View Full Version : Greetings from Turkey, in need of support!

05-10-15, 21:03
Hi there,
This is my third time struggling with anxiety and panic attacks in the past 12 years, each time I go on meds, think I am ok after a year or so, come off them and within a year it starts again. At the moment I am on a beta blocker (my bp rises with anxiety at least my gp thinks its that), just started Citolopram (third time) and am on 4 gm diazapam when needed. Finding it a real struggle as there isn't much help here for this kind of thing my gp has pretty much brushed me off now. I am desperate for the cit to kick in as I have an upset stomach constantly, the horrid fluttery feeling in my throat and constantly snap at my loved ones. I am a teacher and finding myself distracted constantly by whatever i think is wrong with me that day. In desp need of support and positivity. x

05-10-15, 21:10
Hiya kuzun and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

05-10-15, 21:41
Hi Kuzun,

How long have you been on the citalopram this time? Maybe you're still suffering with the start up symptoms and may need a bit more time for them to do their job.

In the long term maybe it might be an idea not to come off the meds as they're keeping you stable.

I used to struggle with bad stomachs when I was on SSRI drugs so you have my sympathy, I hope it passes soon

06-10-15, 08:36
Hi, I haven't been on them long so they aren't kicking in yet. This time round has been worse than ever, had hair loss for nearly 2 months and a bad stomach which is ok until I get panicky then it's a dash to the toilet, then I start googling everything and the next thing I know I have everything under the sun. My mum and dad have flown over to stay with me for a couple of weeks and my mum has made me take the diazapam I was prescribed as I was reluctant to take it, hoping they kick in before they have to leave.

06-10-15, 09:04
Hi Kuzun.
I know how you feel. I have had similar experience, I co e off of the Prozac and within a year I am back on them.

My GP said that antidepressants don't cure the underlying cause. I think she's right.
I have been doing some mindfullness stuff and meditation and I find it really really helpful, but it's hard work. So that's the good news! Because working hard is some thing you can do. So,first up. 'Get well'. Take the meds. I liked a quote I saw on this site, it said. 'Google is not your friend'.
Can you access any therapy?
My first depression was 23 years ago and my second serious bout of anxiety was
6 years ago, followed by depression at Christmas last year.
Read the articles on this site about why we get anxiety. Learn about the illness.
You will get well you know. It's hard, really hard, but hard is okay. We can do hard. It's 'scary' that's crippling.
We have to learn to cope with the fact that we have anxiety, forget all the other symptoms that we Google, create and imagine. None of them would bother us if we didn't have anxiety.
Take care my friend. You are not alone.

06-10-15, 09:35
Hi Kuzun :)
Like Bernie said, the Citalopram probably hasn't kicked in yet and you can get an increase in anxiety before the meds start to work, so hold in there Kuzun. Just remember that these thoughts and feelings will always pass and won't last forever.
I agree with Carrielee too in that you should access therapy as this will address the cause of the anxiety. Can you talk to a doctor about getting therapy or you can also follow mindfulness and CBT courses online.
You will get lots of support on here - you're definitely not alone :hugs:

06-10-15, 10:49
Thank you, No there is no therapy where I am in Turkey so I will check the things you all recommended. We have actually decided to move back to the UK next year as I really want to get better. My brother has severe depression and has been on meds for 25 yrs and will be for the rest of his life, he has to have ects, the treatment he gets is a world away from what I get here, I have now stopped going to the docs as it sets me back so much they just test me for everything, charge me lots of money then send me away saying think positive thoughts - if only it were that simple. Thanks for the replies its so nice knowing I am not alone.

06-10-15, 20:44
Oh I'm sorry that there's no therapy in Turkey, but you can follow CBT, mindfulness etc...online and there's books you can buy, like 'CBT For Dummies' and 'Overcoming Anxiety'. I've found it really helped me just by following some CBT online, so I hope it can help you too :)