blip it doesn't mean that we're going back to square one with he anxiety. That's a great way of looking at it too, as yes I've heard that before that if someone is going 'crazy', they won't actually be aware of it. We're not going to have a breakdown or anything, it's just silly anxiety.

CBT is highly recommended for treating anxiety, so it will be good for you to challenge the thoughts and turn them into more positive, rational thoughts. You can get it free on the NHS or there's private therapists that you can find in your area by looking online.

Aw thank you, that's sweet of you to say. It's nice to come on here and see that we're not alone. I'm doing good thanks, hope you're feeling well too. :D